
第1章 总序













It gives me great pleasure to write a foreword for this lovely book.

I have known Xin Xin through her husband Zhong Chao as an ardent traveler. It was a pleasure traveling with her and sharing all her experiences. Not only did she respond to every surprise that India unfolded on her, being with her gave me a unique, sometimes amusing, opportunity of looking at multifarious aspect of India that an Indian takes for granted, through a foreign travelers eyes.

I am very impressed with the enormous amount of information Xin Xin gathered in her visit. She visited some of the most inspiring places in India: from the lofty heights of the Himalayas to the revered centers in Varanasi, Amritsar, Kolkata–and many more. It was amusing to have Xin Xin approach curious peasants, befriend them and jot down information they carried by word of mouth for generations!

In this book, Xin Xin gives historical, philosophical, mythological glimpses of the huge territory she covered. Her amusing experiences in Patna, Bodh Gaya, Nalanda, Sarnath, Kushinagar, Lumbini, Varanasi on the one hand, her reverence in Tagore's house and emotional tidings at Mother Teresa's side, her thrill at beholding religious centers of six faiths (Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Jain, Buddhist and Islam), her interviews with Jain monks and Hindu sadus, and her compact illustrated coverage make a pleasure to share in this book.

Xin Xin literally retraced the foot steps not only of the legendary traveler–Hiuen Tsang but of the Great Buddha Himself. Where ever she went, she exuded a feeling of warmth that conveyeda feeling of common cultural heritage and identity between the great Nations China and India. I hope that the glimpse of India brought out by Xin Xin would inspire many more people from China to trace Xin Xin's steps. They will all feel welcome to visit the ever amazing India and share the happiness and hospitality of its people.

Daksh Lohiya,

Professor of Physics, University of Delhi, India,

Life member, Clare Hall, Cambridge,UK.