While I was meditating on it with enraptured gaze, Dame Honeyball,who was highly gratified by the interest it excited, put in my hands adrinking cup or goblet, which also belonged to the vestry, and wasdescended from the old Boar's Head. It bore the inscription ofhaving been the gift of Francis Wythers, knight, and was held, shetold me, in exceeding great value, being considered very "antyke."This last opinion was strengthened by the shabby gentleman in thered nose and oil-cloth hat, and whom I strongly suspected of being alineal descendant from the valiant Bardolph. He suddenly roused fromhis meditation on the pot of porter, and, casting a knowing look atthe goblet, exclaimed, "Ay, ay! the head don't ache now that made thatthere article!"The great importance attached to this memento of ancient revelryby modern churchwardens at first puzzled me; but there is nothingsharpens the apprehension so much as antiquarian research; for Iimmediately perceived that this could be no other than the identical"parcel-gilt goblet" on which Falstaff made his loving, butfaithless vow to Dame Quickly; and which would, of course, betreasured up with care among the regalia of her domains, as atestimony of that solemn contract.** Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in myDolphin chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, on Wednesday,in Whitsunweek, when the prince broke thy head for likening his fatherto a singing man at Windsor; thou didst swear to me then, as I waswashing thy wound, to marry me, and make me my lady, thy wife.

Can'st thou deny it?- Henry IV., Part 2.

Mine hostess, indeed, gave me a long history how the goblet had beenhanded down from generation to generation. She also entertained mewith many particulars concerning the worthy vestrymen who haveseated themselves thus quietly on the stools of the ancient roysterersof Eastcheap, and, like so many commentators, utter clouds of smoke inhonor of Shakspeare. These I forbear to relate, lest my readers shouldnot be as curious in these matters as myself. Suffice it to say, theneighbors, one and all, about Eastcheap, believe that Falstaff and hismerry crew actually lived and revelled there. Nay, there are severallegendary anecdotes concerning him still extant among the oldestfrequenters of the Mason's Arms, which they give as transmitted downfrom their forefathers; and Mr. M'Kash, an Irish hair-dresser, whoseshop stands on the site of the old Boar's Head, has several dryjokes of Fat Jack's, not laid down in the books, with which he makeshis customers ready to die of laughter.

I now turned to my friend the sexton to make some further inquiries,but I found him sunk in pensive meditation. His head had declined alittle on one side; a deep sigh heaved from the very bottom of hisstomach; and, though I could not see a tear trembling in his eye,yet a moisture was evidently stealing from a corner of his mouth. Ifollowed the direction of his eye through the door which stood open,and found it fixed wistfully on the savory breast of lamb, roasting indripping richness before the fire.

I now called to mind that, in the eagerness of my reconditeinvestigation, I was keeping the poor man from his dinner. My bowelsyearned with sympathy, and, putting in his hand a small token of mygratitude and goodness, I departed, with a hearty benediction onhim, Dame Honeyball, and the Parish Club of Crooked Lane;- notforgetting my shabby, but sententious friend, in the oil-cloth hat andcopper nose.

Thus have I given a "tedious brief" account of this interestingresearch, for which, if it prove too short and unsatisfactory, I canonly plead my inexperience in this branch of literature, so deservedlypopular at the present day. I am aware that a more skilful illustratorof the immortal bard would have swelled the materials I have touchedupon, to a good merchantable bulk; comprising the biographies ofWilliam Walworth, Jack Straw, and Robert Preston; some notice of theeminent fishmongers of St. Michael's; the history of Eastcheap,great and little; private anecdotes of Dame Honeyball, and herpretty daughter, whom I have not even mentioned; to say nothing of adamsel tending the breast of lamb, (and whom, by the way, I remarkedto be a comely lass, with a neat foot and ankle;)- the whole enlivenedby the riots of Wat Tyler, and illuminated by the great fire ofLondon.

All this I leave, as a rich mine, to be worked by futurecommentators; nor do I despair of seeing the tobacco-box, and the"parcel-gilt goblet," which I have thus brought to light, the subjectsof future engravings, and almost as fruitful of voluminousdissertations and disputes as the shield of Achilles, or the far-famedPortland vase.


