
第26章 Everything is Possible(2)

It‘s that same kind of thinking that brought us to China in the first place.It was 22years ago that HP opened our first office here in China,in an old municipal factory located in Beijing.A day before the opening,there was still sawdust on the floor,and two of our engineers worked so hard to get our systems ready that they slept overnight in the building on folding cots.When we opened that building,it was the first partnership of its kind to be sponsored by the government of the People’s Republic of China in conjunction with a foreign company.

That‘s the same wish I leave you with here today.This University,I believe,has prepared you well and taught you the lessons of character and capability.The leaders of tomorrow will be the people of your age with the drive and commitment to fulfill their own potential and to help others reach their potential.This is a world that in fact has always been driven by the young.

Galileo published his first book on gravity at age 22.The founders of HP,Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard,were in their 20’s when they began the company.Bill Gates after all started Microsoft when he was 22.Or think about a lesson of one of this school‘s great founders-Zhao Yuanren,one of Tsinghua’s Great Four Tutors,who knew 10European languages and dozens of Chinese dialects,who accompanied British philosopher Bertrand Russell around China and translated his English into the local dialect at each of their destinations.He was only 28at the time.

And let us not forget that the world‘s very first computer programmer was a woman in her 20s named Ada Byron Lovelace.She lived more than 150years ago.She greatly expanded on the work of her mentor,the renowned mathematician Charles Babbage,whose work on the analytical engine preceded the modern computer.Today,the computer language Ada is named for her.

Your job,your great opportunity,is to harness the forces of change swirling all around you,in whatever field you decide to enter,and to take full advantage of the possibilities at your fingertips.Leadership can take place in acts large and small,it can come not just from CEOs and Prime Ministers,but can come as well from ordinary citizens who believe in the potential of others.I hope that whatever you do,you will remember your own power and dedicate yourself to the cause Tsinghua has prepared you so well for:to dedicate yourself to unlock the potential in others;to believe in the potential of yourself;to make this era the most exciting in all of human history-and to prove,beyond a shadow of a doubt,that everything is possible.

Thank you.







