书城英文图书The Fairy-Tale Detectives (The Sisters Grimm #1)


In memory of my grandparents, Basil and Relda Gandee

In the distance a thunderous bellow rang out, followed by the terrible sound of falling trees and a stampede of terrified animals. It was coming, and there was no way to outrun it. Still, Sabrina and Daphne had to try. They sprinted as fast as they could, fighting with every step the dense forest branches that scratched at their faces and arms.

"We have to find a way to stop it!" Daphne cried between gasps.

Sabrina knew her little sister was right. But how? They were two children versus a vicious monster.

"I'll think of something," she said, dragging her sister behind an enormous oak tree for a much-needed rest. Sabrina squeezed Daphne's hand to reassure her while she forced air into her own burning lungs. Her words sounded empty in her ears. She didn't have a plan, and even if she did, it wouldn't make a difference. The creature was on top of them.

Splintering wood and damp soil rained from the sky as the tree they crouched behind was violently uprooted. The two girls looked up into the horrible face above them and felt scorching breath blow through their hair. What has happened to our lives? Sabrina wondered. When did the world become unrecognizable? And what had happened to her, the eleven-year-old girl who only two days prior had been an orphan on a train?