
第3章 Foreign Exchange Market (2)

Understanding the production,distribution,and consumption of goods and services is essential if you want to take a big picture approach to business and investing. The current state of the U.S. economy is a combination of various factors (i.e.consumer over-spending,speculative real estate investing,fragile lending practices,a weakening dollar,low supply of oil,etc.).

If you understand how the economy got to the point where it is today,it helps you identify where your money should be. You can pick out the right investments and turn away from the bad ones. You can identify which direction your business should go in,including whether to take advantage of certain trends or cut out excess inventory.

Economics is a vital ingredient in a person’s financial education. The world is now a global marketplace,and the supply and demand of goods and services operate at that level.


Finance helps you understand how the time value of money works and how various investment vehicles operate. One of the keys to becoming rich is comprehending how money works when it’s not in your hands. A finance course (preferably one geared towards entrepreneurship) will teach you what you need to know to reach this level of understanding. There might be some math involved,but it won’t kill you. It’ll just make you a stronger and more savvy investor.

Any American History Course

History can be boring. But if you look at history from a different viewpoint,it can open doors for you. The most valuable aspect of history is its ability to convey to us the mistakes of others. Studying history helps you learn from others mistakes so that,hopefully,you won’t commit the same mistakes.

American history is filled with mishaps,wrong turns,and terrible decision-making,both at the national political level and at the business level. Look at these errors,and figure out how a better decision could have been made.

Writing and Composition

Succeeding as an entrepreneur requires that you be able to express yourself and your ideas. Whether it involves pitching an idea to an investor,writing a press release,or composing a business plan,entrepreneurs need to communicate. More often than not,this communication is done in writing. Basic composition and grammar skills can do wonders for your ability to convey your ideas and your mindset.

Any Literature Course

Literature,like history,contains valuable lessons that emanate from years of experience and wisdom. Why not draw on these sources of information? There is no limit to the topics covered by novels. Ernest Hemingway’s books are full of inspirational messages. Oscar Wilde provides brilliant business advice. Henry David Thoreau is the master of teaching self-reliance. These books and others provide timeless principles of personal development and,just as important,wealth creation.


One of the problems with“bosses”is that they don’t know how to manage people. If you want to own and run a business,you need to manage that business effectively and efficiently. An understanding of management concepts and learning different techniques and skills will not only make you likable,but they will also help you make more money.




● 会计学



● 市场营销



● 经济学




● 金融学


● 任意一门美国历史课



● 写作


● 任意一门文学课程