

The eldest son-Saying of wild Finland-The critical time-Vaunting polls-One thing wanted-A father's blessing-Miracle of art-The Pope's house-Young enthusiast-Pictures of England-Persist and wrestle-The little dark man.

THE eldest son!The regard and affection which my father entertained for his first-born were natural enough,and appeared to none more so than myself,who cherished the same feelings towards him.What he was as a boy the reader already knows,for the reader has seen him as a boy;fain would I describe him at the time of which I am now speaking,when he had attained the verge of manhood,but the pen fails me,and I attempt not the task;and yet it ought to be an easy one,for how frequently does his form visit my mind's eye in slumber and in wakefulness,in the light of day and in the night watches;but last night I saw him in his beauty and his strength;he was about to speak,and my ear was on the stretch,when at once I awoke,and there was I alone,and the night storm was howling amidst the branches of the pines which surround my lonely dwelling:'Listen to the moaning of the pine,at whose root thy hut is fastened,'-a saying that,of wild Finland,in which there is wisdom;I listened and thought of life and death....Of all human beings that I have ever known,that elder brother was the most frank and generous,ay,and the quickest and readiest,and the best adapted to do a great thing needful at the critical time,when the delay of a moment would be fatal.I have known him dash from a steep bank into a stream in his full dress,and pull out a man who was drowning;yet there were twenty others bathing in the water,who might have saved him by putting out a hand,without inconvenience to themselves,which,however,they did not do,but stared with stupid surprise at the drowning one's struggles.Yes,whilst some shouted from the bank to those in the water to save the drowning one,and those in the water did nothing,my brother neither shouted nor stood still,but dashed from the bank and did the one thing needful,which,under such circumstances,not one man in a million would have done.Now,who can wonder that a brave old man should love a son like this,and prefer him to any other?

'My boy,my own boy,you are the very image of myself,the day I took off my coat in the park to fight Big Ben,'said my father,on meeting his son wet and dripping,immediately after his bold feat.

And who cannot excuse the honest pride of the old man-the stout old man?

Ay,old man,that son was worthy of thee,and thou wast worthy of such a son;a noble specimen wast thou of those strong single-minded Englishmen,who,without making a parade either of religion or loyalty,feared God and honoured their king,and were not particularly friendly to the French,whose vaunting polls they occasionally broke,as at Minden and at Malplaquet,to the confusion vast of the eternal foes of the English land.I,who was so little like thee that thou understoodst me not,and in whom with justice thou didst feel so little pride,had yet perception enough to see all thy worth,and to feel it an honour to be able to call myself thy son;and if at some no distant time,when the foreign enemy ventures to insult our shore,I be permitted to break some vaunting poll,it will be a triumph to me to think that,if thou hadst lived,thou wouldst have hailed the deed,and mightest yet discover some distant resemblance to thyself,the day when thou didst all but vanquish the mighty Brain.

I have already spoken of my brother's taste for painting,and the progress he had made in that beautiful art.It is probable that,if circumstances had not eventually diverted his mind from the pursuit,he would have attained excellence,and left behind him some enduring monument of his powers,for he had an imagination to conceive,and that yet rarer endowment,a hand capable of giving life,body,and reality to the conceptions of his mind;perhaps he wanted one thing,the want of which is but too often fatal to the sons of genius,and without which genius is little more than a splendid toy in the hands of the possessor-perseverance,dogged perseverance,in his proper calling;otherwise,though the grave had closed over him,he might still be living in the admiration of his fellow-creatures.O ye gifted ones,follow your calling,for,however various your talents may be,ye can have but one calling capable of leading ye to eminence and renown;follow resolutely the one straight path before you,it is that of your good angel,let neither obstacles nor temptations induce ye to leave it;bound along if you can;if not,on hands and knees follow it,perish in it,if needful;but ye need not fear that;no one ever yet died in the true path of his calling before he had attained the pinnacle.

Turn into other paths,and for a momentary advantage or gratification ye have sold your inheritance,your immortality.Ye will never be heard of after death.

'My father has given me a hundred and fifty pounds,'said my brother to me one morning,'and something which is better-his blessing.I am going to leave you.'

'And where are you going?'

'Where?to the great city;to London,to be sure.'

'I should like to go with you.'

'Pooh,'said my brother,'what should you do there?But don't be discouraged,I daresay a time will come when you too will go to London.'

And,sure enough,so it did,and all but too soon.

'And what do you purpose doing there?'I demanded.