书城英文图书Cause to Kill (An Avery Black Mystery—Book #1)


Avery took Route 20 all the way to Waltham County. The drive was slow.

Every few miles she had to stop at a light.

Jessica Givens never picked up her phone. After the fourth call, Avery realized it must be her work number. She left a message and called the operator.

"Hi there," she said, "I need the number of a Jessica Givens in Waltham."

"We have ten Givenses in Waltham," the operator said. "Do you know where she lives?"


An answering machine picked up at the dean's office.

Avery drove on South Street directly into Brandeis. It took a while to figure out where to park.

Brandeis was one of the top-ranked financial institutes in the state. The central campus was a series of winding streets on a large hill that was incredibly difficult to navigate and walk. A number of antique-looking brick buildings dotted the property and were occasionally broken up by a stone castle, or a modern glass structure with eccentric architecture. After she parked, she walked up quiet paths and asked anyone she passed where to find the registrar. Eventually, she was directed to a small building that was almost completely empty. A single person worked a counter inside.

"We're closed," he said.

Avery flashed her badge.

"My name is Avery Black. I'm looking for Jessica Givens. I understand she's a guidance counselor that works somewhere on campus."

A very warm, friendly smile greeted her.

"Heyyyy," he said. "You're Avery Black. You hunt serial killers, right? Cool."

"There's nothing cool about a serial killer."

"No, no," he backtracked. "Of course not. I didn't mean the serial killer. I meant you. You've been all over the news. I know who you are. They're crucifying you in the papers."

"I'm surprised you're still talking to me."

"Yeah," he smiled, "you're hot."

The words seemed to have slipped out, and when he realized they'd been said aloud, he blanched and blushed and tried to backtrack.

"I'm sorry. That was totally unprofessional. I-"

"It's fine." She flirted with her most winning smile. "Seriously."


"Yeah." She nodded and leaned in close. "Really. Can you help me?"

"Sure, sure. You're lucky I'm still here. I was supposed to be off by now. Let's see," he thought and scanned his computer. "What do you need?"

"The cell phone number and home address of Jessica Givens."

He peeked up over his screen. A lock of his wavy black hair covered one eye. He was young, probably in his early twenties.

"You know, I'm not supposed to give out personal information."

Avery leaned closer.

"What's your name?" she whispered.


"Buck," she said with her lips, and then she lowered her voice and looked both ways as if they were being secretly watched,

"I'm close to finding this killer, Buck. Jessica Givens has information that could help."

Suddenly, he appeared worried.

"Did he attack someone here? I thought it was just Harvard and MIT."

"Let's just say no one is safe, Buck. Every college girl is a target. But Jessica Givens," she stressed and pointed toward the door, "she knows something. Something important. A piece of information that could solve this whole case. I can't trust anyone else. I'm on my own here. Can you help me? Just between us. No one else has to know."

"Shit, " he whispered. "Sure," he said. "Sure, if it's that important, all right," he cheered, determined, and he gave her what she needed.

"Thank you," she said. "I hope you realize that you could have just single-handedly helped me catch this killer."


"Really," she whispered in her best, seductive voice.

A finger went to her lips.

"Remember, our secret."

"Definitely," Buck said. "Just between us."

Avery quietly backed away and slipped out the door. The second the sunlight hit her face, she dialed the number given.

"Hello?" someone answered.

"Is this Jessica Givens?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"Hi, Jessica. My name is Avery Black. I'm one of the investigators on the Molly Green case. I understand you already spoke to Talbot Diggins?"

"How did you get this number?"

"Are you the counselor Detective Diggins spoke with about Molly Green?"

"Yes, I am. But this is a private line. I'm with family right now."

"Molly Green is dead, Ms. Givens. We're trying to track her killer. This will only take a second. You said the victim was stressed about her job interview process, is that right?"

"That's right."

"How was that problem resolved?"

"She received a job offer from an accounting firm about a month ago."

Accounting firm, Avery thought.

Cindy Jenkins was hired by an accounting firm.

"Do you remember the name?"

"Of course," Jessica said, "it's one of the biggest firms in Boston. I was surprised she was hired. Her academic performance wasn't like some of the other students who applied to the same company. It was Devante. Devante Accounting in Boston financial."