


In memory of our parents,

Jack and Margaret Sculley,

who sacrificed so much for their three sons,

but tragically died too young

to see their sons become men.

And to my loving wife,

Diane Sculley.


Unless you have a deep understanding of the concept of exceptional customer experience, you may find your company out of business in a few years.

Why? Because the biggest Moonshot in years is happening right now: a dramatic, rapid shift from producers-in-control to customers-in-control.

This Moonshot is being propelled by a tsunami of exponentially expanding technologies never seen before: cloud computing, wireless sensors, Big Data, and mobile devices. This wave is causing economic power to shift, from business producers who worked hard to be in control of their customers, to increasingly smarter and smarter customers. This time the customers will be in control. As a lifelong business builder and consumer marketer, I am realizing how this Moonshot is so incredibly world-changing.

Those who fail to grasp what is happening will miss the future.

Those who learn to take advantage of serving a very smart customer will be the builders of future billion-dollar businesses.

Moonshot! is a book that will guide you through a journey, explaining, with solutions, how to do it.

Jeff Bezos says his customers are incredibly loyal; that is, until the moment someone else makes them a better offer. Customers are getting smarter. They don't even have to do much to get smarter. That's because we are in a new era of digital technology that will increasingly be about machine-learning systems and machine-to-machine communication, with no conscious human intervention required. The scale of customer data processing in the cloud will be so massive that the customer will have immediate information and individual power on an unprecedented level.

The Virgin brand has a reputation for exceptional customer experience so powerful that Richard Branson has been successful with it in all kinds of industries—from music, to mobile phone service, to airlines, and soon to consumer travel into space. One knows that a Virgin customer experience tolerates no compromises.

Elon Musk didn't just create an electric automobile. Tesla is an entirely new customer experience of how good personal transportation can be; it engages the customer in a complete end-to-end experience system.

Mayor Mike Bloomberg was already a legendary disruptive entrepreneur before he became New York City mayor for twelve years. He didn't have to bow to the lobbyists or special-interest groups. He treated New York City voters like customers. His efforts to collect data on so many aspects of New Yorkers' lives meant not only could the government operate more efficiently, but voters could find out what crimes or noise complaints have been reported in their neighborhood, how clean their local restaurants are, and even where the snowplows are after a blizzard.


Moonshot is a term in Silicon Valley reserved for just a few of the most important innovations that reset everything following after them. The invention of the microprocessor was a Moonshot. So was the first useful personal computer, the Apple II; as was the first affordably priced desktop publishing system for creative people, the Mac. The creation of the World Wide Web was a Moonshot. So were the launches of Google Nexus One and Apple's iPhone. What each of these Moonshots has in common is they helped make ordinary, nontechnical, people smarter. They enabled what Steve Jobs used to call "tools for the mind."

The Moonshot I will unpack in this book is the leap computers have recently made from "productivity tools" to intelligent personal "assistants." A new generation of automated intelligent systems using machine learning and advanced data science has made this possible. IBM's Watson, Microsoft's Cortana, Google's Now and Apple's Siri are examples. This Moonshot is shifting economic power from traditional business producers to customers-in-control, and it's making customers incredibly smart. This Moonshot will change every industry of commerce in the world.

Propelling this Moonshot are four amazing digital technologies, each of which is growing at an exponential rate. Two of these technologies—cloud computing and mobile devices—are already touching billions of users. Soon, billions of miniature wireless sensors and a new generation of mathematical algorithms in data science incorporating artificially intelligent systems will analyze consumer behavior right down to the individual person, and automatically predict outcomes, helping people to make better informed decisions. Never has such powerful technology been commoditized so quickly, and become both so affordable and pervasive.


A new breed of entrepreneurs is emerging, putting customers first. They are raising the bar in customer-experience businesses with the incredibly ambitious goal of being ten times better than anything previously available. Thinking about your business plan as just an incremental improvement over the past will not be enough to succeed anymore. There has to be a better way, and I believe that somewhere in the world, some curious, optimistic, and very motivated people, in industry after industry, will figure out what that way is. The process starts with a few geniuses leading the way, then others become inspired. They are the entrepreneurs who attract others who will help them build transformative companies of the future.

I call this new breed of entrepreneurs the "adaptive innovators" and, as you will learn in this book, there has never been a better time to build a billion-dollar business. I will take you on a journey explaining why this opportunity is not only possible but probable, presenting the lessons I've learned from the best innovative minds, and offering many valuable insights and solutions that will help you become an adaptive innovator. I'm a hands-on builder who has been curious my whole life about the search for a better way to do things. I've had some big success and some big failures; being an adaptive innovator can be personally high risk but incredibly rewarding, too.

For adaptive innovators, as you will see, it's the customer plan, not the business plan that's important. What are the metrics of a customer plan? The rate of customer engagement and re-engagement; the conversion rate from consumer engagement to becoming a transacting customer; the scoring of customer satisfaction; the cost of customer acquisition; customer churn rate; the effectiveness of the cycle of customer management; the retention rate of a customer; and the lifetime value of a customer.


One of the most important themes of this book is what I call "the adaptive corporation." Alvin Toffler wrote a groundbreaking book about The Adaptive Corporation in 1985. My goal here is to explain how the adaptive corporation in the present era requires a systemic design framework that is customer-driven, flexible to change, and inclusive of multiple-domain expertise. Traditional business processes will increasingly become obsolete, just as traditional business planning is much less useful than the customer plan in the adaptive corporation. I'll give examples of successful companies that became victims of their own success, explain why innovation happens at the edge of established industries, and explain why domain expertise in multiple domains is essential to taking advantage of much smarter customers, who also are far more powerful influencers in determining how quickly a business scales. And I must emphasize that the ability to scale supersedes the traditional profitability metrics we are accustomed to using in projecting a business's ability to survive and thrive.

You'll learn why traditional business and financial metrics of performance, while still helpful, are not as important as customer metrics are for adaptive innovators building a transformative business. And you'll discover that the traditional business process will become obsolete, and why transformative businesses are always about customer-centric data that updates itself in real time and usually with machine-to-machine communication.

Everything we thought we understood about running a successful business is open to better ways of doing things. It's an exciting time for optimists, entrepreneurs, and creative builders who want to learn how to build transformative businesses that take advantage of the growing power of customers.


Here's a reality that adaptive innovators already know and that politicians choose to avoid: The incredibly successful middle-class aspirational lifestyle that has shaped economies in the West for the past sixty years is no longer sustainable in its present form. Meanwhile, emerging-market consumers numbering more than two billion are looking forward to joining the world's middle class by the early 2020s. I am very involved with building new businesses in Asia that are focused on the needs of their fast-growing middle class, and I'm impressed with the resourceful and frugal designs that adaptive innovators are creating to construct products and services at disruptive prices without compromising the customer experience. This time, we should expect that adaptive innovators from emerging markets will export creative solutions to the West that will appeal to our own middle class. Think of this as the era of the "adaptive middle class."

How will adaptive middle-class customers behave differently? They are making tradeoffs between ostentatious luxury and less-expensive alternatives. I used to buy several expensive Brioni suits at a time. Now I prefer Lululemon, Uniqlo, J. Crew, and Diesel jeans. Why? Because, as a customer, I love the feel of the fabric and, in the case of Uniqlo, the technology of the fabric, which breathes and adjusts automatically to the weather, whether it be hot or cold. I'm into comfort, but I also travel all the time, so I love that these moderately priced clothes pack so well in a carry-on bag. I don't often wear a watch anymore because it's more accurate and easier to tell time with my smartphone. I use subways and walk a lot in NYC because a ride in an NY taxi—when you can get one—is not a great customer experience. Since Uber arrived, I love the Uber customer experience.


We have to pay special attention to what we can learn from the adaptive Millennial generation. They have never known a world without amazing technology. Their brains are hardwired to rely on mobile devices and mobile apps for almost everything. They don't watch much traditional television. They don't read newspapers or books all the way through. They skim for information. They are on overload with social media. When they write, their preference is to abbreviate. They are the best educated and most underemployed generation in history. They are, by necessity, becoming start-up entrepreneurs because traditional jobs are hard to find. Their aspirations include and often stress the social value of their work.

The adaptive Millennials haven't become addicted to conspicuous consumption. They job hop, when they can get jobs. Sharing things works for them. They prefer to rent rather than own, as it takes less capital. They will conserve their spending by economizing where they eat, but will still splurge for a ticket to a hip-hop music event. And they save more than older generations. The adaptive Millennial generation will be early adopters of many transformative businesses.


The real focus of my book is on solutions—how transformative businesses can actually be built. This starts, of course, with creating a compelling business idea, the "billion-dollar concept." I will draw on real-world examples from rapidly growing companies that I am either well aware of or personally involved with today to lay out groundbreaking strategies that successful adaptive innovators are employing to create huge new companies. One of the most important of these, for example, is to deliver an incredible customer experience on a quality level never before experienced. The most powerful model for future success, I believe, is to combine an exceptional customer experience with a disruptive price. We will also lay out specific, game-changing tools for success that resourceful adaptive innovators can access to increase the chances of building truly transformative new businesses.

I believe we are entering an unprecedented era for major new business opportunities. While I have always been an optimist, I think this is the most exciting time of my life to be in business. I hope my message inspires innovators inside and outside of existing companies to create a new generation of billion-dollar businesses.

—John Sculley, September 2014