


The Wegg homesteada stood near the edge of a thin forest of pines through which Little Bill Creek wound noisily on its way to the lake.At the left was a slope on which grew a neglected orchard of apple and pear trees,their trunks rough and gnarledb by the struggle to outlive many severe winters.There was a rude,rocky lane in front,separated from the yard by a fence of split pine rails,but the ground surrounding the house was rich enough to grow a profusionc of June grass.

The farm was of very little value.Back of the yard was a fairly good berry patch,but aside from that some two acres of corn and a small strip of timothy represented all that was fertile of the sixty acres the place contained.

But the house itself was the most imposing dwelling for many miles around.Just why that silent old sea—dogd,Jonas Wegg,had come into this secludede wilderness to locate was a problem the Millville people had never yet solved.Certainly it was with no idea of successfully farming the land he had acquired,for half of it was stony and half covered by pine forest.But the house he constructed was the wonder of the country—side in its day.It was a big,two—story building,the lower half being "jest cobblestones,"as the neighborssneeringly remarked,while the upper half was "decent pine lumber."The lower ?oor of this main building consisted of asingle room with a great cobble—stone ?replace in the center of the rear wall and narrow,prison—like windows at the front and sides.There was a small porch in front,with a great entrance door of carved dark wood of a foreign look,which the Captain had brought from some port in Massachusetts.A stair in one corner of the big living room led to the second story,where four large bed—chambers were arranged.These had once been plastered and papered,but the wall—paper had all faded into dull,neutral tints and in one of the rooms a big patch of plaster had fallen away from the ceiling,showing the bare lath.Only one of the upstairs rooms had ever been furnished,and it now contained a corded wooden bedstead,a cheap pine table and one broken—legged chair.Indeed,the main building,which I have brie?y described,had not been in use for many years.Sometimes,when Captain Wegg was alive,he would build a log fire in the great fireplace on a winter's evening and sit before it in silent mood until far into the night.And once,when his young wife had ?rst occupied the new house,the big room had acquired a fairly cozy and comfortable appearance.But it had always been sparselya furnished,and most of the decadent furniture that now littered it was useless and unlovely.

The big wooden lean—to at the back,and the right wing,were at this time the only really habitable parts of the mansion.The lean—to had an entrance from the living room,but Old Hucks and Nora his wife used the back door entirely.Itconsisted of a large and cheerful kitchen and two rooms off it,one used as a store room and the other as a sleeping chamber for the aged couple.

The right wing was also constructed of cobble—stone,and had formerly been Captain Wegg's own chamber.After his death his only child,Joe,then a boy of sixteen,had taken possession of his father's room;but after a day or two he had suddenly quitted the house where he was born and plunged into the great outside world—to seek his fortune,it was said.Decidedly there was no future for the boy here;in the cities lurks opportunity.

When Ethel Thompson arrived in the early morning that followed her interview with McNutt she rode her pony through the gap in the rail fence,across the June grass,and around to the back door.On a bench beside the pump an old woman sat shelling peas.Her form was thin but erect and her hair snowy white.She moved with alertness,and as the girl dismounted and approached her she raised her head and turned a pleasant face with deep—set,sightless gray eyes upon her visitor.