书城英文图书Letters of T. S. Eliot


For help and advice in many capacities, including copyright permissions, the publishers and editors would like to thank the following individuals and institutions. (Sadly, some of those named below are now deceased, but we wish still to put on record our gratitude to them.) Dr Donald Adamson; The American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr Norma Aubertin-Potter, Librarian in Charge, Codrington Library, All Souls College, Oxford; Joan Bailey; Owen Barfield; Tansy Barton, Special Collections Administrator, Senate House Library, London; H. Baugh; T. O. Beachcroft; Anne Olivier Bell; Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; Kenneth Blackwell, McMaster University; Michael Harry Blechner, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa; Mary Boccaccio, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland; Maxwell Bodenheim; John Bodley; William H. 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Eddy, Department of Rare Books, Cornell University Library; Professor Charles W. Eliot; Sarah Ethier, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries; Matthew Evans; Sir Richard Faber KCVO; Toby Faber; Elizabeth A. Falsey; Christopher Farley; David Farmer, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (and Warren Roberts, Mary Hirth, Mrs Sally Leach, and other members of staff); Anton Felton, Continuum Ltd; Mrs Harry Fine; Mrs Burnham Finney; Henri Fluchère; Fondren Library; Jennifer Formichelli; Donald Gallup; Special Collections, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, Mass.; K. C. Gay, Lockwood Memorial Library, State University of New York, Buffalo; Herbert Gerwing, University of Victoria; Mrs Ghika; Catherine Gide; Robert Giroux; Estate of Enid Goldsmith; Warwick Gould; Herbert T. Greene; J. C. Hall; Dr Michael Halls; Saskia Hamilton; Sir Rupert Hart-Davis; Professor E. N. 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Kelly, National Library of Scotland; Mary Kiffer, Assistant Secretary, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, New York; Modern Archives Centre, King's College, Cambridge; Monique Kuntz, Bibliothèque Municipale, Vichy; Major N. Aylward Leete; Mrs Dorothy Milburn Léger; Lockwood Memorial Library; Kenneth A. Lohf, Librarian for Rare Books and MSS, Butler Library, Columbia University; London Library; Pat Lowe; Richard Luckett; Richard M. Ludwig, and Howard C. Rice Jr., Princeton University Library; Jim McCue; Mary C. McGreenery, Harvard Alumni Records; Ed Maggs; Professor B. K. Matilal; Francis Mattson, Berg Collection, New York Public Library; R. Russell Maylone, Special Collections Department, Northwestern University Library; Bernard Meehan, Keeper of Manuscripts, Trinity College Dublin; Wim van Mierlo; Mrs Edward S. Mills; University Library, Missouri History Museum; Joe Mitchenson; Kate Mole, Librarian/Archivist, The British Academy; Frank Vigor Morley; Leslie A. Morris, Houghton Library, Harvard University; Lewis Morris; Tim Munby; Mary Middleton Murry; The Bursar, New College, Oxford; Richard Ollard; James M. Osborn; Anne Owen; Martin Page; Stephen Page; Alasdair Paterson, University of Exeter Library; Fondation Saint-John Perse; Lord Quinton; Craig Raine; Graham Wallas and Angela Raspin, London School of Economics; Benedict Read; Real Academia de la Historia; Dr R. T. H. Redpath; Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago; Clare Reihill; Dorothy Richards; I. A. Richards; Canon Pierre Riches; Helene Ritzerfeld; Alain Rivière; Sir Adam Roberts; Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome; Rosenbach Museum & Library; Anthony Rota; Carol Z. Rothkopf; Mme Agathe Rouart-Valéry; A. L. Rowse; Lord Russell; Mrs N. Ryan; Professor Alfred W. Satterthwaite; Marcia Satterthwaite; Schiller-Nationalmuseum, Marbach am Neckar; Gerd Schmidt; Susan Schreibman; Rev. Karl Schroeder, SJ.; Ronald Schuchard; Grace Schulman; Timothy and Marian Seldes; Miranda Seymour; Christopher Sheppard, Brotherton Collection, Leeds University Library; Ethel C. Simpson, Trustee, John Gould Fletcher Literary Estate; Samuel A. Sizer, Special Collections, University Libraries, University of Arkansas; Janet Adam Smith; Theodora Eliot Smith; Natasha Spender; Sir Stephen Spender; Tom Staley; Dom Julian Stead; Alix Strachey; James Strachey; Kendon L. Stubbs, University of Virginia Library; Barbara Sturtevant; University of Sussex Library; Lola L. Szladits, Berg Collection, New York Public Library; Allen Tate; Elizabeth Stege Teleky, The Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago; David S. Thatcher, University of Victoria, British Columbia; Alan G. Thomas; Dr Michael J. Tilby; Kathleen Tillotson; Trinity College, Cambridge; Francois Valéry; Judith Robinson-Valéry; The Paul Valéry Collection, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; University of Virginia Library; Michael J. Walsh; Jemma Walton; J. Waterlow; Dr George Watson; John Weightman; John Wells, Cambridge University Library; James White, National Gallery of Ireland; Brooke Whiting, Department of Special Collections, University Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles; Widener Library, Harvard University; Helen Willard; David G. Williams; Dr Charlotte Williamson; George Williamson; Patricia C. Willis, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University; Harriet Harvey Wood; Woodson Research Center, Rice University; Dr Daniel H. Woodward, Huntington Library; Yale University Archives; Michael Yeats. For permission to quote from copyright material, we thank Alastair Kershaw (Richard Aldington); The Ezra Pound Literary Property Trust, and James Laughlin (Ezra Pound).

Special thanks go to Tom Chandler for copy-editing; to Donald Sommerville for typesetting; to Iman Javadi for swift and skilful help with translations; to David Wilson for proof-reading; to Mark Bolland for indexing; and to Mrs Valerie Eliot's assistant Debbie Whitfield for her steadfast commitment and long hard work. John Haffenden is most grateful to the Arts and Humanities Research Council for assistance with research expenses, and to the Institute of English Studies, University of London, for hosting the AHRC-funded T. S. Eliot Editorial Research Project.

The editors and publishers apologise if any person or estate has been overlooked. They would be grateful to be informed if any copyright notice has been omitted, or if there have been any changes of ownership or location.