
第3章 形容词 副词


最上级的形容词前面,照规定是应该加the的,但These roses smell sweetest of all. 句中的sweetest, 分明是最上级形容词,为何又不加the呢?


(a)It is best to do so. (最好是这样做。)

(b)This is the best book I've ever read. (这是我读过的最好的书。)因为best后接有名词的book, 所以the决不可少。再看下举二例:

(a)The lake is deepest at this point. (此湖在这里最深。)

(b)The lake is the deepest in the world. (此湖为世界上最深的湖。)在(b)例中的the deepest=the deepest lake, 所以还是因为接有名词的关系,the不能省。如果后面没有名词,只有形容词时,便可将the略去,如New York Harbor is loveliest at night perhaps. (纽约海港也许是在晚上最可爱。)再研究上面说湖的两个例句,我们得到这样的原则:(1)最上级带有名词的,必须有定冠词,the deepest即可把它当作一个名词看待,这是用来与其他同类物比较的。(2)没有定冠词的deepest是形容词,用来与其本身比较。比方说上面(a)例的本身比较,即为在同一湖中这里跟那里比,看何处的水最深。再以纽约海港为例,是说在同一地方,将早晨、正午、黄昏、夜晚等等时候来比较,看什么时候最可爱。


The stars are brightest when there is no moon. (没有月亮的时候,星星最为明亮。)

这是说,有月星不明,有云星也不明,有雨星也不明,同在夜间,由各种不同的夜来比较,看何时星光最亮。又名演员Gisele Mackenzie说:

Like most show people, I feel happiest when my life is maddest. (也像大多数演员一样,当我的生活最狂热的时候,我感觉到最快乐。)


You never like to dance. I think I've been happiest when I was dancing. Sometimes I wish that I'd tied a tape measure to my ankle when I danced all my life. Then I could tell you how many miles I've traveled when I was happiest. (你总不喜欢跳舞。我想我在跳舞的时候是最快乐的。有时我希望在脚上系一把量长度的卷尺,当我一生跳舞的时候。那么,我就可以告诉你,我在最快乐的时候,走了多少英里的路程。)

30.most, a most, the most

It is most important for anyone to choose good friend. 一句中,most为最上级,为何它前面不加the呢?

【解答】这个most的用法,叫作绝对最上级(Absolute Superlative),常可用它来表示一个很高的程度(a very high degree),而不是最高的程度(the highest degree),略等于“very, very+原级”,不是说那特定范围内的“最”,而是说一般情形中非常高级的。它在副词中也用得很多。It is most important(非常重要),既等于very, very important, 自然前面不要再加the了。

英文的最上级,普通指相对最上级(Relative Superlative),例如He was the bravest of all. (他是在所有的人当中最勇敢的。)如用绝对最上级来说便成为He is a most brave man. (他是一个非常勇敢的人。)句中a most brave man=a very brave man. 现在我们发现有三种不同的说法了:most, the most, a most. 用例句来作一比较:

(a)The scenery here is the most picturesque in this neighborhood. (这儿的风景是附近一带最美的。)

(b)The view from the mountain top was most picturesque. (从山顶望去风景极美。)

(c)It was a most picturesque scenery. (那是一片非常美的风景。)

此外most一字作“大多数的”,“大抵的”解时,也不加the, 例如most students of this school are dayscholars. Some come to school by train or by bus, and others by bicycle, but most of them on foot.

当我们用相对最上级时,如果要把语气再加强或稍减弱的话,又要怎样来说呢?比方中国话的“他算是我们班上最优秀的学生”,没有肯定说他确是,而只说他算是,英文就可以译作:He is about the brightest boy in our class. 若果想要再说得漂亮一点,等于舞弄文字的话,就不妨用practically一字。这字比about好,在字面上看去是似褒实贬的一个实用的字,因它除“实际上”一解之外,还有“差不多”(almost)的意思,例如He is practically dead. =He is as good as dead. (他简直像死了一样。)There is practically nothing left. (差不多没有剩下什么。)She is practically the most beautiful girl in our town. (她大概是我们城里最美的姑娘了。)反之,我们如果要在最上级时再加强语气的话,就可用much或by far的字眼,如He is much the brightest boy in our class. (他确是我们班上最最优秀的学生。)

英文表示最上级有happiest, the happiest, most happy, most happily种种说法,用时必须仔细加以分别。


英文副词正常的比较,为soon, sooner, soonest; 及wisely, more wisely, most wisely两种形式,但在书上又发现最上级的副词前面,居然也附加定冠词the, 请说明这种用法。

【解答】副词的最上级普通诚然是不加冠词的,不过确是常见有人加用,照美国文法家Curme说,这种用法在口语中极为普遍,笔下也时常见到,副词最上级前加the, 是作为宾格意味的副词而用的。例如:

Of all my books I like this the best. ——Dickens


It is impossible to say whose eyes would be the widest opened. ——Henry Arthur Jones


Frits works the hardest of all.


John played badly, Tom played worse, and Harry played the worst.




He runs the faster.


Ruth could not tell which she liked the better.


通常在比较级形容词的前面,是不要加定冠词的,但在He is the taller of the two. 一句中,为何又加了the呢?

【解答】英文形容词的比较级,是把两种性质拿来比较的,比方说“甲比乙高”时,英文原有两种译法,一种是把甲、乙二人都说出来,如A is taller than B. 另一种是只说出其中一人来,如A is the taller of the two. 凡在比较级之后有of the two(有时略去)的,则必须加the(注意要加的是定冠词的the, 而不是不定冠词的a)。例如:


He is the taller of the two.


This pupil is the cleverer of the two.


This boy is the more agreeable of the two.


Of gold and silver, the former is the more precious.


He belonged to the upper class.


The music was popular among the younger generation.



Which is more nourishing, rice or oatmeal?


Rice is the more nourishing(of the two).


Rice is more nourishing than oatmeal.



Iron is a more useful metal than gold.


Iron is the more useful of the two.

33.the more...the more中the为副词

英文的定冠词the, 用在So much the better(那样更好)等句中时,据说就变成副词了。关于这个副词,它到底有些什么用法,请详加解说。

【解答】这个the是表示程度的副词(“the”as Adverb of Degree),通常都是用在比较级的形容词或副词的前面,而具有那种程度(in that degree)之意。在它的前面或后面常有表示原因或目的的字样,可译为“因此更加”。这种与比较级同用的副词the, 可分单用和复用两种情形。上面说的是单式,通常要用for或because来说出理由的,例如:


I feel the better for my walk.


I will help you the more willingly because I know your father.


You should not think the worse of a man because he is poorly dressed.


She raised herself in bed, the better to watch the dog.


He is taking more care of himself, and looks the better.


If you start now, you will be back the sooner.


He shouted to call her, and she ran away all the faster.

在上面最后四个例句中虽未用for或because, 但在前半句中已经把那原因说出来了。


I love him none the less for his faults.


I love him all the more for his faults.


I am never the wiser for your explanation.


He found himself much the better after he had takan it.


The danger makes the sport only the pleasanter. ——Thackeray: Vanity Fair

第二种用法是复式,为“the+比较级,the+比较级”。这两个相对的句子,构成英文的复句(Complex sentence),但前后两个the的性质是不同的。前面的the为关系副词,后面的the为指示副词,因而后句成为主句,前句是附句,关系副词具有in what degree或by how much之意,而指示副词则具有in that degree或by so much之意,实为带着指示代名词意味的一种副词。前后两句可译成“越是……越是”。


The more a man has, the more he wants.


The more he flatters, the less I like him.


Come, my lads, it's no use thinking of it; the sooner done, the better.


The higher up we go, the colder it becomes.



The nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat.



The sooner, the better.


The more, the merrier.



More haste, worse speed.



The stone gets the harder, the longer it is exposed to the weather.



“你觉得够暖吗?”一句,译成英文Are you enough warm? 为什么是错误的?而“我们没有足够的时间。”译作We haven't enough time. 又对了;enough一字在一句中的位置,到底有没有一定,请详细说明。

【解答】英文不可以说Are you enough warm? 必须改成Are you warm enough? 才通。因为照英文的惯用法,enough用来修饰形容词、副词或动词时,是要放在那些字的后面的,例如:It's not good enough. (这不够好。)It is boiled just enough. (煮得火候恰好。)Have you played enough? (你玩够了吗?)以上是把enough当作副词用的。如果当作形容词用时,放在它所修饰的名词前面或后面都可以,例如:I have time enough for the purpose. 也可以说I have enough time for the purpose. 不过放在名词的前面时,意思多少要加强些,有时在发音上可把强意表示出来,如:

There is enough food for everybody.

There is food enough for everybody.


Acquaintance: a person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. (所谓熟人是熟到够向他借钱的人,而不是熟到借钱给他的人。)

此字又可作名词,例如:You have done more than enough. (你做的足够有余。)We have had enough of everything. (酒醉饭饱,一切都足够了。)We had enough to do to catch the train. (好不容易才赶上了火车。)Enough of that. (够了呀!)


He was fool enough to marry her. 一句中,在fool前,为什么没有冠词?请将理由说明。

【解答】上举英文句意为“他愚笨得竟和那个女人结了婚。”或“他和那个女人结婚,真是愚不可及。”句中的fool一字,并不是指具体的人,而是表示名词fool所包含的那种性质,实际就是等于形容词的foolish, 正如说He is no fool=He is very clever句中fool的用法一样,不是指的“愚人”而是指的“愚笨”。这种前无不定冠词下接enough的表现法,都不是指人而是指事,字典上和文法书上没有说明,初学者应特别注意。现再举例如下:

He was not man(=manly)enough to admit his mistake. (他不像大丈夫一般肯认错。)

I am not philosopher enough to think out a solution to this problem. (我没有足够明哲的思考力对这个问题想出一个解决的办法来。)

I am not poet enough to have such sentiments. (我没有发生那种情绪的诗心。)

He was gentleman enough to help her. (他够绅士派头地帮助了那个女子。)

He was scholar enough to read the inscription. (他有足够的学识能读懂那个碑文。)

He was not blunderer enough to repeat his mistake. (他不贰过。)

36.young enough和old enough

She is young enough to get married. 和She is old enough to get married. 两句在意义上有何不同?

【解答】She is old enough to get married. 意为“及笄之年”,即女孩子长到十五六岁可以结婚了。至于She is young enough to get married. 则是指四十岁前后的女人,还够年轻可以结婚。至于说She is too young to get married. 意思便是“她太年轻还不能结婚”。这句话如果不用too...to...,而换用...enough to...的造句法时,不能说She is not young enough to get married, 而要说She is not old enough to get married. 才对。因为not young enough是指“不够年轻”意即太老了,说not old enough才是说年纪太小,还没有到结婚的年龄。初学者必须注意由too...to改成enough to时,是要用相反的形容词的,但是用so...that时,就和enough to一样,如:

You are old enough to understand such things. =You are so old that you can understand such things. (你的年龄已经够大了,应该能够了解这些事情。)

37.不可以说I am glad enough to see you

为要强调I am glad to see you. 一句,只能说I am very glad to see you. 为什么不能说I am glad enough to see you. 呢?

【解答】作副词用的enough, 并不是在所有的形容词后都可以用的,通常后面可采用enough的形容词有bad, brave, careless, clever, courageous, cruel, dangerous, foolish, good, high, honest, imprudent, kind, large, long, low, old, old-fashioned, patient, poor, prudent, rich, sensible, shrewed, silly, strong, tall, weak, well, wide, wise, young等等。

在形容词与不定词之间,在什么场合要用enough, 在什么场合不要用enough, 有一条这样的规则可以应用:凡是可以用“so...as to...”的场合,就可以用enough, 否则,就不要用enough, 例如:

We are so old as to be able to study for ourselves. (我们的年龄够大,可以自己读书了。)


We are old enough to be able to study for ourselves. 但在质问中所举出的例句,就不能说:I am so glad as to see you. 所以也不能说I am glad enough to see you. 在上面举出的那些形容词是两种说法可以通用的,如:

Will you be kind enough to tell me the way? =Will you be so kind as to tell me the way? 但要注意的,是这二者虽可通用,却不能混用,你不可以说Will you be kind enough as to tell me the way?

有的句子可以加用enough, 也可以不加,不过结果是使含义多少有些变化,例如:

(a)He is lucky to have such a son.

(b)He is lucky enough to have such a son.



Both(of them)are not my brothers. 译作“他们两个都不是我的兄弟。”为什么不对?这句英文的正确含义到底是什么?反过来,上面说的中文句,英文应怎样表达?

【解答】Both(of them)are not my brothers. =One is not my brother, but the other is. 意为“他们两个当中,只有一个是我的兄弟”。如果要说两个都不是的话,英文应说Neither of them is my brother. 比较下面三句的含义:

I know both of them. (他们两个我都认识。)

I do not know both of them. (他们两个我只认识一个。)

I do not know either of them. (他们两个我都不认识。)

注意:both是指两个,either, neither也是限于两个,所以是有关连的;用法上所不同的,前者用于部分否定(Partial Negation),后者用于全部否定(Total Negation)。什么叫做部分否定呢?凡all, both, every等字,与否定副词not同用时,便成为部分否定,例如all not的意思,不是“全不是”,而是“不全是”。比较:

I know all of them. (他们我全认识。)

I do not know all of them. (他们我不全认识。)

I do not know any of them. (他们我全不认识。)

莎士比亚的名句All that glisters is not gold. (闪耀的未必都是黄金。)(glisters=glitters)。如果要说“闪耀的都不是黄金”的话,就应说None that glisters is gold. 用none才是全部否定。又如Every man cannot be a poet(=Some can be poets, while others cannot. )(非人人都可成为诗人。)如果要全部否定,便是No man can be a poet. (无人可成为诗人。)兹再就这种部分否定的用法,分类举例说明如下:

(a)You can't fool all the people all the time. (你未必能够老是愚弄所有的人。)

One would not, like Lear, "give everything. "——Charles Lamb(一个人不见得能像李尔王一样把一切都给人家。)

(b)He is not always so sad. (他并不是经常这样悲伤的。)

This is not found everywhere. (这并不是到处都可找到的。)

(c)Women are never to be entirely trusted——not the best of them. ——Conan Doyle(女人不可以完全信任,哪怕是品德最好的女人。)

Joanna was not altogether satisfied with the sailor. ——Thomas Hardy(乔娜对于那个水手并不完全满意。)

Somehow the old house is not quite what it should be. ——Charles Lamb(不晓得怎样的,那老屋子并不十分合乎理想。)


为什么我们只能说That is a wooden house. 不能说That house is wooden. 呢?

【解答】英文的形容词可分两类,一类叫做叙述形容词(predicative adjective),另一类叫做限定形容词(attributive adjective)。什么是叙述形容词呢?那就是用在述语的后面来修饰主语的。什么是限定形容词呢?那就是用在名词前面,以限定其意义的。不过大多数的形容词,既是叙述的,同时也是限定的,例如:

He is old. (叙述用法)

He is an old man. (限定用法)

但有某些形容词,却只有一种作用,叙述的不能用作限定的;限定的也不能用作叙述的,否则就是错误。这就是That house is wooden一句之所以不通的道理。英文wooden一字是限定形容词,只能用在名词之前,不能用在动词之后,所以只能说:That is a wooden house. 不能说That house is wooden. 如果一定要拿that house做主语,说那房子是木造的,就可以说That house is built of wood.


A kind man.

An early riser. (=a man who rises early)

A natural philosopher. (=a person who studies natural philosophy)

The poor law.

For your lovely sake. (=for the sake of you who are lovely)



Poet Laureate, China proper, Henry the Fourth, heir apparent, God Almighty. 等。


Father dear, my Lady sweet, arise(莎剧)。

(3)以something, anything, somebody等为headword时:

There was something noble about the man. (那人气度很高尚。)

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. ——Emerson(没有一件伟大的事不是热心做成的。)

(4)以-able, -ible终结的形容词:

Paris is one of the most delightful places imaginable. (巴黎是可设想得到的最愉快的地方之一。)

We get all the assistance possible. (我们得到一切可能的帮助。)


A man poor but contented is to be envied. (一个贫而乐的人是可羡慕的。)

I never heard a tale, so sad, so tender, and so true. (我从来没有听见过一个故事,有这样悲哀,这样温柔,又这样真实的。)


It is not so, honour bright. (决无其事,我可以发誓。)

I will come on Sunday next. (我下星期日来。)

叙述形容词最常用的有ill, well, bound, content, unable, worth, 以及字首为a-的字,alive, asleep, afraid, ashamed, awake, alone, aware等,例如:

He is ill. (他生病。)不能说an ill man.

I am afraid. (我恐怕。)不能说an afraid man.

He was content with the result! (他对那结果很感满意!)比较限定用法的A contented person is happy with his status quo。(知足常乐。)

His words are worth notice. (他的话值得注意。)比较限定用法的We must live a worthy life. (我们必须要有品德。)


We saw nothing alive. (我们未见一个生物。)

I have a diamond worth thousands of dollars. (我有一粒价值数千元的钻石。)


“他没有告诉我他什么时候回来。”译成英文He has not told me when he will be back. 为什么不对?请说明when的用法。

【解答】这句英文的错误,关键在when一字,因为作“疑问副词”用的when是不能与perfect tense连用的,我们不能说When have you come back? 只能说When did you come back? 同样的理由,质问中的句子,应作He didn't tell me when he would be back. 才对。这是完全指的过去,与现在无关,所以不能用现在完成时态,因为这种时态是与现在有关系的。

英文的when一字,虽也可以用作名词(如He told me the when and the why of it. )或代名词(如Since when has he been ill? ),但主要是用作疑问副词(Interrogative Adverb)及关系副词(Relative Adverb)。疑问副词作“何时”(at what time)解,而关系副词就作“当时”(at the moment)解,疑问副词说时要强调,关系副词不要强调。一般用疑问副词的子句为名词子句,用关系副词的子句为副词或形容词子句。把关系副词前的先行词略去,那个关系副词就变成疑问副词了,如:

I don't know the exact time when he will arrive. (关系副词)

I don't know when he will arrive. (疑问副词)

将第一句中的先行词the exact time去掉,这个形容词子句when he will arrive, 就变成know的宾语,即名词子句了,所以关系副词的when也就变成疑问副词的when了。


When shall we go? (我们何时去?)

I don't know when it was. (我不知那在何时。)


(1)当……之时(at the moment):

He didn't tell me when he went out. (当他出外时他未告诉我。)

(2)正当(and just then):

We were about to start, when it began to rain. (正当我们出门时,天下起雨来了。)


It is cold when it snows. (每当下雪,天气很冷。)

(4)当……之后(after the time that):

He will go when he has finished his dinner. (他吃过晚饭后就去。)


We have only three books when we need five. (我们仅仅只有三本书,虽则我们需要五本。)


You shall have it when you say, “please”. (只要你说一句“请给我”,你就可以拿去。)


How can I refuse when refusal means death? (想到一拒绝就没命了,我怎能拒绝呢?)

41.India paper和Indian paper

有种极薄而不透明的纸,中国通称为圣经纸,英文叫作India paper, 为什么不称为Indian paper呢?用名词和用形容词作修饰语,有什么不同?

【解答】英文字典或《圣经》或烟卷所用的那种薄纸,只能称为India paper, 不可以称为Indian paper, 因为它并不是印度所造的纸。那种纸之所以称为India paper, 只是因为经由印度而传入英国的缘故,实际是中国的制造法,应该说是中国纸才对。法文就叫作中国纸(papier de Chine),中国写字的墨,英国人也把它称为India ink, 理由相同。

英国人爱喝下午茶(afternoon tea),喝的是China tea(中国茶),但不是中国出产的茶(Chinese tea),而只是依照中国制法,在中国以外的国度生产的茶。

英文用名词来作形容词(attributive use of noun),是近来很流行的办法,Lord Dunsany发表一篇《英语的状态》(England Language Conditions)的文章,说形容词逐渐被名词所取代,如不用hostile而用enemy; 不用central而用centre, 不用English而用England之类,英文正统的用法未免受到破坏,他很担心英语的颓丧。其实他是杞人忧天,英语的这种发展只丰富了英语的表现,一点也没有妨害它的发展。例如伦敦《泰晤士报》派一名通讯员到罗马去,便称他为“罗马通讯员”(Rome Correspondent),如果不用名词Rome, 而用形容词的Roman的话,说Roman Correspondent, 就变成罗马人担任的通讯员了。二者之间的分别很大,如果不用名词作修饰语,许多情况都无法表现了。

我们不妨再举些例子来说明一下:说gold watch才是真的金表,如果说golden watch也许是铜的,只是金色罢了。

“铁石心肠”只能说a stony heart, 不可说a stone heart, “石工”只能说stone-worker, 不能说a stony worker. 是各有其固定的含义的。

某些组织或机构的名称,大都是采用名词的,如伦敦的“中华协会”叫作China Institute, 在第二次世界大战时,有所谓China Theater, 是指的中国战区。“音乐教师协会”为Music Teachers Association, “战犯调查委员会”为War Crime Commission.


Have you ever seen a whale blowing?

No, I have never.

No, I never have.




No, I have never seen a whale blowing. (没有,我从来没有见过鲸喷水。)但简略地回答时,则为No, never. 或是No, I never have. 如单用No, never. 时,则重音在No和never的第一个音节。如答No, I never have. 则重音在no和have二字上,因为要把have加强地来说,所以要把它移到句末,说时可使音调好听些。凡要加重一个字的分量,就得把它移到一句话的尾上。


I hope never to see him again. (我希望不再见到他。)

(=I do not hope ever to see him again. )

I intend never to see him again. (我不想再见他。)

(=I do not intend ever to see him again. )

I expect never to see him again. (我打算不再见他。)

(=I do not expect ever to see him again. )

I plan never to see him again. (我计划不再见他。)


He has never failed me in my need. (我穷困时他总是接济我。)

I will never consent. (我决不允诺。)

I have never been in London. (我从未到过伦敦。)

但You never can tell. 是一个例外。这完全是音调的关系,大概因为can never两个“n”,念时会连在一起而不清楚的缘故。


Never shall I see him again. (我不会再见到他。)

Never in my life have I heard of such a thing. (我生平没有听到过这样的事。)

Never has he seen her before. (他从来没有见过她。)

Never was there a time when crops were so bad. (收成从来没有这样坏的。)


I never saw him before. (我以前没有见过他。)

He never has failed me in my need. (我穷困时他总是接济我。)(较前举者语气为重。)


Never having seen him before, I did not know what he looked like. (我从未见过他,不知他是一个什么样子。)

I am under a promise never to taste strong drink. (我誓守永不饮烈酒的约束。)

He claims never to have seen her before. (他声称从来没有见过他。)

如说成Having never seen him before, I...或是He claims to have never seen her before. 都是不正常的。


试将As I did not know what to say, I remained silent. 一句改为分词造句时,可说成(a),(b)两种形式,不知何者为宜?

(a)Not knowing what to say, I remained silent.

(b)Knowing not what to say, I remained silent.

【解答】(a)的形式为宜。照惯用法,在分词造句中,否定副词的not, 应该放在分词之前。

Not receiving an answer, I wrote again. (没有接到回信,我再寄一封信去了。)


As I had not seen him for a long time, I was unable to recognize him. (好久未见到他,我不认识他了。)(复句)

Not having seen him for a long time, I was unable to recognize him. (单句)

上例虽则是用了完成式的分词,仍不宜照完成式正动词的说法,把否定副词放在have been之间,即把上句说成Having not seen him for a long time, 因为分词造句是与独立句不同的。否定字如不用not而用never时,也是一样。

As he had not realized his hope, he returned desperate to England. (希望没有实现,他绝望地回到了英国。)(复句)

Never having realized his hope, he returned desperate to England. (单句)

也不要说成Having never realized his hope, ......


英文的副词(adverb)大半都有-ly的字尾,但也有没有的,令人困惑的是同一个字,如close to the station中的close及to watch closely中的closely, 都是副词,不知用法上有何不同?


The sun shines bright. (阳光照耀。)


The sun is bright. (太阳是光耀的。)正好像我们说:The sun shone glorious。(阳光灿烂)时的glorious为形容词(补语)一样。可是如果把shine改为进行式时,它便失去了Copula(系词)的作用,因而bright就非改成brightly不可,如:

The sun has been shining brightly day after day. (太阳日日照耀不息。)也好像说:

The sun shines brightly in spring. (春天阳光和煦。)同样地是说春天太阳照耀的方法,而不是叙述一时的状态,所以要用有-ly的副词。试看下面“方法”与“状态(感觉)”两种用法的比较:

cut it clean一刀两断(结果的状态)

live cleanly洁身自好地过活(方法)

wash it cleanly务必洗个干净(方法)

fight fair公平地战斗(战斗后的感觉)

copy it fair誊正(结果的状态)

act fairly行为公正(方法)

speak plain说得明白(说过后的感觉)

write it plain写得清楚(结果的状态)

exhibit one's thoughts plainly把想法明白表达出来(方法)

This photograph has not come out clear. 这相片模糊不清(现出后的感觉)

remember it clearly记得很清楚(方法)

buy it cheap买得便宜(结果的感觉)

get the books too cheaply便宜买来(方法)

sell it dear善价而沽(结果的感觉)

sell one's life dearly使对方付出高价而牺牲其性命(方法)

open one's mouth wide大张其口(结果的状态)

It is widely known. 广为世人所知(方法)

stand close靠近站着(状态)

cut one's hair close头发剪得很短(结果的状态)

print it closely挤紧着印(方法)

talk quick说话口快(感觉)

grow quickly长得很快(方法)

speak slow慢慢地说(感觉)

walk slowly慢慢走(方法)

talk loud大声说话(感觉)

call him loudly大声叫他(方法)


Lighthouses must be very strongly built(修饰主语)

build it strong(修饰宾语)

The wool is cleanly washed(修饰主语)

scrub the floor clean(修饰宾语)

He rightly guessed that it was safe(动词前)

He guessed right(动词后)

The wrongly spelled words(动词前)

He spelled the words wrong(动词后)

I cannot rightly recollect(动词前)

If I remember right(动词后)



【解答】普通用于数目字的修饰词,不外是“仅仅”,“足足”、“整整”等意味的字眼,表示数字所示的数目以上,用full, good, solid, cool, odd等;在数字所示的数目以下,则用mere, bare, scant等,大致是那个数目,就用estimated一字。对于时间表准定用sharp, 表十足用flat或clear, 当然其他的字也是同样好用的。


It was a mere two years ago. (那不过是在两年前。)

The father died when the child was a bare two years old. (孩子刚到两岁,父亲就死了。)

The world hardly knew his name a scant three months ago. (就在三个月以前,世人还不知道他的名字。)

He got a solid 500 votes, just 104 short of a majority. (他得了足足的五百张票,比多数票只少了一百零四张。)

It requires a full six months of hard study in some library. (那需要在某间图书馆拼命用六个月的苦功。)

The President departed from tradition by announcing his plans a good three weeks before his estimates were to be sent to the new Congress. (总统打破往常的传统,在预算送国会前三个礼拜,就把他的计划发表了。)

He lost a cool thousand. (他整整丢了一千元。)

An estimated 1,000 guerrillas still roamed the jungles. (大致有一千名游击队员仍然在森林中跑动。)


It happened thirty odd years ago. (那发生在三十多年前。)

It will cost twenty dollars odd. (那要花二十多块钱。)

Can they keep the conversational ball bouncing from four full days together? (他们能使那谈话整整的持续四天不停吗?)

It allows him to sleep seven solid hours each night. (那使他每晚可足足地睡上七小时。)

He covered the 110 miles from Norwich to London in 30 hours flat. (从诺维奇到伦敦那一百一十英里路程他整整花了三十小时。)

The opening must measure three feet clear. (那洞口足足有三英尺大。)

I have an appointment at one o'clock sharp. (我在正一时有一个约会。)

〔注〕①good=not less than(不少于),例:It is a good three miles from here. 或It is three miles good from here. (离此足有三英里路远。)②clear=net或without deduction(净额;不折不扣),例:a clear$1,000(整一千元)。three clear days(足足三天)。He jumps five feet clear. (他跳的正五英尺高。)


He kept rigid hours, smoked exactly four cigarettes a day. (他严格规定一天只抽四支香烟。)

The ship unloaded approximately 6,000 tons of arms at the port. (船在那港口大约卸下了六千吨军火。)

For nearly eleven months not a train nor a truck entered West Berlin. (差不多有十一个月没有一辆火车,也没有一辆卡车驶进西柏林。)

This amounts to roughly 6 to 9 cents off each dollar previously paid. (预付的每元可减少约六至九分钱。)

Fully 300 Alabama National Guardsmen had cordoned off the block on Lee Street. (足足有三百名阿拉巴马国民卫队队员在李街布下了一条警戒线。)

It fell at barely 100 yards from our house. (那落在离开我们的屋子不过一百码远。)


For five long years the Chillingworth case remained a mystery. (足足搞了五年之久,那麒麟案仍是一个谜。)

One short month from now, the colony will become an independent state. (再过短短的一个月,那殖民地就可成为一个独立国了。)

He spent an anxious 24 hours at the hotel. (他在那旅馆里度过了忧虑不安的一天。)

They talked over the matter for an unprecedented five hours. (他们史无前例地谈论那问题达五小时之久。)

The luxury liner took a leisurely ten days for its crossing from Genoa. (那豪华的轮船悠游地花了十天工夫才从意大利热那亚海港渡来。)

The Washington temperature stood at a biting 12 degrees last Saturday morning. (华府的气温上星期六的早晨冷到严寒刺骨的十二度。)


“这是一部中国有名的小说。”译作This is a Chinese famous novel. 据说错了。请将形容词用法的先后顺序详为说明。

【解答】这句话应译作:This is a famous Chinese novel. 才对。因为国籍的形容词必须放在最靠近名词的地方,除非是另外有一个用作形容词的名词存在它才让位(如Chinese wood oil)。在名词前面同时可用各种各样的形容词,其先后的次序有一定的原则。凡冠词(the, a),属格形容词(my, your, his等),指示形容词(this, that等),不确定数目的形容词(any, some, many, much等)一类的字,要最先说。序数要放在基数的前面,如first three pages(头上三页)。一般描写的形容词放在色彩形容词的前面,如He wears a bright red coat. (他穿着一件鲜红的衣。)最普通的顺序是(1)代名形容词(2)量(3)质,如those three young men. (那三个青年人。)如果是同类的形容词,次序不定,全以声调为准,不过短的字最好说在前面,如Alfred was a learned, valiant, and much loved king. (阿尔弗雷德原是一个有学识、有勇气而为人民所爱戴的国王。)

除上述的国籍形容词外,他如young, old, little等字,常要和名词合成一辞,如青年、少女、老人等等,所以它们总是靠近名词来用的,如:

An easy and interesting French novel.

A graceful and romantic English girl.

These three lazy young fellows.

The lame and blind old man was led by a pretty little girl.



A victory so complete and decisive. (a complete and decisive victory)

A circumstance most favourable to the enterprise. (a favourable circumstance)

A loss too heavy to be borne. (a heavy loss)

By efforts successively repeated. (by repeated efforts)

A man worthy of confidence. (a worthy man)

This is a custom the most barbarous and the most absurd that has ever disgraced a nation.

(2)在anything, something, nothing, everything, one等字上:

Anything nice. Something good. Like one dead.

She fell into his arms like one more dead than alive.

(3)在某种用with开头的片语中,也可以把形容词放在名词之后,如with one's eyes open等。


Alive: ——Catch the robber alive.

Worth: ——A diamond worth a hundred pounds.

Present: ——The people present.

Opposite: ——The houses opposite were mere phantoms.

Proper: ——China proper.

Possible: ——We tried all means possible.

Old: ——A boy twelve years old.

Long, wide: ——A room twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide.

Next: ——On Friday next.

Last: ——On Sunday last.

Following: ——On the day following.


Heir apparent, notary public, postmaster general, ambassador extraordinary, poet laureate,court-martial, sum total, things eternal.

(6)在固有名词后的头衔,如Alexander the Great, Asia Minor等。


英文的形容词pretty一字,构成比较级和最上级时为prettier和prettiest. 但有人说二音节以上的字,应该用more和most来形成比较级和最上级,即应说more pretty和most pretty才对,不知何者为正确的说法?

【解答】二音节的形容词或副词,可能有两种形式的比较级,即可用-er, -est的屈折比较变化,或是用more, most的委婉比较变化。一般上有-er, -le, -y, -ly, -ow, -some字尾的二音节字,多采用屈折比较变化,例如:

bitter bitterer bitterest

clever cleverer cleverest

gentle gentler gentlest

able abler ablest

angry angrier angriest

busy busier busiest

empty emptier emptiest

early earlier earliest

happy happier happiest

hollow hollower hollowest

handsome handsomer handsomest

但是eager, proper普通则用more, most(见Curme的Accidence p. 184及Jespersen的M. E. G. V I I第十项第二条)。据Palmer在其Grammar 193—197条上所说,angry, foggy, holy, dingy也要采用more, most的形式。又据Porter G. Perrin在他著的Writer's Guide and Index to English p. 550上说,一般三音节以上的形容词、副词及二音节多数的字,是采用more, most的形式的,不过也不是绝对的,而且甚至是单音节的字,也有用的。他举出下列各例:

empty emptier emptiest

或 more empty most empty

able abler ablest

或 more able most able

often oftener oftenest

或 more often most often

pretty prettier prettiest

或 more pretty most pretty

单音节的字也用more, most, 那时并不是专对那个形容词或副词说的,而是修饰整个的述语的:

Fly, brother, fly! More high, more high. ——Coleridge(飞呀,兄弟,飞呀!飞得更高,更高。)

Their arms more white than milk. (胳膊比牛乳还白。)

He is more busy than they had ever known him. ——Macaulay(他们从来没有看见过他有这样忙的。)

形容词用于限定用法(Attributive)时,比较变化为-er, -est的,到了用作叙述用法(Predicative)时,很可能又采用more, most的变化了,例如:

By degrees I felt myself more firm. (慢慢我觉得更为坚定了。)

He was far more sad than she was. (他比她要忧愁得多了。)

为加强语气,有时也可以more, most代替-er, -est, 例如:

There never was a kinder and juster man. (普通说法)

There never was a man more kind and just. (强调说法)



在火车上听到有人说Get that great big suitcase over your own fat head. 不知应怎样翻译?我们普通说肥胖,只说身体,为何说头也用fat?

【解答】这是一种骂人的话,全句的意思是说“把这口大箱子放到你笨头顶的架子上去”。火车两旁客人的座位顶上,有网架可供旅客放置随身携带的行李等物,如果放在座位旁边有碍交通,所以同车的旅客就会毫不客气地叫你移放到架子上去。口语中有fathead一字,意为a dunce或a dullard, 中文可译作“冤大头”,“笨蛋”,“傻子”等等,骂人的时候说You fathead! (你这笨蛋!)但质问句中不是一字,而是将fat单独作形容词用,构造与上述名词不同。

中国人虽称赞别人发胖为发福,实际却是一种病态。肥胖而能有杨贵妃那样美的女人世上少有,外国人说的a fat woman, 是专供展览的“胖婆娘”,自然是肥得难看,胖得可笑的。总之,作肥胖解的fat, 决不是一个好字眼,给人的联想是肥笨猪。英文辞典有此一解:dull, stupid, incompetent, slow-witted, 即愚笨、迟钝之意,如a fat smile(傻笑)。

有人把英、法、德、意、西五国的骂人的话语,编成一部辞典,名叫:The Insult Dictionary, 小标题作How to Be Abusive in Five Languages, 其中对于fat一字的用例即有:

Move your fat behind. 这是在戏院里或什么会场上,叫人挤紧一点坐过去的意思。句中用的fat自然是指身体说的。

Get your fat finger off the scales. 这是说有些不诚实的商人磅货物的时候,把手指头揿在磅上,自然就增加重量了。被顾客看出来,就叫他把手指头拿开时说的。


英国作家Aldous Huxley在他所写的After Many a Summer中说:

I've always wondered why people have always made fun of fatness. Perhaps there is something intrinsically wrong with fat. For example, there isn't a single fat saint——except, of courses, old Thomas Aquinas. (我常常觉得奇怪,为什么人们老是喜欢找肥胖来开玩笑。也许肥胖在本质上是有什么不对的地方。例如,圣徒当中就没有一个是肥胖的——当然,托玛斯·阿奎那是例外。)





He is very fastidious. (他非常的考究。)


It isn't big enough for me to wear. (这个我穿太小了。)


He came long before the appointed time. (他在约定的时间很久以前就到了。)

I hate him simply because he is wicked. (我只是因为他太坏才讨厌他。)


He runs fast. (他跑得很快。)

He sleeps soundly. (他睡得很熟。)

(4)关于时间的副词如:always, generally, usually, ever, never, frequently, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom等,以及关于程度的副词如:almost, hardly, scarcely等,通例是放在动词(自他不问)之前:

He never comes on time. (他从来不会准时到的。)

He always speaks the truth. (他从来不说假话。)


He is always busy. (他总是忙的。)


He fluently speaks English.

He speaks English fluently.


He has been writing carefully the New Year's cards ordered by his master. (他在仔细地写着主人交下的贺年片。)


You should always obey your parents. (你随时都要听父母的话。)

He has flatly refused the offer. (他断然拒绝了那个提议。)


Fortunately he succeeded in it. (幸运地他成功了。)

Truly it is an important affair. (这确是一件重要的事。)


He will probably come next week. (他大概下星期会来的。)

(8)用有not来修饰动词时,就放在第一助动词的后面,或不定词、分词、动名词的前面。那否定副词的not, 如果不是修饰动词,而是修饰别的字眼时,就放在那字眼的紧前:

I shall not have read through it by that time. (我到那个时候为止,还不能把那个读完。)

I remained there not to see him. (我不打算见他,就一直留在那里。)

He cried, not knowing where to go. (他哭了,不晓得要到哪儿去。)

He insisted on not going at once. (他坚持不要立刻就去。)

Not he, but I, did so. (这样做的,不是他,是我。)


Only he saw me. =He only saw me. (只有他看见我。)

I only saw him; but I did not speak to him. (我只看到他,没有和他说话。)

He saw only me. =He saw me only. (他只见到我。)

(10)副词的on, off, in, out, up等与他动词结合而构成一个片语时,其宾语如系名词,则通例置于副词之后,不过偶也有副词放在宾语之后的,如系代名词的话,则必须置于副词之前:

He cut down the tree. (或He cut the tree down. )(他把那树砍倒了。)

He cut it down. (不可以说He cut down it. )(他把那树砍倒了。)


He arrived safely here yesterday. (他昨天安全地到达此地。)


Yesterday he went to see the manager. (昨天他去见了经理。)


Never shall I forget your kindness. (我永不忘你的帮忙。)

Up rose the men at my words. (那些人听我一说都起身了。)

(13)修饰不定词的副词,通例是放在不定词之前或后,如放在不定词中间就称为分隔不定词(Split Infinitive)是为文法家所非难的,不过有时由于文义或腔调的关系,也不得不这样说:

I endeavoured to strongly influence him. (我努力想要大大地感化他一下。)


The sooner you come, the better it will be. (你越来得早越好。)



【解答】这二字的用法和意义都是不同的,也跟它的形容词special(专门的,非广泛的)和especial(特别的,非寻常的)的不一样。Treble and Vallins在Dictionary of English Syntax and Idiom上有很简明扼要的解释:specially=for one purpose and no other, 而especially=to an exceptional degree. 习惯上都是把这二字分别得清清楚楚,不可混用,有时在especially前加上and或and more的字样,其实是不必要的。

I came specially to see you. (专诚拜访。)

A committee has been specially appointed to look into the matter. (专门成立一个委员会来调查那事情。)

The essays have been specially selected for the book. (专为那书而选定的一些文章。)

The weather has been especially cold lately. (天气近来特别冷。)

Dirt carries sickness, especially the kind of sickness that is catching. (污物带来疾病,尤其是那种有传染性的。)

Conditions are especially encouraging. (情况非常令人鼓舞。)

All contributions, especially those from school teachers, will be welcome. (所有的捐助,尤其是学校教师的捐助,特别欢迎。)


Though the weather was especially unfavorable, they came specially for the meeting. (虽则天气特别不好,他们还是专诚来出席会议了。)

He is sorry you don't like what he has done, especially as he did it specially for you. (他很遗憾你不喜欢他所做的,尤其是他专门为你而做的。)

51.long与for a long time的分别

英文的long作副词用,意为for a long time, 二者不知在用法上有何不同?又作副词用的long除作“长久”解外,不知还有其他什么意思?

【解答】英文的long, for long, a long time, for a long time都是同样的意思,虽则单独用是副词,在介词后是名词,在名词前是形容词,不过当作一个片语来看,是都可以当作副词用的。其中a long time, 当然是for a long time的省略形,并非另外的一个片语。



Did she stay long(或for long或for a long time)?(她待得很久吗?)

No, she didn't stay long(或for long或for a long time). (没有,她没有待好久。)

Yes, she stayed(for)a long time. (是,她待了很久。)

He lived in New York(for)a long time. (他在纽约住了很久。)

在句当中说:She has long been ill. (她病了很久。)当然是可以的;不过用在句尾就不大好。


How long did you live there? 意为for how many years did you live there? (你住在那儿有多少年?)

How long have you been ill? 意为Since when have you been ill? (你从何时开始生病的?)

How long are you going to stay here? 意为Till when are you going to stay here? (你预备在这儿住到什么时候为止?)

又long作副词或形容词用时有long before, 及作名词用时有before long, 二者意义不同,用法亦异,兹举例说明如下:

I had not been waiting long before he came. (副词)(我没有等待好久,他就来了。)

It will not be long before we know the truth. (形容词)(真相不久就会明白的。)

I shall be seeing you before long. (不久我们再见。)这个long是名词,before意为before a long time has passed, 或soon, 是说“不久以后”,不是“不久以前”。

52.everyday和every day

“我每天工作八小时。”一句话,译成英文为I work eight hours everyday. 据说是错了,请改正并说明理由。

【解答】句中的everyday是一个形容词(adjective),而这里应该用副词(adverb),所以是错了。如果我们把这字分开,写成every day二字,就变成副词了,说得更正确一点,就变成一个副词片语(adverbial phrase)了。

This is an everyday occurrence. (这是一件平常的事。)

I want to learn everyday English. (我要学日常说的英语。)

He comes to see me in his everyday clothes. (他就是穿着普通衣服来看我的。)

He comes to see me every day. (他每天来看我。)

Such things do not happen every day. (这种事不是每天发生的。)

I study everyday English every day. (我每天学习日用英语。)

注意:分开写成两字的every day并不一定是副词片语,也可以把every看作修饰名词day的形容词,例如:

Every day seemed a year. (度日如年。)

Every day counts. (每天都不可错过;要爱惜光阴。)

又every day当中还可加另外的字,如other等:

He comes to see me every other day. (他每隔一天就要来看我的。)

I go there every three days. (每隔三天我要到那里去一次。)

此外every与day相关联的还有一个谚语:Every dog has his day, 意为“谁都有其得意时代”,但好景不常,有如白驹过隙,正是莎翁说的:

Let Hercules himself do what he may,

The cat will mew, and dog will have his day.



【解答】副词的sometime有两个意思:(1)在任何时候(at one time or another)。(2)在不固定的某个时候(at some indefinite time)。

Come over and see me sometime. (随便什么时候,请过来坐。)

I will see you again sometime. (我下次再来看你。)

I'll come to see you sometime next week. (下个礼拜之内我要来看你。)

It happened sometime last month. (此事发生在上月某一个时候。)

Tea is served sometime between four and six in the afternoon. (下午四至六时有茶供应。)

后面接有时间的,为上述第二义。现在我们再看副词sometimes, 意为有时、间或(at times; now and then; from time to time),例如:

Sometimes a ship takes fire. (有时船上起火。)

I sometimes think that it is a great mistake. (我有时想这是一个大错。)

Sometimes she is happy, and sometimes she is sad. (她有时快乐,有时忧愁。)

I visit the art museum sometimes. (我有时去参观美术馆。)


Miss Wang, a sometime pupil of our school, is now a teacher here. (王小姐从前是本校的学生,如今是这里的教员了。)

此外some time分开来写成二字,意为“短时”,如:He left Singapore for Taipei some time ago. (他不久以前离星去台北了。)