
第12章 Dartmouth College: A voice crying out in the wilde



Back to its origin

Founded in 1769 by the Reverend Eleazar Wheelock, Dartmouth is the smallest member of the Ivies located in rural Hanover, New Hampshire and consistently ranks among the world"s greatest academic institutions. Dartmouth became coeducational in 1972. The school has its world-class faculty and facilities, and nationally and internationally outstanding undergraduate liberal arts and graduate education with distinguished research and scholarship in the Arts & Sciences and its three leading professional graduate schools-the Geisel School of Medicine ( opened in 1797 ), Thayer School of Engineering ( opened in 1867 ), and the Tuck School of Business ( opened in 1900 ). Dartmouth students come from all 50 states and more than 100 countries. Almost half of the students receive some form of need-based financial assistance to cover the cost of their education.Given the College"s isolated location, participation in athletics and the school"s Greek system is high. So Dartmouth is known for its student involvement in sports and Greek life. It is also No. 1 among the Ivies for students involved in study-abroad programs.

More information

Majors and programs: Dartmouth offers 57 majors and programs, the most popular of which are biology, economics, engineering science, English, government, history and psychological and brain sciences.This college has a strong commitment to the undergraduate courses of study and teaching the students what they need to succeed.

Resources: Dartmouth"s unique blending of a world-class research university"s resources with a college"s focus on undergraduate education offers small classes, top-flight facilities, and an outstanding faculty. The students have the opportunity to conduct original research and work one-on-one with faculty who are at the leading edge of their fields.It was the first Ivy to offer wireless Internet.With over 1,400 access points, the network is available throughout all College buildings as well as in most public outdoor spaces.


isolated [aisleitid] adj. 孤立的;分离的;单独的

psychological [saikldikl] adj.


top-flight ][tp flait] adj. 第一流的,最高的

one-on-one [wn n wn] adv. 一对一;面对面

wireless [wailis] adj. 无线的;无线电的








Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light.


When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes a pretty little package.
