
第8章 心情晴雨表 (1)

> Conversation

心 情 不 错

Unit 11 俗话说“人逢喜事精神爽”,用英语可以这样表达:Joy puts heart into a man. 其实英语中表达高兴心情的词句非常多,不过无论你说什么,洋溢在脸上的笑容都直接表达了你的心情,就让大家一起来分享你的喜悦吧!

1That's terrific! 太好了!

A: I got the job! B: That’s terrific! A: Let’s go to the bar. My treat!甲:我得到那份工作了!乙:太好了!甲:咱去酒吧。我请客!

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: That’s great/ super! How marvelous/ wonderful/ cool! Fabulous! 2Fantastic! 太棒了!

A: So how was the show? B: Fantastic! A: Tell me more about it.甲:那场演出怎么样啊?乙:太棒了!甲:多告诉我点儿。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Super! Smashing! Awesome! Great!

3 It’s heart stopping! 太让人激动了!

A: I can’t believe we’re at this concert! B: I know! It’s heart stopping!甲:真难以相信我们来听这场音乐会了!乙:是啊!太让人激动了!

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: This is so exciting/ amazing! It’s breathtaking/ incredible! How exciting! This is unbelievable/ unreal! >>>心情晴雨表

4 I can’t stop smiling. 我高兴极了。

A: So how do you feel about your new house? B: I can’t stop smiling.甲:对你的新房子感觉如何?乙:我高兴极了。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m wild with joy. I’m so happy. 5 I couldn’t be happier. 我觉得非常开心。

A: So how is your new job? B: I couldn’t be happier.甲:你的新工作怎么样?乙:我觉得非常开心。

6 I’m on top of the world. 我欣喜若狂。

A: How do you feel about the decision? B: I’m on top of the world.甲:你对这个决定有何感觉?乙:我欣喜若狂。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m beside myself with joy. I’m sitting on top of the world. I’ve never been so happy.

I feel like I’m flying. 我高兴得飘飘欲仙。 A: I can’t believe you won the contest! B: I know. I feel like I’m flying.甲:我不敢相信你赢了比赛。乙:是啊,我高兴得飘飘欲仙。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m walking on air. You’ve got stars in your eyes. 你看上去满面春风。 A: You’ve got stars in your eyes. B: I know. I just ran into Luke.甲:你看上去满面春风。乙:我知道,因为我刚才碰见卢克了。

9Nothing would please me more. 没有比这更让人开心的了。

A: How was your trip to Hawaii? B: Nothing would please me more.甲:你的夏威夷之旅怎么样啊?乙:没有比这更让人开心的了。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Nothing could be more wonderful. Nothing could be nicer/ greater. Nothing could top that. 10I am in a good mood. 我心情不错。

A: I am in a good mood. B: Is there something good? A: I got a promotion.甲:我心情不错。乙:有什么好事发生吗?甲:我升职了。

■ Plus Plus:be in a mood和 be in a good mood表示的意思截然相反:前者表示“情绪不佳”,后者表示“心情不错”。例如:He is in a mood. So just leave him alone. 他心情不好,所以先别理他。

The beautiful sunny morning put me in a happy mood. 阳光明媚的早晨使我心情愉快。

11What a big surprise! 这是多大的一份惊喜啊!

A: Happy birthday! B: What a big surprise! A: Do you like it?甲:生日快乐!乙:这是多大的一份惊喜啊!甲:你喜欢吗?

12You seemed to be on cloud nine. 你看起来高兴极了。

A: You seemed to be on cloud nine. B: I got the first price. A: Congratulations!甲:你看起来高兴极了。乙:我得了第一名。甲:恭喜你!


Plus Plus:cloud nine表示“狂喜,无比幸福”,也可以说成cloud seven。例如:I am on cloud seven.  我心情特别好。 = I feel terrific! = I’m walking on air. 13 It looks like that she’s in seventh heaven. 她像登上了极乐世界一样高兴。

A: It looks like that she’s in seventh heaven. B: Oh, yes. She got an offer today. A: Really? From which company?甲:她像登上了极乐世界一样高兴。乙:哦,是。她得到了一份工作邀请。甲:真的?哪家公司?

■ Plus Plus:in seventh heaven喻指“心情极为快乐、满足”。例如: When Ken got a very good examination result, he was in seventh heaven.当肯得知自己考了个好成绩时,他异常高兴。049

14I am relieved. 我很欣慰。 14I am relieved. 我很欣慰。

A: How about her mother? B: She feels much better. A: I am relieved to hear her mother is all right.甲:她妈妈怎么样了?乙:她已经好多了。甲:听到她母亲已经好了,我很欣慰。

■ Plus Plus:relieved的意思是“放心的,得到安慰的”。例如:Your mother will be very relieved to hear that you are safe. 听说你平安无事,你母亲感到极大的安慰。I was relieved to see them back. 看到他们回来了我才放心。 15 Oh, it’s good news. 哦,真是好消息。

A: I got the job! B: Oh, it’s good news. 甲:我得到那份工作了!乙:噢,真是好消息。

■ Plus Plus:与这句话相近的句子还有: That’s great to hear. That’s such good news. terrific [t4'rifik] adj. 非常的 marvelous ['m2:v4l4s] adj. 引起惊奇的 fabulous ['f1bjul4s] adj. 难以置信的 fantastic [f1n't1stik] adj. 幻想的 smashing ['sm15i6] adj. 了不起的 awesome ['3:s4m] adj. 非常好的 breathtaking ['bre7`teiki6] adj. 惊人的

incredible [in'kred4bl] adj. 难以置信的 contest [k4n'test] v. 争辩 congratulation [k4n`gr1tju'lei54n] n.

恭喜 cloud nine心情非常好 seventh heaven极乐世界 relieved [ri'li:vd] adj.放心的,宽心的

> Conversation

情 绪 低 落 Unit 12王菲的歌里唱过:人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺……情绪低落的时候总难免,该怎样恰到好处地表达自己的忧郁和苦闷呢?一起来看看下面这一节!

1You disappointed me. 你让我失望了。

A: I’m really sorry I didn’t get the report finished. B: You disappointed me.甲:真抱歉我没能完成报告。乙:你让我失望了。

Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: You let me down. 2 I’m in despair. 我觉得很绝望。

A: So how are you doing since the divorce? B: I’m in despair.甲:离婚以来你还好吗?乙:我觉得很绝望。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m miserable. I’m terribly depressed. I’m in agony. 3I have no other options. 我别无选择。

A: I really don’t want you to go. B: I have no other options.甲:我真不想让你走。乙:我别无选择。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I have no other choice but to do so. There’s no other way. 4I’m in a slump right now. 我现在情绪很低落。 A: What’s up, Nathan? B: I’m in a slump right now.甲:怎么了,南森?乙:我现在情绪很低落。 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m in a bad mood. I’m down in the dumps. I’m not in a very good mood. I’m bummed. 5I feel frustrated. 我心灰意冷了。 A: Why aren’t you talking to Rachel? B: I feel frustrated.甲:你为什么不和雷切尔谈谈?乙:我心灰意冷了。