
第9章 H


vt. prevent the free movement or acting of (sb.); hinder (sb./sth) 妨碍,阻碍,牵制

hamper sb. s work 妨碍某人的工作/hamper sb. s movement 妨碍某人的活动/picnic hamper (装食物和用具的)野炊提篮/laundry hamper 洗衣篮

The commission would find itself hampered at every turn if its members couldn t reach an agreement.


Small farms and the lack of modern technology have hampered agricultural production.



n. small book giving useful facts; guidebook 手册;指南

a car handbook 汽车手册/a handbook of wild flowers 野生花卉手册


n. thing that makes progress or success difficult 不利的因素;障碍 v. give or be a disadvantage to (sb.) 对(某人)设置不利条件

a visual handicap 视力缺陷/a serious handicap 严重障碍/handicap sb. 对某人不利/handicap oneself 对自己不利/overcome a handicap 克服不利因素/give a handicap 设置障碍/work under a handicap 在不利条件下工作/be a handicap to sb. 对某人不利/be physically handicapped 身残的

Being overweight will handicap a boy in sports.



adj. said, made or done quickly or too quickly; hurried 急急忙的;过于匆忙的离去、用餐、告别 acting quickly; too fast (指人)仓促从事,草率

a hasty lunch 吃得匆忙的一顿午饭/a hasty decision 草率的决定/a hasty judgement 草率的判断/a hasty examination 匆匆的检查/a hasty retreat 匆匆撤退/a hasty visit 匆匆拜访/hasty words 未经过慎重考虑的话

You shouldn t be too hasty in deciding to get married.



n. opening in a door, floor or ceiling (门、地板或天花板上的)开口 opening in a ship s deck through which cargo is lowered or raised (船的甲板上装卸货物的)舱口vt.& vi.(cause to)break out (of an egg)孵(卵),孵(鸡)think out and produce (a plot,etc.)策划(计谋等)

hatch chickens 孵小鸡/hatch eggs 孵蛋/hatch a plan 策划计划/hatch a plot 策划阴谋/hatch out 孵化出来/hatch from 从……中孵出

The criminals hatched with secrecy a plan to rob a bank.



v. to pull hard (用力)拖,拉,拽 to transport in a vehicle 运送(货物) the act of hauling 迫使出现

haul指用力拉,有时也可表示很困难地拽,被拉的物体往往是离开地面的。如:Elephants are used in some countries for hauling timber.(有些国家用象来拉木材。)而drag拉的物体往往是沉重的且不离开地面,有摩擦力。如:The police dragged the football fans off the pitch.(警察把球迷们拖出足球场。)

haul, drag, draw, tow,pull,tug

haul拖、拉,是指长距离地拖拉大或重的东西。如:The fishermen were hauling up the nets.渔民们正把渔网拉上来。 drag拉、拖,是指拖拉笨重而不能携带的东西,通常只能在地上慢慢地拉着它移动。如:We dragged the carpet out of the room.我们把那张地毯拖出房间。 draw拉,是指平稳地拉着某物体,不用很大力气。如:She draw the curtain.她把窗帘拉上。 tow拖、拉,是指用绳、链拖拉着东西(物体)运动(行走)。如:The car broke down and had to be towed to the garage.汽车抛锚了,不得不被拖到修车厂修理。 pull是push(推)的反义词,是指朝你身边移近或朝你走的方向移动,不强调用力大小,而着重一时或突然拉动的动作,是本组词中最普通的用词。如:Don t pull the chairs about, boys!不要把椅子拖来拖去,孩子们! tug拖、拉,是指多次短促而使劲地拉。如:He tugged (at) the door but it wouldn t open.他用力拉门,但就是拉不开。

haul up拉上来/haul down 扯下/haul off举起手臂

If you want to get into that tunnel, you first have ot haul away all the rocks.


The logs were loaded on wagons and hauled to sawmill by horses.



vt. to visit often 常出没于,常到(去) to visit appearing in a strange form 萦绕在心头,使苦恼 n.to be always in the thoughts of someone; a place to go regularly 常去的地方

haunt作及物动词时,指“(鬼魂)常出没于”。如:a haunted house(常闹鬼的房屋);也可指“常去某地”。如:this is one of the cafes I used to haunt.(这是我过去经常光顾的餐馆之一。)haunt作名词时,指“常去的地方”。如:The inn on the seashore is a haunt of sailors.(海滨的那家酒店是水手们常去的地方。)

haunt a place 常去某地/haunt the imagination 萦回于想象中/haunt about a place with sb. 经常和某人一起出没于某地/be haunted by anxiety 老是忧心忡忡/the smell that haunts for hours 好几小时不消散的气味/return to sb. s old haunts 回到某人过去常去的地方/revisit the haunts of sb. s schooldays 重游求学时代常去之所/a favorite haunt of birds 鸟儿最喜欢栖息的地方/a haunt of lovers 恋人常去之地/popular haunts of pleasure 公共游乐场所

People say ghosts haunt that old house.


The notion of success haunts us: we spend million every year reading about the rich and famous, learning how to “make a fortune in real estate with no money down,” and “dressing for success.”



v. become healthy again (使某物)康复

That hasn t stopped thousands of winter depressives from trying to heal themselves. Light boxes for that purpose are available without a doctor s preion. That bothers psychologist Michael Terman of Columbia University.


The cut will heal over, but there will be a scar left.



n. ability to hear; sense with which sound is perceived 听力;听觉 distance within which one can hear 听力可以达到的距离

Her hearing is poor, ie She is rather deaf.


He said so in my hearing, ie in my presence so that I could hear.


Please keep within hearing (distance), ie stay near enough to hear.



v. to pull and lift with effort esp. toward oneself 举起,提起,拉直,拖 to rise and fall regularly 起伏,喘息 to give out a sad sound 发出(叹息声) to feel sick or to vomit 呕吐,恶心

heave 的过去式和过去分词有两种:heaved, heaved 用于一般词义;hove, hove 只用于航海。

heave one s heart up 呕吐/heave up 呕吐

I was surprised to see the little boy heaving the heavy suitcase onto the closet shelf.



v. (cause sth to) become higher or more intense (使某事物)提高,加强

heighten the value of 提高……的价值/become heightened in spirits 变得精神高昂

Father decided to heighten the building by the addition of a third storey.



n. person with the legal right to receive property when the owner dis 继承人

the legal heir 合法继承人/a natural heir 当然继承人,法定继承人/an heir at law 法定继承人/be the heir to……是……的继承人/heir to the throne 王位继承人/fall heir to 继承/make sb. one s heir 立某人为继承人

The tall man over there is heir to a large fortune.



n. half a sphere 半球

the Eastern (Western, Southern, Northern) Hemisphere (东、南、北)半球/the water hemisphere 水半球/the land hemisphere 陆半球/a cerebral hemisphere 大脑半球

The eye controlled by the sleeping hemisphere keeps shut, while the wakeful hemisphere s eye stays open and alert.


If you cut a round fruit into two, each half is a hemisphere.


 The dream of individual opportunity has been home in American since Europeans discovered a “new world” in the Western Hemisphere.



adv. from this time on 从今以后;今后


n. that which has been or maybe inherited 遗产,继承物

heritage应用范围很广,它可应用于任何事物(如传统、权利、事业等),这些事物不仅可以传给一个或若干个继承人,而且可以是一代或几代人。如:a rich heritage of folklore(丰富的民间传说遗产);He has a heritage of affluence and position.(他生在一个富裕而有地位的人家。)

culture heritage 文化遗产/a heritage from... 从……遗传来的

We should hand down cultural heritage to posterity (子孙).



n. system with grades of authority or status from the lowest to the highest 等级制度;阶层

the governmental hierarchy 政府的等级制/an academic hierarchy 学术等级/the ruling hierarchy 统治集团/a militarist hierarchy ****的统治集团/a rigid hierarchy of power 森严的权力等级/a hierarchy of moral values 道德准则的层次/the hierarchy of a political party 政党的领导层

The president comes at the top of the college hierarchy.



n. most interesting or most exciting part of sth. 最有意思最精彩的部分 v. give special attention to sth. 对某事予以特别的注意,强调

The TV programme highlighted the problems of the unemployed.


It is, more important, an educational campaign to highlight the contemporary reality of “racial deficits” of all kinds, the unequal conditions that impact blacks regardless of class.



vt. to stop sb. from doing sth. 妨碍,阻碍,干扰

hinder from 阻碍,使不能

He couldn t hinder himself from dwelling on that problem.



n. a jointed or flexible device that allows the turning 铰链,合叶 v. to attach by or equip with or as if with hinges or a hinge 给……装铰链,用铰链接合

off the hinges 脱开铰链上油/hinge on/upon 依……而定,以……为转移

The gate swings both ways on easy hinges.



n. person who studies or writes about history 历史学家;史学工作者


adj. famous or important in history 历史上著名的或重要的

the historic spot on which the first pilgrims landed in America 初期的英国移民登上美洲大陆的具有历史意义的地点

This is a historic occasion, ie will be regarded as a significant event in history.



adv. until this time 迄今;至此


v. to raise or haul up with or as if with the help of a mechanical apparatus. (用绳索或专门机械等)提升某物 n. pull or push up, lift 吊起;举起;提升

hoist a container 吊起集装箱/hoist a flag 升旗/hoist sails 扯起船帆,扬帆/hoist prices 使物价上涨/give sb. a hoist 把某人向上推一下/hoist down a cargo 卸货/a steam hoist 蒸汽起重机/a goods hoist 货物起重机/a power hoist 动力起重机/a hydraulic hoist 液压起重机

The sailors hoisted the cargo on board.



adj. of the some kind 同类的,同性质的,有相同性质的

homogeneous的反义词是heterogeneous。如:homogeneous parts(相同部分);the heterogeneous population of the U.S.A.(由不同种族组成的美国人口)。

homogeneous light 单色光/the homogeneous error 相同性质的错误

Some educators try to put students of similar abilities into the same class because they believe this kind of homogeneous grouping is advisable.



adj. causing horror 可怕的;令人恐惧的 very unpleasant 令人极不愉快的

a horrible crime, nightmare, death 骇人听闻的罪行、叫人心惊胆战的噩梦、令人恐惧的死亡/horrible weather, food, people 糟糕的天气、难吃的食物、极不友好的人

It tastes horrible.


Don t be so horrible (to me).



n. flexible tube made of rubber, plastic used for directing water 软管 stockings, socks and tights 袜子(总称) v. wash or water with a hose 用软管洗或浇某物

a water hose 软水管/fire hoses 消防水管 a hose cart ( 消防用)水龙车/a garden hose 花园浇水软管/a plastic hose 塑料软管/a rubber hose 橡皮软管/wind the hose 卷绕软管/reel the hose 卷水龙软管/attach a hose to 将水管接到……/hose a garden 给花园浇水/hose down a car 冲洗汽车/hose the yard out 用水管彻底冲洗院子

Will you hose down my car —it s too dirty.



n. friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests 好客,款待

hospitality是不可数名词,作“友好款待;好客”解。如:be noted for one s hospitality(以好客著称)。

Thank you for your hospitality while I was in your city.



n. person held as a captive by one or more others who threaten to keep harm or kill him unless certain demands are met 人质

exchange hostages 交换人质/give hostages to fortune 听天由命/ take/keep sb. as a hostage 把某人扣作人质/hold sb. in hostage 扣押某人作人质/become a hostage in sb. s hands 成为某人手中的人质

The hijacker with a gun took an air hostess as a hostage.



vi.to stay in the air in one place (鸟、飞机)盘旋,悬在空中 to wait around one place (人)徘徊,逗留; 踌躇,犹豫

hover over the house 在房子上空盘旋/hover between life and death 在生死关头徘徊/hover between 在……之间徘徊,犹豫不决/hover about a place 徘徊于某处

The helicopter hovered over the ship and lowered a doctor onto the deck.



v. put the arms round tightly 拥抱;紧抱 n. strong clasp with the arms 紧紧地拥抱

a bear hug 热烈的拥抱/wrap sb. in a bear hug 紧紧搂住某人/hug sb. 拥抱某人/hug each other 相互拥抱/hug oneself at 为……而沾沾自喜,暗自庆幸…… /hug oneself over 为……而暗自得意,暗自庆幸……/hug sb. closely to one s breast 把某人紧紧地搂在怀中

The two friends greeted each other with bear hugs.



n. human beings collectively; the human race; people 人(总称);人类 being humane; kind heartness 人道;仁慈 human nature; being human 人性

out of humanity 出于人道/a crime against humanity 违反人性的罪行/an act of humanity 仁慈的行为/treat sb. with humanity 人道地对待某人/benefit humanity 对人类有益/disgrace humanity 使人类蒙羞

This new discovery will contribute to all humanity.


But to Morris Marable and his heirs,slavery was a crime against our humanity.

但是对于Morris Marable和我们这些后人来说,奴隶制则是对人权的犯罪。(2006年6月阅读理解)


n. degree of moisture, esp in the air; dampness 湿度(特指空气中的);潮湿

absolute humidity 绝对湿度/relative humidity 相对湿度/the humidity of soil 土壤的湿度/the humidity of the air 空气的湿度

The humidity of soil helps plants to grow.



v. throw sth. violently 用力投掷 shout yell 大声说出;叫喊

hurl one s money about 乱花钱/hurl a stone at 向……投掷石块/hurl oneself into 投身于……/hurl threats at sb. 威胁某人/hurl abuse at sb. 辱骂某人/hurl accusations at sb. 强烈指责某人/hurl sb. into prison 将某人关进监狱/hurl...into the air 将……掷向空中

The best cure for solitude is to hurl yourself into your work.



n. storm with a violent wind 飓风,风暴

blow a hurricane 刮飓风/a severe hurricane 猛烈的飓风/hurricane globe (烛等的)防风罩/a hurricane of applause 雷鸣般的掌声/a hurricane of cheers 暴风雨般的欢呼声

The hurricane flung their motor boat upon the rocks.



n. an idea which is thought suitable to explain the facts about sth. 假说,假设,前提

on the hypothesis of 基于……的假设

Some futurologists have assumed that the vast upsurge of women in the workforce may portend a rejection of marriage. Many women, according to this hypothesis, would rather work than marry.



adj. caused by hysteria 因患歇斯底里而引起的 suffering from hysteria 患歇斯底里的

hysterical fans 狂热的崇拜者/hysterical laughter 狂笑/an hysterical outburst of fury 勃然大怒

The couple grew hysterical when they couldn t find the child.
