
第11章 心情晴雨表 (4)

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Just forget it. Let it be. 5So what? 那又怎么样呢? A: Lindsay still isn’t home yet! B: So what?甲:琳赛还没回家!乙:那又怎么样呢? ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: What about it? 6Who cares? 谁会在乎? A: Did you hear a movie star is coming to town? B: Who cares? 甲:你听没听说有个电影明星要来这里?乙:谁会在乎? ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I don’t care at all. I don’t give a hoot. I don’t care. I couldn’t care more. 我很在乎。 = I care a lot. = I care deeply. ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: It’s not my business. It’s nothing to do with me. It’s no concern of mine. It doesn’t have anything to do with me. 4Let it go. 随他去吧。 A: I really want to ask him why he did such a thing. B: Let it go.甲:我真的想问问他为什么要做这样的事情。乙:随他去吧。 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Just forget it. Let it be. 5So what? 那又怎么样呢? A: Lindsay still isn’t home yet! B: So what?甲:琳赛还没回家!乙:那又怎么样呢? ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: What about it? 6Who cares? 谁会在乎? A: Did you hear a movie star is coming to town? B: Who cares? 甲:你听没听说有个电影明星要来这里?乙:谁会在乎? ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I don’t care at all. I don’t give a hoot. I don’t care. I couldn’t care more. 我很在乎。 = I care a lot. = I care deeply.

7All this traffic is giving me a headache. 这路况真令人头疼。

A: All this traffic is giving me a headache. B: I feel the same.甲:这路况真令人头疼。乙:我同意。

■ Plus Plus:headache的意思是“头痛”。例如:He is off today because he got a headache. 他今天请假了,因为他说他头疼。headache也可以指“令人头痛的事”。 8I feel so embarrassed. 我觉得很难堪。

A: I feel so embarrassed. B: You have no reason to feel ashamed.甲:我觉得很难堪。乙:你没有理由觉得惭愧。

■Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m so embarrassed. I’m really embarrassed. I really embarrassed myself. 9 I’m ashamed of myself. 我为自己感到惭愧。

A: I’m ashamed of myself. B: Don’t be. You made a simple mistake.甲:我为自己感到惭愧。乙:别这样,你不过是犯了个小错而已。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I should never have acted that way. I can’t believe I did that.laundry ['l3:ndri] n. 洗衣店 headache ['hedeik] n. 头疼 concern [k4n's4:n] n. 关心 embarrassed [im'b1r4st] adj. 尴尬的 hoot [hu:t] v. 对……全然漠视 ashamed [4'5eimd] adj. 羞愧的

> Conversation

会 话 演 练

[句 型 演 练] Unit 15 1. But I won’t be as free as I am now.在这里 as表示“同等地,一样地”。例如:The child sang as sweetly as a nightingale. 这孩子歌唱得如同夜莺般婉转。You are as sweet as sugar. 你甜如蜜。

2. I don’t mean to hurt you.mean doing sth. 的意思是“意味着 (必须要做某事或导致某种结果 )”,其主语通常是指事物的词。例如:

Being a student means studying hard. 作为一名学生,(意味着 )你要努力学习。

Success means working hard. 成功意味着工作努力。

mean to do sth. 的意思是“打算或企图做某事”,其主语通常是表示人的名词或代词。例如:

What do you mean to do with it? 你打算怎样处理它 ?

We mean to call on you tomorrow. 我们打算明天看望你。

3. Sometimes I don’t know what the meaning of working is.meaning of sth.表示“(做)某事的意义”,of是介词,所以后面要加动名词或名词。本句也可以省略成:

Sometimes I don’t know the meaning of working is.

4. Maybe I need to go to my therapist for help.美剧里常见到的咨询师就是therapist,在《绝望主妇》里,人物一旦出现感情问题就会主动找 therapist咨询。而 psychologist表示“心理学家”,通常是大学或专业学院的哲学、心理学或教育学的研究人员。

5. But now I have no aim for my career and even my life.aim for的意思是“以……为目标”。