书城英文图书For Now and Forever (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book


Emily woke tangled in Daniel's limbs. The sun was shining fiercely, making it seem like the storm hadn't happened at all. But Emily knew it had, and she knew the damage would be extensive.

She untangled herself from Daniel's octopus-like grip and slipped on a thin camisole dress, then went downstairs to inspect the damage.

In the living room, Mogsy had clearly had a bit of a freakout during the storm. One of the cushions was all chewed up, the stuffing strewn around the room. The rug was also badly stained from her and Daniel's discarded, muddy, wet clothes. She smiled to herself at the memory of the way they'd peeled them off one another.

Well, if a muddy rug and a chewed up cushion are the only things that got ruined then I've done pretty well, she thought.

The biggest surprise to Emily was that Rain the runt puppy had survived the night and was suckling happily. But that also meant she now had a dog and five puppies to look after. She had no idea what she was going to do with them all, but figured she'd deal with that later-after she prepared some leftover chicken for Mogsy, who was probably hungry. And after she focused on the house.

She heard Daniel stirring upstairs as she continued to do her rounds of the house. When she passed through the dining room toward the ballroom entrance, she heard Daniel's footsteps pattering up behind her.

"Is it bad?" he asked.

Though he'd never expressly said it, Emily knew that of all the rooms in the house the ballroom was Daniel's favorite. It was the grandest, the most magical, and the room that had first brought them together, had sparked this whole thing. Without the ballroom, last night might never have happened. To think that anything might have happened to it was dreadful for them both.

Emily looked inside tentatively. Daniel was close behind.

"It looks okay," Emily said. But then she noticed something glittering on the floor and rushed over. Her suspicions were confirmed when she picked it up and saw it was a shard of glass. "Oh no," she cried. "Not the Tiffany window. Please, not the Tiffany window!"

Together she and Daniel pulled down the plywood covering the antique windows. As they did, more shards fell, shattering onto the floor.

"I can't believe it," Emily wailed, knowing that it would cost too much to replace, that it was indeed irreplaceable.

"I know someone who might be able to help," Daniel said, trying to cheer her up.

"For free?" she said glumly, hopelessly.

Daniel shrugged. "You never know. He might do it just for the love of it."

Emily knew he was trying to make her feel better, but she couldn't help but feel tearful. "It's a big job," she said.

"And the people here are good," Daniel said. He took her by the shoulders. "Come on, there's nothing we can do at the moment anyway. Let me make you breakfast."

He steered her into the kitchen by her shoulders, but it too was in bad shape. Daniel and Emily picked up strewn items, then Emily put the coffee on to brew, grateful that the coffee pot hadn't succumbed to the same fate of smashing against the floor like the toaster had.

"How do you feel about waffles?" Daniel asked her.

"I feel pretty good about waffles," Emily replied as she sat down at the breakfast table. "But I don't have a waffle iron, do I?"

"Well, technically you do," Daniel replied. When Emily frowned he went on to further explain. "Serena reserved it at the garage sale. Said she'd come back and pay for it another time. I couldn't tell if she was joking or not but she never came back so I guess she didn't really want it." He came over and plopped a steaming cup of black coffee in front of Emily.

"Thanks," Emily said, feeling a little shy about the innate intimacy of Daniel cooking her breakfast.

As she sipped her coffee and watched Daniel cooking, spatula in hand, she felt reborn. It was not just the house that had been transformed overnight; she had too. Her memory of their lovemaking was itself hazy, but she could remember the feeling of ecstasy that had rippled through her body. It had almost been an out-of-body experience. She squirmed in her seat just thinking about it.

Leaving the waffles to cook, Daniel sat opposite her and took a sip of his own coffee.

"I don't think I've said good morning properly yet," he said. He leaned across the table and took her face in his hands. But before he got a chance to plant a kiss on her lips, a shrill beeping noise shattered the moment.

Emily and Daniel sprang apart.

"What the hell is that?" Emily exclaimed, holding her ears.

"It's the fire alarm!" Daniel yelled, looking back to the counter where the waffle iron was spewing out clouds of black smoke.

Emily leapt up from her seat as sparks began to fly into the air. Daniel was quick to take action, grabbing a tea towel to smother the flames.

Smoke billowed around the room, making Daniel and Emily cough.

"I guess Serena won't be coming back for her waffle iron after all," Emily said.


After breakfast, they set to work fixing up the house. Daniel went up on the roof to inspect it.

"Well?" Emily asked hopefully once he climbed back down from the attic.

"It seems to be okay," Daniel said. "There is some damage. Hard to tell. We won't really know how bad it is until the next big storm rips through. Then, unfortunately, we might find out the hard way." He sighed. "As long as there isn't another storm anytime soon I think you'll get away with it."

"Fingers crossed," Emily said, thinly.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked, picking up on her downbeat mood.

"I'm just finding it a bit depressing," Emily said. "Walking around the house working out what's broken or damaged. Why don't we work on the grounds instead? At least the sun is shining."

It was a beautiful day. The storm seemed to have chased away spring, leaving summer in its wake.

"I've got an idea," Daniel said. "I haven't shown you the rose garden I planted yet, have I?"

"No," Emily said. "I'd like to see it."

"It's this way."

He took her by the hand and led her out across the grounds then over the single-track road toward the ocean path. As they strolled down the pebbled slope, Emily caught sight of the ocean. The view was breathtaking.

There was a clump of vegetation ahead of them that looked like it would lead to nothing but an overgrown patch. But Daniel led her straight to it, then swiped back a large branch.

"It's a little hidden out of the way. Careful your clothes don't snag."

Curious, Emily ducked in through the opening Daniel had created. What she saw as she emerged on the other side made her breath catch in her lungs. Roses, in every conceivable color, were everywhere. Red, yellow, pink, white, even black. If stepping into the ballroom and seeing the light through the Tiffany glass had been awe-inspiring, this was even better.

Emily twirled in a circle, feeling more alive and free than she had in years.

"It survived the storm," Daniel said as he emerged through the foliage behind her. "I wasn't sure it would."

Emily turned and threw her arms around him, letting her tousled hair fall down her back. "It's incredible. How did you keep this a secret from me?"

Daniel held onto her tightly, breathing in the scent of her as it mixed with the pungent perfume of roses. "It's not like I take all the girls I date here."

Emily moved back slightly so she could gaze into his eyes. "Is that what we're doing? Dating?"

Daniel raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You tell me," he said suggestively.

Emily rose onto her tiptoes and pressed a gentle, tender kiss against his lips. "Does that answer your question?" she asked dreamily.

She moved out of his embrace and began to look around the rose garden more carefully. The colors were amazing.

"How long has this been here?" she asked in awe.

"Well," Daniel said, settling himself to the ground in a small clearing, "I planted it after I came back from Tennessee. Gardening and photography. I wasn't particularly masculine in my youth," he added with a laugh.

"Well, you're all man now," Emily replied with a grin. She went over to where Daniel was sitting languorously stretched out like a cat, shards of sunlight and shadow dappling his skin. She lay down beside him and rested her head in the crook of his neck, feeling sleepy, like she could have a nap right here. "When were you in Tennessee?" she asked.

"It wasn't a good part of my life," Daniel said, his tone betraying to her that he felt very uncomfortable talking about it. Daniel had always been very private, talking very little about himself. He was more of a doer, a practical person. Chatting, particularly about emotionally charged subjects, was not his forte. But Emily shared that with him. Expressing herself was something she struggled with as well. "I was young," Daniel continued. "Twenty years old. I was dumb."

"Did something happen?" Emily asked, gently, careful not to scare him away. Her hand was on his chest, tracing up and down the fabric of his shirt, feeling the muscles beneath.

When Daniel spoke, she could hear him through the ear she had resting on his chest, and his voice sent vibrations rumbling through her.

"I did something I'm not proud of," he said. "I did it for a good reason but that doesn't make it okay."

"What did you do?" Emily asked. She was certain that whatever he said would in no way diminish her blossoming feelings for him.

"I was arrested in Tennessee. For assaulting a man. I had a girlfriend. But she had a husband."

"Oh," Emily said, as it dawned on her where this conversation might be going. "And I'm guessing the husband was the man you assaulted?"

"Yes," Daniel replied. "He was violent. Harassing her, you know? She'd kicked him out way before I met her but this guy would keep coming around. It was getting scary. The cops weren't doing anything."

"What did you do?" Emily asked.

"Well, the next time he came around, threatening her to kill her, I taught him a lesson. Made sure he would never show up on her doorstep again. I beat him up. He ended up in the hospital."

Emily winced at the thought of Daniel pummeling someone so bad they had to be hospitalized. She could hardly marry all the versions of Daniel up in her mind: the sensitive, misunderstood runaway photographer, the young, dumb thug, and the man who planted a garden of multicolored roses. But then the person she'd been just a few months ago when she was Ben's girlfriend was completely different from the person she was now. Despite the old adage that people never changed, her experience of life had been the opposite: people always changed.

"Thing is," Daniel said, "she broke up with me after that. Said I scared her. He played the victim and she went back to him. He had such a hold over her that after everything, he was able to manipulate her right back to where he wanted her. I felt so betrayed."

"You shouldn't feel betrayed. Her going back to him was more about his control over her than her love for you. I should know. I-" Emily lost her voice. She had never spoken to anyone about what she was going to speak to Daniel about. Not even Amy. "I know what it's like," she finally said. "I was in an emotionally abusive relationship once."

Daniel looked stunned.

"I don't like talking about it," Emily added. "I was young too, still a teenager, in fact. Everything was great until I was heading off to college. I thought I was in love with him. We'd been together for over a year, which seemed like such a big deal at the time. But when I said I wanted to study out of state, something in him shifted. He became very jealous, seemed convinced I would cheat on him as soon as I left. I broke up with him because of how terribly he was behaving, but he threatened to kill himself if I didn't take him back. That's how it starts, the manipulation. The control. I ended up staying with him out of fear."

"Did he stop you going out of state to college?"

"Yes," she said. "I gave up one of my goals because of him, even though he treated me like shit. And you know what's happening is crazy but you play all these psychological tricks on yourself, rewriting situations you know in your heart aren't right but telling yourself that it's a sign of how much you're loved. To everyone on the outside it looks like insanity. When it's over, it looks like insanity to you too. But when you're there, living it, you find ways to make it make sense."

"What happened to him in the end?"

"Well, funnily enough, he cheated on me. I was devastated at the time but it didn't take me long to see how it was such a blessing in disguise. I dread to think what could have happened if he hadn't ended it with me. I would have been stuck with him for however long he wanted me around, and whatever damage he'd already done to me would have become even more entrenched."

They both fell silent. Daniel stroked her hair.

"Do you want to go up to the rocky coastline with me?" he said suddenly.

"Sure," Emily said, a little surprised by the suggestion but excited at the same time. "How do we get there?"

"We take the bike."

"The bike? Your motorcycle?" Emily stammered.

Emily had never been on a motorcycle. The thought terrified and excited her in equal measure.

They went back through the rose garden and across the driveway to the carriage house. Daniel retrieved his motorcycle from the garage, one of the outbuildings that had thankfully survived the storm. While he prepared the bike for the trip, Emily checked on Mogsy and her pups. Rain was still clinging on to life. She coaxed him to his mother's nipple and stroked the stray's head. Mogsy looked up at her with big, grateful eyes, then licked Emily's hand. It was almost as if she was thanking Emily for rescuing her from the storm, while apologizing for having nipped at her in fear when she'd thought Emily was stealing her new babies. Emily felt like there was a moment of understanding between them, and for the first time since rescuing the dog, she felt like maybe she could keep her around in her life. Maybe taking care of another living being was exactly what had been missing in Emily's life.

"You're doing great," she said to Mogsy. "Now get some sleep. I'll be back a bit later."

Mogsy made a satisfied whining noise, then let her head sink onto her front paws.

As Emily gently shut the door to the living room, she heard the sound of an engine kicking into life and rushed outside. Daniel was there on the motorcycle grinning at her. Emily jumped on the back and wrapped her arms around him. Daniel twisted the throttle and the bike roared away.


Wind whipped through Emily's hair. She felt free and alive. The sunshine was warm against her skin. The rocky coastline was beautiful, providing a whole new angle to Sunset Harbor she'd never seen before. She loved it, being up here, tasting the sea air, smelling the blossom trees, hearing the distant crashing waves.

"This is incredible!" Emily cried, feeling giddy with excitement.

Daniel drove her all the way along the cliff path, then they were soaring downhill, racing at a speed that made Emily's stomach flip.

He drove them all the way along the coast path, then steered into the marina. As soon as the bike stopped, he helped her off.

"Fun?" he asked, squeezing her fingers.

"Exhilarating," Emily replied with a grin. Then she looked around her at the marina. "You know, I've never been here before," she said.

"It's where my boat is kept," Daniel said. "Come on."

She followed him along the marina path, past rowboats and speedboats that were tied up. Right at the end, there was a small, rusted boat looking forlorn and uncared for.

"This is yours?" Emily asked.

Daniel nodded. "Not much to look at, I know. I can't bring myself to fix it and put it back in the water."

"Why?" Emily asked.

Daniel didn't speak for a long time. Eventually he just said, "I really don't know." Then he looked back at her. "We should probably head back to the house. I can fix the kitchen door for you."

Emily gently touched his arm, keeping him in place. "Will you let me help you? With the boat? I can take some of my savings."

Daniel looked genuinely shocked-and touched.

"No one has ever offered to pay for something for me before," he said.

The thought of that saddened her.

"Thank you," he said. "That means a lot. But I can't accept it."

"But I want to," Emily told him. "You've helped me so much. I mean you could be fixing your boat right now instead of coming home to fix my door! Please. Let me help you. What do you need? A new engine? A coat of paint? We could make it our next project. First fix the house, then fix the boat?"

Daniel looked away, not meeting her eye. Emily could tell that something was on his mind. He gave a little shrug and put his hands in his pockets. Then he looked back at the bike, as though indicating silently that he was ready to leave this place, that he was done thinking about his boat and the state of disrepair he'd allowed it to get into.

Finally he spoke, his words coming out in one long, heavy exhalation.

"I just don't know if either will be enough to fix ourselves."