书城英文图书After Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

第1章 Acknowledgments

This ebook and the entire Crimescape series of short nonfiction crime ebooks would not exist without the encouragement and marketing efforts of Arthur Klebanoff, the CEO of Rosetta Books, and his highly professional team. My special thanks go to Rosetta's Greg Freed for guidance in developing Crimescape's cover art and for ensuring the manuscripts' safe passage through the publishing process. Special thanks also go to Tracy Majka for her dedicated and critical reading of Crimescape manuscripts, and her counsel on style and editing.

I am very much indebted to Frank "Sonny" Seiler, lead defense attorney for three of the Jim Williams' trials, for sharing with me his views on the case, and facilitating access to trial transcripts and other key documents. I am also very grateful to Spencer Lawton Jr., the former Chatham County District Attorney for 28 years. Lawton led the prosecution of Jim Williams in all four trials. He was kind enough to provide me with internal documents he created on the prosecution's strategy and case theory, along with permission to share them with our readers.

The hours I spent with Joe and Nancy Goodman, both longtime friends of Jim Williams, helped me greatly to understand Williams' character. Joe was his closest and most trusted friend for more than three decades. Jim was like a father to him, and he never forgot it. My talks with Carol Freeman brought to life the wild and entertaining side of Williams' personality.

I cannot forget Jeanne Papy, who let me use the excellent photos she took of Mercer House parties and some of the actors in the "Midnight" movie. She is in the photo at the bottom of this section in the dress she wore for the filming.

I must also thank Ulla Jensen, who accompanied me to many of the interviews, and veteran Savannah reporter Jan Skutch, who gave insight on the people I needed to interview.

I want to express my thanks to the more than 50 people who shared their stories with me over the years: Judge Michael Barker, Diane Silver Berryhill, Miriam K. Center, Dawn Dupree, John Duncan, Alison (Ali) Fennell, Michael Hawk, Nancy Heffernan, Mykell Holdren, Dennis Miller, Ruby Mooney, Joel Moore, David Sands, Randy Shuman, Kenneth Worthy II, Alex Raskin, Esther Shaver, and many individuals who chose to remain anonymous.