


The result of involuntary loss of head hair, visible when a man who was so afflicted chose neither to wear a toupee nor shave off the rest of his scant cranial offerings. "Sometimes referred to as andro-genetic alopecia. This may be identified by the four basic patterns of hair loss: the 'Widow's Peak,' where the hair recedes up the temples, leaving a narrow strip of hair down the center of the head; the 'Naked Crown,' where the hair recedes more quickly in the centre and more slowly at the sides; the 'Domed Forehead,' where the whole of the hairline recedes; and the 'Monk's Patch,' where a bald patch grows at the top and back of the head. If a Widow's Peak and a Monk's Patch occur on the same head, the eventual result is a small 'Fantasy Island' of hair just above the forehead, surrounded by an expanse of bare scalp."-Bald! From Hairless Heroes to Comic Combovers. (Also see Comb-overs)