书城外语竞选风波(Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work)

第15章 A GOOD START(2)

The bank,although small and only one story high,was the most modern and imposing building in the village;and it was fitted with modern conveniences,for Mr.Warren had been successful and prosperous.In his private of?ce were local and long distance telephones,a direct connection with the telegraph operator at the station,and other facilities for accomplishing business promptly.Uncle John had remembered this fact,and it had a prominent place in his plans.

He followed the banker into his private of?ce and told him brie?y his intention to forward the interests of his young friend Kenneth Forbes for Member of the Legislature.

The old gentleman shook his head,at first,predictingfailure.Young Forbes was his most important customer,and he respected him highly;but this anti—sign issue bade fair tob ruin all his chances.

"The idea is too progressive and advanced to be considered at this time,"he stated,positively."The encroachmentsc ofadvertisers on personal property may lead to a revolta in the future,but it is still too early to direct popular opinion against them.""Isn't Forbes a better man for the place than Hopkins?"asked Uncle John.

"Undoubtedly,sir.And I think Forbes would have won,had not Hopkins forced this unfortunate issue upon him.As it is,our young friend cannot avoid the consequences of his quixoticb action.""He doesn't wish to avoid them,"was the quiet reply.

"We're going to win on that issue or not at all.""I'm afraid it's hopeless,sir.""May I count on your assistance?""In every way.""Thank you,Mr.Warren,I'm going to spend a lotof money.Put this draft for fifty thousand to my credit as a starterc.""Ah,I begin to understand.But—""You don't understand at all,yet.May I use your long distance telephone?""Of course,sir."Uncle John had secured considerable information from Mr.Watson,and this enabled him to act comprehensively.The advertising sign business in this part of the state was controlledby two firms,who contracted directly with the advertisers and then had the signs painted upon spaces secured from the farmers by their wide—awakea agents.These signs were contracted for by the year,but the ?rms controlling the spaces always inserted protective clauses that provided for the removal of any sign when certain conditions required such removal.

In such cases a rebateb was allowed to the advertiser.This protective clause was absolutely necessary in case of fire,alteration or removal of buildings or destruction of fences and sign—boards by weather or the requirements of the owners.It was this saving clause in the contracts of which Uncle John haddecided to take advantage.The contracting sign painters were merely in the business to make money.

Mr.Merrick got the head of the concern in Cleveland over the telephone within half an hour.He talked with the man at length,and talked with the convincing effect that the mention of money has.When he hung up the receiver Uncle John was smiling.Then he called for the Chicago ?rm.With this second advertising company he met with more difficulties,and Mr.Warren had to come to the telephone and assure the man that Mr.Merrick was able to pay all he agreed to,and that the money was on deposit in his bank.That enabled Mr.Merrick to conclude his arrangements.He knew that he was being robbed,but the co—operation of the big Chicago firm was necessary to his plans.

Then,the telephone having served its purpose,Mr.Warren took Uncle John across the street to the newspaper of?ce and introduced him to Charley Briggs,the editor.

Briggs was a man with one eye,a sallowa complexionand sandy hair that stuck straight up from his head.He set type for his paper,besides editing it,and Uncle John found him wearing a much soiled apron,with his bare arms and ?ngers smearedb with printer's ink.

"Mr.Merrick wants to see you on business,Charley,"said the banker."Whatever he agrees to I will guarantee,to the full resources of my bank."The editor pricked up his ears and dusted a chair for his visitor with his apron.It wasn't easy to make a living running a paper in Elmwood,and if there was any business pendingc he was anxious to secure it.

Uncle John waited until Mr.Warren had left him alone with the newspaper man.Then he said:

"I understand your paper is Democratic,Mr.Briggs.""That's a mistake,sir,"replied the editor,evasivelyd.

"The Herald e is really independent,but in political campaigns we adopt the side we consider the most deserving of support.""You're supporting Hopkins just now.""Only mildly;only mildly,sir.""What is he paying you?""Why,'Rast and I haven't come to a definite settlement yet.I ought to get a hundred dollars out of this campaign,but 'Rast thinks ?fty is enough.You see,he plans on my support anyhow,and don't like to spend more than he's obliged to.""Why does he plan on your support?""He's the only live one in the game,Mr.Merrick.'Rast is one of us—he's one of the people—and it's policy for me to support him instead of the iciclea up at Elmhurst,who don't need the job and don't care whether he gets it or not.""Is that true?""I think so.And there's another thing.Young Forbes is dead againstb advertising,and advertising is the life of a newspaper.Why,there isn't a paper in the district that's supporting Forbes this year.""You've a wrong idea of the campaign,Mr.Briggs,"saidUncle John."It is because Mr.Forbes believes in newspaper advertising,and wants to protect it,that he's against these signs.That's one reason,anyhow.Can't you understand that every dollar spent for painting signs takes that much away from your newspapers?""Why,perhaps there's something in that,Mr.Merrick.I'dnever looked at it that way before.""Now,see here,Mr.Briggs.I'll make you a proposition.I'll give you two hundred and ?fty to support Mr.Forbes in thiscampaign,and if he's elected I'll give you ?ve hundred extra.""Do you mean that,sir?"asked the editor,scarcely ableto believe the evidence of his ears.

"I do.Draw up a contract and I'll sign it.And here's a check for your two—?fty in advance."The editor drew up the agreement with a pen that trembled a little.

"And now,"said Uncle John,"get busy and hustle foraKenneth Forbes.""I will,sir,"said Briggs,with unexpected energy."I mean to win that extra ?ve hundred!"