书城公版The Letters of Mark Twain Vol.1


My air-ship was delayed by a collision with a fellow from China loaded with the usual cargo of jabbering, copper-colored missionaries, and so Iwas nearly an hour on my journey.But by the goodness of God thirteen of the missionaries were crippled and several killed, so I was content to lose the time.I love to lose time, anyway, because it brings soothing reminiscences of the creeping railroad days of old, now lost to us forever.

Our game was neatly played, and successfully.--None expected us, of course.You should have seen the guards at the ducal palace stare when I said, "Announce his grace the Archbishop of Dublin and the Rt.Hon.

the Earl of Hartford." Arrived within, we were all eyes to see the Duke of Cambridge and his Duchess, wondering if we might remember their faces, and they ours.In a moment, they came tottering in; he, bent and withered and bald; she blooming with wholesome old age.He peered through his glasses a moment, then screeched in a reedy voice: "Come to my arms! Away with titles--I'll know ye by no names but Twain and Twichell! Then fell he on our necks and jammed his trumpet in his ear, the which we filled with shoutings to this effect: "God bless you, old Howells what is left of you!"We talked late that night--none of your silent idiot "communings" for us --of the olden time.We rolled a stream of ancient anecdotes over our tongues and drank till the lord Archbishop grew so mellow in the mellow past that Dublin ceased to be Dublin to him and resumed its sweeter forgotten name of New York.In truth he almost got back into his ancient religion, too, good Jesuit, as he has always been since O'Mulligan the First established that faith in the Empire.

And we canvassed everybody.Bailey Aldrich, Marquis of Ponkapog, came in, got nobly drunk, and told us all about how poor Osgood lost his earldom and was hanged for conspiring against the second Emperor--but he didn't mention how near he himself came to being hanged, too, for engaging in the same enterprise.He was as chaffy as he was sixty years ago, too, and swore the Archbishop and I never walked to Boston--but there was never a day that Ponkapog wouldn't lie, so be it by the grace of God he got the opportunity.

The Lord High Admiral came in, a hale gentleman close upon seventy and bronzed by the suns and storms of many climes and scarred with the wounds got in many battles, and I told him how I had seen him sit in a high chair and eat fruit and cakes and answer to the name of Johnny.His granddaughter (the eldest) is but lately warned to the youngest of the Grand Dukes, and so who knows but a day may come when the blood of the Howells's may reign in the land? I must not forget to say, while I think of it, that your new false teeth are done, my dear, and your wig.Keep your head well bundled with a shawl till the latter comes, and so cheat your persecuting neuralgias and rheumatisms.Would you believe it?--the Duchess of Cambridge is deafer than you--deafer than her husband.They call her to breakfast with a salvo of artillery; and usually when it thunders she looks up expectantly and says "come in....."The monument to the author of "Gloverson and His Silent partners" is finished.It is the stateliest and the costliest ever erected to the memory of any man.This noble classic has now been translated into all the languages of the earth and is adored by all nations and known to all creatures.Yet I have conversed as familiarly with the author of it as Ido with my own great-grandchildren.

I wish you could see old Cambridge and Ponkapog.I love them as dearly as ever, but privately, my dear, they are not much improvement on idiots.

It is melancholy to hear them jabber over the same pointless anecdotes three and four times of an evening, forgetting that they had jabbered them over three or four times the evening before.Ponkapog still writes poetry, but the old-time fire has mostly gone out of it.Perhaps his best effort of late years is this:

"O soul, soul, soul of mine:

Soul, soul, soul of thine!

Thy soul, my soul, two souls entwine, And sing thy lauds in crystal wine!"This he goes about repeating to everybody, daily and nightly, insomuch that he is become a sore affliction to all that know him.

But I must desist.There are drafts here, everywhere and my gout is something frightful.My left foot hath resemblance to a snuff-bladder.

God be with you.


These to Lady Hartford, in the earldom of Hartford, in the upper portion of the city of Dublin.

One may imagine the joy of Howells and the others in this ludicrous extravaganza, which could have been written by no one but Mark Twain.It will hardly take rank as prophecy, though certainly true forecast in it is not wholly lacking.

Clemens was now pretty well satisfied with his piloting story, but he began to have doubts as to its title, "Old Times on the Mississippi." It seemed to commit him to too large an undertaking.

To W.D.Howells, in Boston:

Dec.3, 1874.

MY DEAR HOWELLS,-- Let us change the heading to "Piloting on the Miss in the Old Times"--or to "Steamboating on the M.in Old Times"--or to "Personal Old Times on the Miss."--We could change it for Feb.if now too late for Jan.--I suggest it because the present heading is too pretentious, too broad and general.It seems to command me to deliver a Second Book of Revelation to the world, and cover all the Old Times the Mississippi (dang that word, it is worse than "type" or "Egypt ") ever saw--whereas here I have finished Article No.III and am about to start on No.4.and yet I have spoken of nothing but of Piloting as a science so far; and I doubt if I ever get beyond that portion of my subject.

And I don't care to.Any muggins can write about Old Times on the Miss.