
第3章 Life(人生)



A:This is a very nice wedding.A:这个婚礼办得非常好。B:Everyone certainly seems to be enjoying themselves.There is plenty to eat and drink and the wedding cake is delicious.B:每个人都非常高兴,吃喝的东西很多,婚礼蛋糕味道也很鲜美。A:Everyone looks so smart at the wedding,especially the ladies and of course the bride and bridesmaids always look lovely.A:婚礼上人人看上去都很漂亮,尤其是女士们。当然新娘和女傧相总是非常漂亮的。B:What about the bridegroom and the best man?B:新郎和男傧相英俊吗?A:Oh,they look nice,but the bride is the main attraction,you must admit.A:当然都很英俊,但是你必须承认,新娘是最吸引人的。B:I quite agree.B:我非常同意你的说法。

A:Hey,congratulations on your good marriage.A:嘿,祝贺你们喜结良缘。B:Thank you.B:谢谢。A:You've made it,Tom.A:汤姆,你终于结婚了。B:Yes,I feel I'm the luckiest man on earth.B:没错,我觉得我是世界上最幸福的人。A:You surely are.Jenny is a beautiful girl.A:你当然是。珍妮是个美丽的女孩。B:She's also got the best personality.B:她的性格也很好。A:Where are you going on your honeymoon?A:你们会去哪里度蜜月?B:We're going to Hong Kong.Jenny has always wanted to go there.B:去香港。珍妮一直想去那里。A:Ah,Hong Kong is a good place for the newly weds.A:呀,香港是好地方,最适合新婚夫妇。B:So they say.B:大家都这么说。A:When will the wedding day be held?A:婚期在什么时候?B:Next Sunday is a lucky day.B:下个星期日是黄道吉日。A:So,is this the big weekend?A:那么,这个周末就是重要日子了?B:Yes,it is.B:是的。A:Where will the wedding be?A:婚礼在哪里举行?B:Our local church.B:我们的本地教堂。A:That is great.A:那好极了。

A:Oh! You're engaged! What a beautiful wedding ring! Who to?A:哦!你已订婚了!多漂亮的结婚戒指!和谁结婚?B:Of course William.Who else? We loved at first sight.B:当然是威廉,还有谁?我们是一见钟情的。A:When's the wedding going to be?A:婚礼什么时候举行?B:We haven't fixed it yet.There are a lot of things to sort out,you know.B:我们还没有定。你知道,有许多事要做的。A:Are you having a big wedding?A:你准备把婚礼场面办得很大吗?B:Yes,I've always dreamt of having a big wedding.B:是的,我做梦都想把婚礼办得隆重些。A:But what does your fiance say about that?A:那你未婚夫对此怎么说的呢?B:He doesn't really enjoy big occasions,but I think he'll come round to the idea in the end.It only happens once in a lifetime.B:他不很喜欢大场面,但我认为他最终会同意我的看法的。一生中只有一次嘛。A:Perhaps I'll agree with your future husband.I couldn't stand a big wedding with many relatives and friends of my parents or my wife whom I'd never met before.A:我倒是同意你未婚夫的观点。我无法忍受场面很大的婚礼,和那些我从未见过面的父母或妻子的亲戚朋友们在一起。

A:Happy anniversary,honey!A:亲爱的,结婚纪念日快乐!B:Oh,happy anniversary,my dear! I didn't expect you'd remember.B:噢,亲爱的,结婚纪念日快乐!我没料到你会记得。A:Hey,I remembered in the past nine years,didn't I?A:嘿,过去九年我都记得,不是吗?B:I know.It's just that you didn't mention anything about it.B:我知道,只是你之前没有任何表示。A:Well,I wanted to give you a big surprise.In fact,I've got everything planned for tomorrow.A:我想给你一个惊喜嘛。事实上我已计划好明天如何庆祝了。B:Oh,really?B:噢,真的?A:I've reserved a table at the Royal Restaurant.Do you remember that's the place we first had dinner together?A:我在皇室餐厅订了位,你可记得那里是我们第一次共进晚餐的地方?B:Of course I do.You spilt your drink on your pants.B:当然记得,你打翻了饮品,还弄湿了裤子呢。A:Well,that's the most embarrassing thing I've done in my whole life.That was our first date and I was so nervous.Fortunately I didn't make too big a fool of myself and the dinner turned out all right,except the spill.A:嗯,那是我一生中最尴尬的事情。那是我们初次约会,我很紧张。幸好我没有大出洋相,除了倒翻饮料外,约会进展得很顺利。B:Yes,I was quite attracted to you after that night.Anyway,where will we go after dinner?B:没错,那晚过后我对你产生了好感。对了,晚餐后我们去哪里?A:Well,you've always wanted to see “Les Miserabls”.Here we are,I've got two tickets for tomorrow's opera.A:你一直想看《孤星泪》。看,我有两张明晚歌剧的入场券呢。B:Oh,Ryan.This'll be the best wedding anniversary I've ever had.Thank you.B:噢,赖恩,明天将会是最好的结婚纪念日,谢谢。

A:I have surprising news for you.A:告诉你一个惊人的消息。B:What's that?B:什么惊人的消息?A:Linda is getting married.A:琳达要结婚了。B:Well,isn't that simply wonderful! My best wishes to her.Who's the lucky guy?B:哦,那太好了!祝福她。谁是那个幸运的男人?A:Roger.He proposed last Saturday night at the formal dance.A:罗杰,他上星期六在正式舞会上向她求婚的。B:Wow,how romantic! When's the big day?B:哇,真是太罗曼蒂克了!大喜日子是哪天?A:Next Sunday.A:下个星期天。B:I just wonder how her exhusband feels about her marrying such a nice guy.B:她与那样好的男人结婚,我不知道她的前夫会做何感想。A:It's none of his business now.A:现在跟他一点也不相干。B:Will it be a church wedding or a civil ceremony?B:他们要举行教堂婚礼,还是普通婚礼?A:Well,Linda is catholic.But she can't be remarried in her church,because they do not recognize divorce.A:琳达是天主教徒。天主教是不承认离婚的,所以她不能在教堂再举行婚礼。B:Why?B:为什么?A:Because marriage is a sacrament,and in the eyes of church she is still married to her first husband.A:因为结婚是件神圣的事。在教会看来,她仍然是嫁给第一个丈夫的妻子。B:Don't you know what Roger's religion is?B:你难道不知道罗杰信什么教吗?A:No,what is yours?A:不知道。你信什么教?B:I believe in the Confucian Philosophy.He had very good ideas.B:我信孔子的哲学。他有很好的观点。A:Well,that's religion.A:哦,那就是宗教。B:To you westerners it probably is,but not to us Chinese.B:在西方人看来可能是宗教,但我们中国人则不然。A:Why?A:为什么?B:You see,a religion is some what superstitious.B:你知道。宗教总是带着几分迷信。A:I don't think so.A:我不同意你的说法。B:Just like our Chinese Buddhists,some of them believe that if they worship Buddha and live a good life they will be reincarnated and eventually attain their goal of B:就拿中国的佛教徒来说吧,有些人相信如果他们敬佛,不干坏事,他们来生必能脱胎换骨,最后修成正果。相反,孔子的哲学指导我们生活在真理中。到目前为 reaching heaven.On the other hand the Confucian Philosophy teaches living in the truth.My whole life so far has been based on this truth.止,我的人生观就是基于这个原则上的。A:This is something new to me.Very interesting.A:这个观点对我来说很新鲜。很有意思。B:By the way,what's your religion?B:那么,你信什么教呢?A:Christian.But I'm not good at debating these things.A:基督教。可我不擅长辩论这些事。B:Let's talk about the first topic continually.So,Linda will be a bride again.B:我们继续谈论第一个话题吧。这么说琳达又要做新娘了。A:She's hoping I'll be her maid of honor.A:她希望我做她的傧相。B:Did you promise her?B:你答应了吗?A:Yes,I did.It'll be my first time.She has also asked Betty and Barbara to be her bridesmaids.A:我答应了,这是我第一次做傧相呢。她也请贝蒂和芭芭拉做她的伴娘。〖〗B:Who did Roger ask to be his best man?B:那罗杰请谁做男傧相呢?A:His old classmate,John Hickman.He used to be my old flame,but that was over a long time ago.A:他的老同学约翰·海克曼。他曾经是我的情人,那是很久以前的事了。〖〗B:Very interesting.The groom's best man is the maid of honor's exboyfriend.You might get together again.B:太有趣了,男傧相是女傧相过去的情人,你们可能重归于好。A:Impossible.A:那是不可能的。B:You never can tell about these things.B:这种事很难说。

1.It's none of his business now.

none of one's business:和某人不相干。

2.When's the big day?

big day:指发生重大事情的日子,如结婚、生子等。

3.I just wonder how her exhusband feels about her marrying such a nice guy.


4.I believe in the Confucian Philosophy.

Confucian philosophy:孔子哲学,即儒学。

5.Just like our Chinese Buddhists.


6.You might get together again.

get together:聚会;重归于好。例:

I often get together with her to discuss a problem.


朝三暮四be fickle;fickle love

成双成对be a couple

痴情blind passion;infatuation

痴心爱情infatuated love

炽热的爱burning love

炽热的爱慕ardent admiration

初次约会(由第三者安排)blind date

初恋first love;be in love for the first time

纯洁爱情pure love

打动心弦pulling one's heartstrings

大胆接近bold advance


社交social intercourse

四人(两对男女)约会double date

深深的爱deep love

深厚感情deep emotion

失恋lost love

受过创伤的爱情wounded love

说合亲事making a match

说媒acting as matchmaker

私恋secret love

谈恋爱be in love;having a love affair

谈情说爱be courting;talking love

天生怕羞ingrained shyness

同性恋爱homosexuality;inverted love


嫁女giving one's daughter in marriage;marrying off

嫁妆marriage portion;dowry

交表亲crosscousin marriage

结合marrying up

结婚marriage;marrying;getting married

近亲结婚consanguineous(/nearkin/close relative)marriage

举行婚礼performing marriage(/wedding)

开放性婚姻open marriage

抗婚refusing to marry

老年婚姻May December marriage

老少配customary marriage

联姻uniting in marriage

恋爱结婚love marriage

两家换亲cross marriage

乱婚promiscuous marriage

掠夺婚marriage by capture


1.A:Did you hear Jack is getting (1)(结婚).

B:You're joking!

A:Yeah,and he's only known her for a couple of weeks.

B:Oh,hang on a minute.Something seems not quite right.

A:What do you mean?

B:Well,what do you think? The girl wants a visa,right?


A:Wants to live and work here without getting thrown out of the country.


A:So she marries an Englishman and gets to stay here.

A:Oh no,Barry says it's all above board and everything.He says he (2)(爱) her.

B:Yeah,they'll get (3)(闪电离婚) in a couple of months,you wait and see.

A:Oh,you're such a cynic,are you.Haven't you ever heard of (4)(一见钟情)?

A:Oh,okay.Forgive my cynical heart.And where did he first set eyes on such a beauty?

B:Well,he hasn't actually met her face to face.


A:Well,he only knows her through the Internet.

B:What a man!

2.A:Is your uncle (1)(结婚)?

B:No,he's not married.He's still (2)(单身).

A:Your aunt is (3)(订婚),isn't she?

B:My aunt has been engaged for two months.

A:How long have your grandparents been married?

B:They're been married for quite a few years.They got married in 1949.

A:Oh! It's (4)(金婚).When is their (5)(结婚纪念日)?

B:October 1st.

A:I wish they have good health and live long.

B:Thank you.

3.A:What would your (1)(理想对象) be like?

B:He'd be handsome,have brain and a lot of money.

A:Oh,you're always joking.Be serious for a minute.You know he that marries for wealth sells liberty.

B:I wanted to meet a (2)(白马王子),but now I would just like to meet a man who would love me truely.

A:My cousin is coming to visit me.He is a (3)(孤单的未婚男子) and I think you'd like each other.

B:Really? What's he like?

A:He's not so goodlooking,but he has good build and a sense of humor.He knows what upsets you and doesn't push the bottom.

B:OK.I'd like to meet him.

4.A:Lily,I need your help.I don't know what to do.

B:Don't tell me you can't think of a topic for your paper.

A:This is more important.

B:OK,how much do you want to borrow?

A:Hey,don't be cynical.You know,there is something more important in this world than grades and money and that's (1)(爱情).

B:Oh,well.I'm really flattered,but…

A:Not you! I mean,you're my best friend.I like you and everything,but it's this girl in my English class.I think I have (2)(好感) on her.I (3)(不知所措) just standing next to her.

B:Wow,that's classic.But are you sure the feeling is (4)(爱慕)?

A:Certainly I'm not.That's why I need your advice.As soon as I saw her I thought:“She is the (5)(心上人) of mine”.But then I thought she was probably the (6)(约会对象) a lot of other guys have been searching for.A girl that beautiful has to have a (7)(男朋友).

B:Maybe the other guys all thought so.You're too busy wondering if she likes you to realize she might be wondering if you like her.I think love will find a way.

A:Wow,what insight!

B:Well,I am a girl.So take my advice,(8)(和她约会).

5.A:Where is John?

B:Why do you ask?

A:I just saw his (1)(妻子) jogging alone in the park.


A:I'm used to seeing them together.

B:I don't think they talk to each other anymore.I heard that John want to (2)(离婚).

A:Oh,(3)(结婚) in haste,and repent at leisure.

6.A:What beautiful flowers you have got in the garden!

B:Thank you.We grow lots of flowers every year.

A:Jennifer,would you mind me taking some of your flowers?

B:Of course not.Pick as many as you like.

A:It's so kind of you.May I take just ten of these?

B:No problem.

A:Thank you very much.I'll send them to my (1)(女朋友).

B:Hasn't she agree to marry you?

A:No,she hasn't.

B:The course of (2)(真爱) never did run smooth.


A:Does your wife work?A:你太太工作吗?B:Yes,she does.She works at home.B:是的,她工作。她在家里工作。A:Oh,I understand.She cooks and cleans,takes care of the children.She does the housework,is that right?A:噢,我懂了。她烧饭、清洗、照顾孩子。她专干家务,对吗?B:No,that's not right.Most of the time I do those things.B:不对。那些事多数时候是我来做的。A:Then you're a model husband.A:那你是个模范丈夫了。B:Yes.My wife is a writer.She writes on her computer.She has published ten novels already.Her next book will come out later this month.The name of the book is The Death of a housewife.B:是的。我的太太是个作家。她在计算机上写作。她已经发表了十部长篇小说。她的下一本书这个月晚些时候出版。书名是《家庭主妇之死》。A:Unbelievable.I've got to read her new book as soon as it comes out.A:真了不起。她的新书一出版我就得读一读。

A:Chris Paine,do you take Mary Bird to be your lawfully wedded wife?A:克里斯·佩恩,你愿意玛丽·伯德做你的合法妻子吗?B:I do.B:我愿意。A:Mary Bird,do you take Chris Paine to be your lawfully wedded husband?A:玛丽·伯德,你愿意克里斯·佩恩做你的合法丈夫吗?C:I do.C:我愿意。B&C:For better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health,till death do we part.B&C:无论生活好与坏,无论富裕与贫穷,无论患病与健康,我们至死不分离。The rings,please…I now pronounce you couple.A:请戴戒指……我现在宣布你们结为夫妻。

A:Do you have a big family?A:你有个大家庭吗?B:No,I don't.B:不是。A:How many people are there in your family?A:你家有几口人呢?B:Three.My father,mother and me.How about yours?B:三口。父亲、母亲和我。你家呢?A:Five.My parents,my brother,my sisterinlaw and me.A:五口,我父母,我兄弟和他妻子,加上我。B:Is your brother older or younger than you?B:你兄弟比你大还是小?A:He is five years older than me.He got married last Sunday.My brother and my sisterinlaw are the same age.A:他比我大五岁。他上星期日结的婚。我哥和我嫂子是同岁。B:What is your home like? Do you live in a house or an apartment?B:你的家是什么样的?住的是一座宅院还是一套公寓房?A:We live in an apartment.A:我们住在公寓房里。

A:My parents told me my uncle and aunt are planning a big family reunion in Tokyo this fall.A:我爸爸妈妈告诉我,我伯伯、伯母正计划今年秋天在东京举行一次大家庭团聚。B:Are you going to the reunion?B:你去参加团聚吗?A:You bet.All my uncles and aunts will take their children along,too.So I'll A:那当然。我所有的伯伯、伯母要带他们的孩子去。所以我会见到许多堂兄弟、meet many cousins there.姐妹。B:How nice! But why Tokyo?B:真棒!但为什么去东京呢?A:Because two of my aunts are Japanese.They met and got married to my uncles in Japan.Some of their relatives are still living there.A:因为我有两位伯母是日本人。她们是在日本与我伯伯相识并结婚的。她们的一些亲戚还住在那儿。B:Have you been to Japan before?B:你以前去过日本吗?A:No.As a matter of fact,I've never traveled outside this country.I'm very excited about it.I can't wait.A:没有。实际上,我从来没有出国旅行过。这次去团聚我真高兴。我都等不及了。B:My parents are going to take me on a trip to Hawaii next month,but I've been there twice already.B:我父母下个月带我去夏威夷旅行。可是那儿我已经去过两次了。

A:The world changes,the family changes,too.A:世界变了,家庭也变了。B:What does it mean?B:这话是什么意思?A:People like a small family,composed of two parents and one child.A:人们喜欢由父母及一个孩子组成的小家庭。B:They say it is a nuclear family.B:大家说这是核心家庭。A:I don't like such a family.A:我不喜欢这种家庭。B:What type of family do you like?B:你喜欢什么类型的家庭?A:I like a family composed of many people.A:我喜欢由很多人组成的家庭。B:It is a traditional family.B:这是传统的家庭。A:It includes grandparents,parents,uncles and aunts,and children…A:这个家庭有祖父母、父母、叔伯阿姨以及孩子们……B:Oh,it is too large to live.B:噢,这大得无法生活了。A:But we can live well.A:但我们能生活得很好。B:How many people do you have in such a family?B:在这样一个家庭中有多少口人呢?A:About twenty.A:有20人左右。B:How do you have your breakfast?B:你们怎样吃早餐呢?A:We have our breakfast together.A:我们一起吃早饭。B:You must have a large dining room.B:你必须有一个大餐厅。A:Of course!A:当然!B:You must have three or four cooks,one of them is head.B:你得有三四个厨师,其中有一个是主厨。A:Yes.Do you like your family?A:是的。你喜欢你的家庭吗?B:Of course,I like it very much.B:当然,我非常喜欢。

1.I like a family composed of many people.

be composed of:由……组成。其通常用于被动语态。例:

Our party was composed of teachers,pupils and their parents.


2.Because two of my aunts are Japanese.

two of…/some of…:若干个中的两个或几个。

3.As a matter of fact,I've never traveled outside this country.

as a matter of fact:事实上。类似的表达还有:in fact,actually,in actual fact,the fact is等。

4.For better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health,till death do we part.

till death do we part:倒装句。助动词置于主语前。

5.I've got to read her new book as soon as it comes out.

come out:出版。例:

When will his new book come out?


豪门rich and powerful family;wealthy and influential clan

和睦家庭harmonious family



婚姻家庭conjugal family

伙婚家庭punaluan family

基本家庭primary family

基督教家庭Christian family


旧式家庭old family

高祖母(paternal)greatgreat grandmother


老奶奶greatgrandmother;grandma(used by children)


老爷爷greatgrandfather;grandpa(used by children)


奶奶paternal grandmother;a respectful form of address for an old woman

旁系祖先collateral ancestors

人类始祖man's primitive ancestors

人类远祖man's remote ancestors

父母parents;father and mother


干爹(爷)(nominally)adopted father

干妈(娘)(nominally)adopted mother


继父step father

继母step mother

寄父foster father

寄母foster mother


家父my father

家严my father

厥父his or her father


老亲old parents

老人家parents;respectful form of address for an old person

怕老婆的丈夫henpecked husband





妻儿老小married man's entire family(parents,wife and children)



弃妇deserted wife

前夫former husband;exhusband

前妻former wife;exwife





1.the house,flat,etc.where one lives

2.the father of someone's father or mother

3.usu.formal or law a husband or wife

4.the son of one's brother or sister

5.the child of one's uncle or aunt

6.a woman who works at home for her family,cleaning,cooking,etc,esp.,one who does not work outside the home.


1.A:Are you unhappy,aren't you?

B:Yes,I'm unhappy.

A:What makes you unpleasant?

B:You know,how much belief I have in my (1)(父母)!

A:Yes,I know.

B:Besides,I have a good ideal of my parents.

A:OK,OK,You'd better tell me why you are unhappy.

B:They are not (2)(民主).

A:What else?

B:They are (3)(专制).

A:What else?

B:They don't know what is the (4)(启发式).

A:What else?

B:They always want me to do what they wish.

A:Oh,I have made sure that there is a (5)(代沟) between your parents and you.

B:What is it?

A:It refers to a lack of understanding between parents and (6)(孩子).

B:I understand them very much.

A:You know your parents have belief in you,as you do.

B:Yes,I know.

A:And they have a good ideal of you,too.

B:It is a fact.

A:The point is that they usually find faults in you.

B:What you said is true.

A:In my opinion,your parents should treat you as a friend rather than a baby.

B:Therefore,I should respect my parents.

2.A:My (1)(儿子) is thirtytwo years old this month.Ah… I don't understand what goes on in his young head sometimes.

B:Is he acting strange?

A:He wants to quit his job and find another.He told me that he wants to find a better job and to make more money.

B:Sounds normal to me.It's pretty much what I want to do.Even my friends are like this.

A:What about settling down and (2)(建立家庭)? Doesn't anyone want to get married anymore,you know,put some roots into the ground?

B:It's different now.The world is becoming a very lively place.My friends don't feel the same pressure to marry.We all want to wait for the right moment.We don't want to have (3)(家庭负担) early.

A:Where do you find the right moment?

B:Let the universe find us instead of forcing love.We prefer natural love.

A:You know,when I was young our parents taught us that if you had a little bit of love for someone it would be okay to marry.

B:How does that work? How could you spend your whole life with someone that you don't love?

A:As each day grows,so will your love.

B:And if it doesn't?

A:We just do the best we can.Now,I'm hoping that my children can do better than (4)(上代人)did.It is difficult to watch my son doing what he is doing.

B:Most important thing is to be happy.Love will find us later.That is what we say.

3.A:What is your (1)(女儿) doing now?

B:She moved to the US.I believe that she is in San Francisco.

A:Is she working?

B:She paints in her spare time and studies jazz dancing.Everything I taught her seems wasted.I should have taught her different.

A:You did a good job as a (2)(慈母).She sounds like she is doing okay.

B:You have to understand that she went to boarding school at age six.It was very expensive for us.

A:I didn't know that.But your family is a (3)(高收入家庭).

B:Later,she won a scholarship to Yale.She finished her MBA in International Finance in only five years.And then was accepted into law school.

A:It does sound a little strange that she's a jazz dancer.

B:She even has a twoyearold (4)(私生子),but isn't married.I never thought that my child would turn out to be like this.

A:Well,I don't know if you can really control what a child will become when they grow up.If they become a miserable lawyer,is that better than a happy jazz dancer?

B:She is very happy now.

A:I often had that problem with my parents.Make them happy or make me happy? Which one is right? Sure,(5)(孝顺) is important.Though,if I am not happy with what I do,it will reflect in other aspects of my life.

B:Everything is so different now.I'm glad that you are happy also.

4.A:Mary,I love you.Will you marry me?

B:Oh,Chris,I will.I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.I'm so happy.

A:Not as happy as I am.Now I'm the happiest man in the world.I'll become a (1)(钟情的丈夫).

B:I'll be a (2)(贤惠的妻子).But,Chris,I have a request.

A:What is it?

B:You have to ask for my parents' permission.

A:I will,Mary.Let's go to see your parents right away.

5.A:How large is your (1)(家庭)?

B:It is a large one.There are altogether nine persons.

A:Who are they?

B:There are: my (2)(祖父母),my (3)(父母),my two (4)(兄弟),and my two (5)(姐姐) and myself.

A:That is some family,I'll say.Are you the (6)(大儿子)?

B:Yes,but both my sisters are older than I am.

A:How old is your grandfather?

B:He is now over eighty,but is still going strong.

A:What does your father do?

B:He is a manager of a book shop.

A:What about your mother?

B:She is a teacher.

6.A:Is (1)(家庭生活) in China now very different from in the past?

B:No,I don't think so.But I have noticed a few differences.

A:Oh,such as what?

B:Well,nowadays the (2)(家庭组成) seems to be smaller than in the old days.Our family is simple: (3)(爸爸),(4)(妈妈) and the son.It was quite common in China to have a (5)(奶奶) and an (6)(未婚的叔叔、姑母) living in as part of the family in the old days.

7.A:I've been on a business trip for a month.I really miss my (1)(家人).

B:A month is a long time to be away.Do you have any children?

A:I have three.(2)(两儿一女).Would you like to see a picture?

B:Oh,how nice! Now,who's this?

A:This is Judy,my (3)(大女儿).She's twentyfour.

B:Is she married?

A:Yes,she is.And these are my two sons,Jamie and Julian.

B:How old are they?

A:Jamie is twentyone.He's in college now.Julian is seventeen,and that's my wife,next to my daughter.

B:Well,you certainly have a (4)(可爱的家庭).

A:Thank you.So,tell me about your family.

B:My husband and I have a son,Jim.


A:Alice,you look pale.What's wrong?A:爱丽丝,你脸色苍白。怎么了?B:I think I've caught a cold.B:我想我可能感冒了。A:How long have you been like this?A:你这种情况多长时间了?B:Two or three days now.B:两三天吧。A:Have you seen a doctor?A:看过医生了吗?B:Not yet,but I'm on my way.B:还没,不过我这就过去。

A:Dad.Could you stop smoking?A:爸爸,您能停止吸烟吗?B:Baby,you know,smoking has been a part of my life.B:宝贝,你知道的,吸烟已经成为我生活中的一部分。A:But it is harmful to health.A:但是吸烟有害健康。B:But it is a pleasure for me.It gives me inspiration.B:但吸烟对我而言是一种乐趣。它能给我灵感。A:Smoking is a bad habit.It does great harm to our health,not only to yourself,but also to others.Besides,it is a great waste of money,and it causes many kinds of diseases.I want a healthy father.A:吸烟是一个坏习惯。它不仅对您自己,还对其他人的健康都造成极大的危害。除此之外,吸烟还会浪费很多钱,引发很多疾病。我要一个健康的爸爸。B:Ok.I'll try to give it up.B:好吧,我会尝试戒掉的。A:Not just try.You have to.A:不是尝试戒掉,是必须戒掉。

A:How do you sleep?A:你睡眠怎么样?B:Very badly,doctor.B:很不好,医生。A:Do you find it difficult to get to sleep,or do you wake up early?A:你是很难入睡呢还是醒得早?B:Both,doctor.I never get to sleep until three o'clock and I always wake up at six.B:两者都有,医生。我夜间3点之前从未睡着过,并且总在6点钟醒来。A:Are you worried about anything?A:你担心什么事吗?B:Well,yes,I am.I'm worried about my work.I've just taken a new job.I earn a lot of money but it's a difficult work.I'm always afraid of making a mistake.B:嗯,是的。我担心我的工作。我刚找了份新工作,挣钱很多但很难做,我总担心出错。A:I see.Please unbutton your shirt and lie down on the couch.A:我明白了。请解开衬衣扣子,躺在检查床上。B:Yes,doctor.B:是,医生。A:Well,there's nothing very much wrong with you,I'm glad to say.You're working too hard and worrying too much.Remember,health is more important than work.A:好了,很高兴你没什么大问题。你是工作太辛苦并且担心太多了。记住,健康比工作更重要。

A:Good morning.Beijing Union Hospital.A:早上好,这里是北京协和医院。B:Good morning.May I make an appointment for next Tuesday?B:早上好。我可以预约下星期二看病吗?A:May I have your name please?A:请问您贵姓?B:Li Jun.B:李军。A:Mr.Li,are you a patient of one of our doctors?A:李先生,您是我们某个医生的病人吗?B:No,I am not.This number was given to me by my colleague.B:不是。这个电话号码是我的一个同事告诉我的。A:Please come at ten o'clock next Tuesday.A:请下星期二10点来。B:Ok.Thank you.B:好的。谢谢。A:You are welcome.Goodbye.A:不客气。再见。B:Goodbye.B:再见。

A:Hi,Kate.Where are you going?A:嗨,凯特。你要去哪?B:I am going to hospital.There is something wrong with my stomach.B:我要去医院。我的胃有点不舒服。A:How often do you get a general health checkup?A:你多久做一次健康检查?B:I only go to the doctor when I feel sick.I never go just for a check.B:我只有在生病时才去看医生,我从来没做过健康检查。A:You'd better get a general health checkup every month.So you can have a better understanding of your physical condition.A:你最好每月做一次健康检查,这样你就可以更好地掌握你的健康状况。B:You are right.But it will cost a lot of money.B:你说的对。但这会花很多钱。A:Which is more important? Money? Health?A:那金钱和健康哪个更重要呢?B:OK,I'll follow your advice.B:好的,我会听取你的建议。

A:Where are you going,Lily?A:莉莉,你要去哪?B:I'm going to take my yoga class.B:我要去上瑜伽课。A:Yoga? That sounds interesting.A:瑜伽?听起来很有趣。B:Yes.I have learned it for nearly one month.B:是的。我已经学了快一个月了。A:What is its function? A:有什么作用吗?B:It's good for my health.I feel relaxed and younger.It helps me create a sense of inner calm,relaxation,and wellbeing.B:瑜伽有益健康。我感觉很放松而且更年轻了。它为我创造了一种内心的平静、放松和幸福感。A:Really? That's amazing.A:真的吗?太神奇了。B:You should also try.B: 你也应该试试。A:Is it difficult?A:难吗?B:It may be a little difficult at the beginning.But you can do better step by step.B:刚开始可能有点难,但逐步地你会做得越来越好。A:I'd like to try.A:我愿意试试。B:You can come to my class with me.B:你可以和我一起去上课。A:OK.A:好啊。

1.I think I've caught a cold.

catch a cold :伤风、感冒。 例:

She was unlucky to catch a cold on the first day of her holiday.


2.Not yet,but I'm on my way.

I'm on my way:我这就过去。 例:

Yes,I'm on my way to class.


3.But it is harmful to health.

be harmful to :对……有害。 例:

Shoot-them-ups might be harmful to young children who usually imitate blindly.


4.It does great harm to our health,not only to yourself,but also to others.

not only…but also…:不仅……而且。 例:

He not only read the book,but also remembered what he read.


Not only is he a teacher,but he is also a writer.


5.I'll try to give it up.

give up :放弃,抛弃,停止。 例:

You ought to give up smoking; I gave it up last year.


Don't give up hope; keep on trying.


6.So you can have a better understanding of your physical condition.

have a better understanding of:有更深入的了解。 例:

Through service rendering of all these years,we have a better understanding of our customers' needs and the best trading practices of the industry.


7.I'll follow your advice.

follow one's advice: 听取某人的意见。 例:

He did not follow his father 's advice and became a lawyer instead .


8.It may be a little difficult at the beginning.

at the beginning :起初,开始。 例:

At the beginning of the speech the chairman cracked a joke.


At the beginning I paid little attention,but slowly my interest awoke.


9.But you can do better step by step.

step by step:逐步地、逐渐地。 例:

Step by step he gained the child's confidence and got the whole story from her.











醒来wake up

担心worry about


躺下lie down





健康状况physical condition













逐步地step by step








1.Physical examination or clinical examination

2.causing or capable of causing harm

3.illness of the body

4.state of being well and free from illness

5.on the inside or close to the centre of something

6.a system of exercises that help you control your mind and body in order to relax


1.A:How to live a healthy life?

B:I think there are many factors.

A:Can you explain it in detail?

B:First,you should try to be(1)(愉快的).Second,you should do some physical exercise.Third,you should get away from smoking and (2)(毒品).Fourth,you should eat healthily.There are also many other factors.

A:Is drinking alcohol harmful to health?

B:It depends on how much you (3)(喝).Moderate drinking is good for health.

2.A:What seems to be the matter,Jimmy?

B:I have a (1)(牙痛).

A:When does the pain begin? Whenever you eat or all day long?

B:All day long.

A:How is the pain? Is it a(2)(剧烈的) pain or a dull pain?

B:A sharp pain.

A:You'd better go to see the dentist at once.

B:I will.Can you give me a drive?


3.Physical fitness is the result of many (1)(因素)—good medical and dental care,proper nutrition,adequate(2)(休息)and relaxation,and sensible personal (3)(爱好).But these are never enough.An essential factor is a regular physical (4)(活动)—exercise for a body that needs it to function well.

4.You hear a lot about living a (1)(健康的) lifestyle,but what does that mean? In general,a healthy person doesn't(2)(抽烟),is at a healthy weight,eats healthy and exercises.Sounds simple,doesn't it?

The trick to healthy living is making (3)(小的)changes…taking more steps,adding(4)(水果) to your cereal,having an extra glass of water…these are just a few ways you can start living healthy without drastic changes.

One of the(5)(最大的)problems in America today is lack of activity.We know it's good for us but avoid it like the plague either (6)(因为)we're used to being sedentary or afraid that exercise has to be(7)(精力旺盛的)to be worth our time.The truth is,movement is movement and the more you do,the healthier you'll be.Even moderate activities like chores,gardening and(8)(散步)can make a difference.

5.It has been estimated that(1)(吸烟者) have made up half of the population in China.And the smokers are becoming younger and younger,even (2)(包括)some middle school students.

Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do (3)(危害)to people's health.However,some people still enjoy smoking.Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion,some think it is of great fun and others,think that smoking can refresh themselves.

In fact,smoking is a bad habit.It can(4)(引发)a lot of diseases.Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money.Besides,careless smokers may cause (5)(危险的)fires.Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves,but also bad for non-smokers.

Therefore,I hope all the smokers can(6)(停止)smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.


A:How do you think Tom?A:你认为汤姆怎么样?B:He's a brain.B:他很优秀。A:I can't stand him.He rubs me the wrong way.A:我不喜欢他。他总是让我烦躁。B:Why? He's on the ball and has his feet on the ground.He is a responsible person.B:为什么?他做事认真又踏实。他是一个有责任心的人。A:What we need is someone who keeps his nose to the grindstone.A:我们需要的是一个努力不懈的人。B:I read his application and he is the cream of the crop.B:我看过他的申请书,他是顶尖的。A:Do you think he'll get the job?A:你认为他会被录用吗?B:Yeah,it's in the bag.He is very able.B:是的,当然。他很能干。

A:Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?A:你干嘛不告诉我你有女朋友了呢?B:Sorry,I thought you knew.B:抱歉,我以为你早已经知道了呢。A:But you should have told me you were in love with her.A:可你应该告诉我你爱上她了。B:Didn't I?B:我没告诉过你吗?A:You knew you didn't.I'm very naive.A:你知道你没有告诉过我。我太天真了。B:Well,I'm telling you now.B:那么,我现在告诉你。A:Yes,but you might have told me before.A:对,可是你早就应该告诉我了。B:I didn't think you'd be interested.B:我以为你不感兴趣呢。A:You can't be serious! How dare you tell me you were going to marry her! You're too cynical.A:你别开玩笑了!你怎么敢告诉我你要和她结婚呢!你太玩世不恭了。B:Sorry,I didn't think it mattered.B:对不起,我以为这无关紧要。A:Oh,you men! You're the same.You're a dirty man.A:噢,你们这些男人!全都这样。你是一个卑鄙的人。

A:Where do you live?A:你住在哪?B:I live in a room with two roommates.B:我和另外两个室友住一起。A:How do you get along with your roommates?A:你和你的室友相处得怎么样?B:We get along well.They are good hearted person.B:我们相处得很好。他们是热心人。A:Do you know something about each other?A:你们互相了解吗?B:Yes,we usually talk too much.We are all talkative.B:是的。我们经常在一起聊天。我们都很健谈。A:Do you eat in or out?A:你在学校里吃还是在外面吃?B:We usually eat at school and,at night,we just snack on something in our room.B:我们通常在学校吃,晚上,我们只在房间里吃些零食。

A:Hello,Jim.I heard you have a new secretary.A:喂,吉姆,听说你有了个新秘书。B:Yeah,for only two weeks.Her name is Mary.B:是啊,有两个星期了。她叫玛丽。A:What do you think of her?A:你认为她怎么样?B:So far she has been doing OK.B:到目前她干得还行。A:Just OK?A:只是还行?B:Well,to be fair,more than OK.It's still too early to tell though.She is very familiar with office routine,such as typing,filling,and taking phone calls.She is very diligent.B:哦,公平地说,比还行要好些,尽管现在下结论还尚早。她非常熟悉办公室日常工作,比如打字、填表、接电话。她非常勤快。A:How about her as a person? Say,her manner and personality.A:她为人如何?比如,举止和个性。B:Oh,she is a very pleasant lady.She speaks softly and politely.She is very patient with our clients and very helpful with colleagues.We all think she is very polite.B:噢,她是个非常令人愉快的人。说话轻柔有礼,耐心对待客户,乐于帮助同事。我们都认为她很有礼貌。A:How do you like her dress and makeup?A:她的服饰和打扮怎么样?B:Wait a second.Why do you want to know so many details about her?B:等一下,为什么你想了解这么多关于她的细节?A:Well,to tell you the truth,Mary is my younger sister.A:哦,实话告诉你吧,玛丽是我妹妹。

A:Complex 105,not bad; music 115,not bad,that's a graduate course.A:心理学105,不错;音乐115,不错,这是研究生课程。B:Grand sounds polyphony.B: 大音对位法。A:What's polyphony?A:什么是大音对位法?B:Nothing with you,preppie.B:和你没有关系,预科生。A:Look,Miss Cavilleri,I told you my name is Oliver.I think you are a careless person.A:喂,卡维内里小姐,我告诉过你我叫奥利弗。我认为你是个粗心的人。〖〗B:[ZK(〗 You're right.I'm very forgetful.By the way,first or last? 〖〗B:Hey,I'm having coffee with a real Harvard building! You are the Barrett Hall.B:嘿,我在和一幢了不起的哈佛建筑喝咖啡呢!你是巴雷特大厅。A: No,I'm not the Barrett Hall.My greatgrandfather just happened to give the thing to Harvard.A: 不,我不是巴雷特大厅。我的曾祖父只是碰巧将那玩艺给了哈佛。〖〗B: So his not so great greatgrandson was able to get in.B: 这样,他那不怎么样的曾孙就能进来了。A: Hey,if you're so convinced I'm a loser,why did you let me buy you coffee?A: 嘿,如果你确信我是个窝囊废,为什么要让我给你买咖啡呢?B:I like your body and you're very tactful.B: 你长得很棒,而且你很老练。A: You're a ruthless woman.A: 你是一个无情的人。

A: Do you have the Waning of the Plaisie?A: 有没有《普拉西的衰落》这本书?B: You have your own library,preppie?B: 你们有自己的图书馆吧,预科生?A: Would you answer my question,

please?A: 请你回答我的问题,好吗?B: Would you answer mine first?B: 请先回答我好吗?A: Look,we are allowed to use the Radcliffe Library.A: 我们可以使用拉德克里夫图书馆的。B: I'm not talking regularity,preppie,I'm talking ethics.I mean,Harvard got five million books,Radcliffe got only a few lousy thousand.B: 我不是说规章制度,预科生,我是说得讲点道德。哈佛有五百万册书,而拉德克里夫才破破烂烂的几千册。A: All I want is one,I got an hour exam tomorrow.Damn it.A: 我只要一本,我明天有一个钟头的考试,他妈的。 B: Please watch your profundity,preppie.You should be educated.B: 请注意你那含义深刻的话,预科生。你应该有教养。A: Hey,what makes you so sure I went to prep school?A: 嗳,你凭什么说我上的是预科班?B: You look stupid and rich.B: 你看上去愚蠢而阔气。A: Actually I'm smart and poor.A: 实际上我聪明而寒酸。B: Ahah,I'm smart and poor.B: 啊哈,我才聪明而寒酸。A: What makes you so smart?A: 你凭什么说你很聪明? B: I wouldn't go for coffee with you.B: 因为我不会和你去喝咖啡。A: So I wouldn't ask you.A: 所以我就不必请你了。B: Well,that's what makes you so stupid.You're a pruish person.〖〗B: 喏,这就是你为什么愚蠢了。你是一个假装正经的人。

1.But you should have told me you were in love with her.

be in love with sb.:和某人相爱。例:

Tom is in love with Mary.


2.She is very familiar with office routine.

be familiar with:对……很熟悉或很了解。例:

Are you familiar with Miss Green?


3.So far she has been doing OK.

so far:到目前为止,用于完成时态。例:

So far we have learned over 4,000 English words.

到目前为止,我们已学了4 000多个英语单词。

4.He rubs me the wrong way.

rub sb.the wrong way:惹恼某人;妨碍某人。例:

Don't rub that man the wrong way.


5.He's on the ball and has his feet on the ground.

on the ball:认真做好。

6. He's on the ball and has his feet on the ground.

have one's feet on the ground:实际的,敏锐的,稳重的。

7.What we need is someone who keeps his nose to the grindstone.

keep one's nose to the grindstone:认真工作,保持忙碌。

8.He is the cream of the crop.

the cream of the crop:顶尖。

9.It's in the bag.

in the bag:确实的,明确的。

爱算计的人calculating person

卑劣的人lewd person


恶劣的人wicked person

放荡的人licentious person

放纵的人dissipated person


好色之人lustful man

好心人good (warmhearted)person

坏人bad person




仁慈的人kind person

势利的人snobbish person

通情达理的人reasonable person

下流人lewd person

正人君子honest man;gentleman

正直的人virtuous man

仔细小心的人careful person

自觉的人conscientious person




成熟fully formed;ripe;mature


诚朴honest;sincere and simple


诚心诚意earnest and sincere




谦恭modest and courteous

谦和modest and amiable



勤俭hardworking and thrifty

勤恳diligent and conscientious


1.They are (自私的人).

A.selfish personB.kind person

C.snobbish personD.sinister person

2.They're too (粗鲁的).

A.spirited B.honest C.rough D.tactful

3.I think she is a (勤奋的) girl.


4.We like (正人君子).

A.lewd personB.brave person

C.gentlemanD.goodhearted person

5.The manager is very (有事业心).



1.A:This rat race is getting me down.I'm at the end of my rope.They are too (1)(狡猾).

B:Don't come apart at the seams.Look for another job.

A:I always get cold feet.I'll be in this deadend job till I kick the bucket.

B:Don't sell yourself short.Maybe your boss will give you a promotion.Tell him you want to talk turkey.

A:I will never do that.He is a(2)(小人).

2.A:He's a pill.He keeps harping on the same thing.

B:He also nipticks.It drives me up a wall.

A:It doesn't sit right with me either.He is(1)(气量小).I don't like splitting hairs.

B:I shouldn't take it to heart,but he's going to send me to the loony bin.

A:He isn't(2)(有教养).

B:You are right.

3.A:If he didn't have a bum ticker,I'd put him in his place.He is too (1)(自命不凡).

B:Don't do anything rash.I think you have to bite your tongue when he's on the wrath.He is a (2)(粗心人).

A:But he doesn't have to make a federal case out of it.

B:I know he's a lulu.He doesn't give a hoot whom he bawls out.

4.A:He thought up a great idea for a new product.

B:Maybe with this brainstorm,he'll take the plunge and start his own business.He is(1)(有事业心).

A:I think he wants to try his idea out for a while.He doesn't want to jump the gun.

B:He should kick it around a while but it won't work unless he can take over.

A:Well,He is too (2)(自高自大).So far none of his plans have managed to get off the ground.

5.A:Excuse me for being late,Mr.Peter.I was held up by the traffic.

B:That's quite all right,Mary.Come in and take a seat.

(While eating,Mary upsets her glass of wine on the table cloth.)

A:Oh,how (1)(粗心) of me!

B:Not at all.I'll just get a cloth and wipe it up.

A:I am sorry to give you so much trouble.

B:Don't let it worry you.

A:Mr.Peter,you are really a (2)(好人).

6.A:Tom,I've finished correcting your homework.

B:Thank you.Any mistakes this time?


B:Oh,I'd better kill myself!

A:Come on,Tom.I'm just joking.

B:What do you mean then?

A:You have made no mistake this time.I'm very glad you have made such big progress.I think you are a (1)(善于思考的) student.

B:Oh,really?Thanks a lot,Mr.White.Thank you so much for your help! It's very (2)(好) of you.

A:You're entirely welcome.

B:I'll be going now.I don't want to take up too much of your time.

A:That's all right.Now here's your exercise book.

B:You know,Mr.White,you are one of the best teachers I have ever met.

A:It's very kind of you to say so.Come to me any time you need help.You should be (3)(虚心) to study.

B:Many thanks.I'll do that.


A:Good afternoon,sir.A:下午好,先生。B:Good afternoon,madam.What can I do for you?B:下午好,夫人。要帮忙吗?A:Yes.I'd like to make a deposit.A:是的,我想存钱。B:Which type of deposit do you prefer,time deposit or current deposit?B:您存定期还是活期?A:I'd like time deposit.A:我想存定期。B:Okay.The interest rate for time deposit is higher.Could you tell me it's foreign currency or RMB deposit?B:好的,定期利率高些。您能告诉我是人民币存款还是外币存款吗?A:RMB.A:人民币储蓄。B:Is it your first time to make a deposit here?B:您是第一次来这里存款吗?A:Yes.A:是的。B:The term of time deposit ranges from three months to five years,including three months,six months,one year,two years,three years and five years.How long would you like to keep your deposit?B:定期储蓄时间从3个月到5年,包括3个月、6个月、1年、2年、3年和5年。您存定期几年?A:Six months.A:6个月。B:Fill in this slip in ink,please.B:请用钢笔填写这张凭条。A:Here you are.A:给你。B:There is an error here.Would you please fill in another one?B:这儿填错了,请重填一张好吗?A:OK.A:好的。B:All right.Just a moment please.B:好的,请稍等。A:Thank you.A:谢谢你。

A:What can I do for you,sir.A:先生,我有什么能为您效劳吗?B:I want to open a current account,sir.What is the proper procedure?B:先生,我要开个活期储蓄户头。怎么办手续?A:That's easy.Fill out this form first and then show me your ID.A:那很容易。先填好这张单子,然后把你的身份证给我看一下就行了。B:Is there any minimum for the first deposit?B:第一次储蓄有最低限额吗?A:No.Even a dollar is all right.Here is your account number.Please don't forget it.It will help you to do all your transactions.A:没有,一美元都可以存。这是你的账号,请记住,以后就靠它进行交易了。B:What is the annual interest rate?B:年息多少?A:It varies form time to time.At present it is 3.45%.A:利率经常变动,现在的利息是 3.45%。

A:Can I help you,sir?A:有什么要帮忙的吗?B:Yes.I'd like to apply for a loan.B:是的,我想申请一点儿贷款。A:Do you have an account here?A:你在这里开有账户吗?B:Yes.I've been a customer here since I entered this university two years ago.B:有。自从我两年前进入这所大学时就成为了你们的客户。A:Good.How much do you want to borrow?A:很好。你想贷款多少?B:I'm thinking of borrowing five thousand dollars.B:我想贷款5 000美元。A:Well,I've got a few more questions to ask you first.And then you need to fill out these application forms.A:好吧,我首先有几个问题要先问你,然后,你还需要填写这些申请表。

A:Do you have an insurance policy?A:你买过保险吗?B:Yes,I do.B:是的,我买过。A:An individual policy or a group policy?A:是个人保险还是集体保险?B:Individual policy.B:个人保险。A:I see.What does your insurance policy cover?A:我明白了。你的保险承担哪些费用?B:Surgery and dental care.B:外科手术和牙科治疗。

A:I'm thinking of opening my own restaurant.A:我正考虑自己开一家饭店。B:Come again?B:你说什么?A:I want to start my own business.And I want you to be my partner.A:我想开创自己的事业,而且我想请你当我的合伙人。B:Me? I'll tell you straight up—I don't have the money.B:我吗?我直接告诉你好了——我没有钱。A:That's all right.We can take out a loan.A:没关系,我们可以贷款。B:Is it complicated?B:贷款复杂吗?A:Not really.Anyway it's worth trying.A:事实上不复杂。无论如何都值得一试。B:Let me think about it.B:让我考虑考虑吧。A:Okay.I'm looking forward to your reply.A:好,我期待着你的答复。

A:How are you doing these days?A:最近好吗?B:Pretty good.B:还不错。A:And I heard you won a lottery.A:听说你中了彩票。B:That's true.B:没错。A:I wish I could have half your luck.A:真希望我能有你一半的运气。

A:Good morning !A:早上好!B:Good morning,sir.What can I do for you?B:早上好,先生。我有什么能为您效劳的吗?A:How much fund can one borrow from the bank?A:一个人最多能从银行借到多少钱?B:That all depends on the guarantee.Usually the real estate and deposit can be regarded as the perfect warranty.B:这取决于担保程度。通常房地产和存款是较好的担保。A:Then what is the rate of loan?A:那贷款利率呢?B:Well,loan interest is paid at the rate of 0.6% per month at present.That's to say,if you loan $100,you will have to back $100.6 to bank in a month.B:贷款月利率为0.6%,也就是说,你借100美元,一个月后要还给100.6美元。A:The time of paying back is different,isn't it?A:还款时间很不同,是吗?B:There are regular term and irregular term.For regular term,the rate is fixed,while the loan rate is lower for irregular term.B:还款时间分为定期和不定期,定期利率是固定的,不定期利率较低。A:I see.A:我明白了。

A:How are you doing these days?A:你最近怎么样?B:Very well.B:很好啊。A:Come on! Tell me all the good fortune that has befallen you.A:来,快告诉我你交了什么好运了?B:I made some money by buying stocks.B:我买股票赚了些钱。A:How many shares did you have?A:你有多少股?B:20.B:20股。A:How much did you earn?A:你赚了多少钱?B:About 5,000 yuan.B:大约5 000元。A:Could you tell me some experience about buying stocks?A:你能告诉我一些买股票的经验吗?B:Frankly speaking,I am a freshman and I have only an imperfect understanding of stocks.B:老实说,我也是新人,对股票只是一知半解。

1.I'd like to make a deposit.

make a deposit: 存款。“deposit”既可以作动词,又可以作名词,作动词用时指“将钱存入银行”;作名词用时指“存款”。 例:

I want to make a deposit.


She made two deposits of 500 pound last month.


2.I'd like to time deposit.

time deposit : 定期存款。相应的“活期存款”为“current deposit”。例:

And if it's a time deposit,the interest rate is higher than the current one.


3.What is the annual interest rate?

interest rate : 利率、利息。 “annual interest rate”,即年利率、年息。例:

What's the interest rate for the savings account?


The interest rate for the savings account is 4%.


4.It varies from time to time.

vary from : 不同于。 例:

Office hours vary from company to company and country to country.


The students vary from one another in character.


5.I'd like to apply for a loan.

apply for a loan :申请贷款。 例:

My purpose of coming here is to apply for a Renminbi Loan.


I'd like to apply for a personal loan.


6.Do you have an account here?

account :账户。 例:

Please explain the service charges on this account.


7.I'll tell you straight up.

straight up :直率地,真实地。 例:

Give me the bad news straight up.


8.We can take out a loan.

take out a loan :贷款。 例:

I'd like to take out a loan.


9.I may have to take out a student loan to finance my degree.


10.Anyway it's worth trying.

worth trying :值得一试。 例:

I don't think this is worth trying.


11.I'm looking forward to your reply.

look forward to :盼望,期待。 例:

I look forward to paying you a visit next week.


I look forward to being alone in the house.


12.I heard you won a lottery.

win a lottery :中奖,中彩。 例:

I want to win a lottery.


13.Tell me all the good fortune that has befallen you.

good fortune :好运。 例:

They envy him his good fortune.


I am enraptured with the stroke of good fortune.


14.I have only an imperfect understanding of stocks.

an imperfect understanding of :一知半解。 例:

He had only an imperfect understanding of his task.



定期存款time deposit

活期存款current deposit

利率interest rate


外国货币foreign currency

开账户open an account

支票账户checking account

储蓄账户savings account





签名sign (signature)






汇率exchange rate




申请apply for

存款期deposit term

定期存款fixed deposit

存款单deposit slip

到期利息interest on maturity

小写金额amount in figures



墨水; 墨汁ink

活期储蓄current account















回报 return


优先股preferred stock

庄家 market maker

利率 interest rate

批股share placement

折让 discount

投资组合理论 portfolio theory

投资银行investment banker

系统性风险systematic risk?

定息债券fixed income securities


1.deposit 折让





2.time deposit优先股

foreign currency活期存款

current deposit定期存款

preferred stock 利率

interest rate 投资银行

investment banker 外国货币


1.A:Can I help you,madam?

B:Yes.I'd like to apply for a (1)(信用卡),but I don't know how.

A:Never mind.Could I have your name and address?

B:Wu Min.And I live in No.12,Jixiang Road.

A:I also need your telephone number.

B:It's 15711000266.

A:And your(2)(职业)?

B:I'm a teacher in high school.

2.A:I'd like to deposit some money to my account.

B:May I have your (1)(存折)?

A:Here you are.

B:Thanks.You want to deposit 2,000 dollars,am I right?

A:Yes,here is my paycheck.

B:Thank you.Could you (2)(签字) here on the back of the check?


B:Oh…That's it.Here is your receipt and the bankbook.

3.A:Hi,Tom.Do you have an(1)(保险)policy?

B:Yes,I do.

A:An individual policy or a group policy?

B:(2)(集体) policy.I buy it through the place of my employment.

A:I see.What does your insurance policy cover?


4.A:How many (1)(股份)did you have?


A:30? Are you (2)(确信) you made money? What about commission charges?

B:Who cares? Listen,I just bought 20 shares in another company.I reinvested my earnings.

A:Oh,my god!

5.A:Jim carter?

B:Yes,that's me.

A:Right this way,just have a seat in front of this desk here.What is it I can do for you?

B:I want to open a (1)(储蓄账户)

A:Will you be transferring (2) (资金) from a current account?

B:No,I have this money order for $7,000 and some change.

A:Do you want the Gold savings account?

B:What are the (3) (条件)on that?

A:Well,it's a $5,000 minimum daily balance.And it has the highest (4)(利息) rate.

B:That sounds like the best one.Here's My ID card and the money order.

A:OK.Miss.Let me type in your address and then open the account.It might take a few minutes.Can I get you to endorse money order?

B:Yes,of course! Here you are.

A:Thank you.That's all set now.

B:Thank you.Goodbye.
