
第14章 D(2)

do for1(及物,不可分)为…料理家务

She does for Mrs Jones.她替琼斯太太管家。

I've done for Mrs Johanna for the last five years,and I don't fancy going elsewhere now.这五年来我都在替约翰娜夫人管家,现在我不想去别处干活了。

Mrs Jimmy has been doing for Mr Hower since 1990.从1990年起吉米太太一直在为豪尔先生料理家务。

do for2(及物,不可分)使毁掉(常用被动语态,不用进行时)

I know I am done for.No doctor can save me.我知道我身体垮了,哪个医生都救不了我。

At the sight of the policeman coming on,the thief knew he was done for.一看见警察来了,小偷知道他完蛋了。

It's no use repairing the bike;it has been done for.修那自行车没有用,它已坏了。

do in(及物,可分)杀害

The man schemed to do in his superior.此人阴谋杀害他的上司。

The invaders plundered the villagers and did most of them in.侵略者掠夺村民并杀害了大多数人。

Firor was done in by gangsters.菲罗尔被一伙歹徒杀害了。

do out(及物,可分)把…打扫干净

Cohn does out his bedroom every day.科恩每天都把自己的卧室打扫得干干净净。

Please do out the window as I can hardly see out.请把窗户弄干净,我几乎看不见外面。

I must do out the parlour before I go out.我必须在离家前把客厅彻底打扫一下。

Tell Bill to do the dining room out.告诉比尔去把食堂打扫干净。


When we make mistakes,we often must do our work over.我们在工作中犯了错误,往往必须重做。

When Jolly wrote a few wrong sentences in his composition,his teacher told him to do it over.乔利的作文中有几个错句,老师叫他重写。

do with1(及物,不可分)需要,想要(只与could或can连用)

I'm very thirsty and could do with a glass of water.我渴极了,想喝杯水。

I'm tired and can do with a chance to rest.我困了,想休息休息。

My leather shoes can do with a good polish.我的皮鞋需要好好地擦一下。

His hair can do with a cut.他该理发了。

do with2(及物,不可分)对付

I don't know what to do with that mischievous imp.我不知道如何对付那个淘气鬼。

I'll get a policeman to do with the burglar.我会找警察来对付这个小偷。

He is a difficult man to do with.他是一个很难对付的人。


No one can do without food and drink for long.谁都不能长时间不吃不喝。

Goold says that he likes sweets,but can do without it.古尔德说他爱吃糖果,但不吃也可。

The nearby bakery has closed down,so we shall have to do without bread these days.面包房已关张,这些日子我们只好不吃面包凑合着过活。

do [go]without2(不及物)没有…也行

She had no eggs,but she decided to do without.她没有鸡蛋了,但她决定不吃了将就将就。

I like cake,but can do without.我喜欢吃蛋糕,但不吃也行。


Lucy dolled herself up for the party.露西打扮得漂漂亮亮,准备去参加宴会。

My wife is in the toilet dolling herself up.我妻子正在盥洗室打扮。

She dolled her daughter up like a lotus.她把她的女儿打扮得像一朵荷花。

Ann doesn't like to be dolled up excessively.安不喜欢打扮得过分花哨。

dote on [upon](不及物)溺爱

The old lady dotes on her grandson.这位老太太溺爱孙子。

We must not dote on our children.我们不要把孩子惯坏了。

doze off(不及物)打瞌睡

She dozed off while I was telling a story.我正讲着故事她打起瞌睡来。

Linda dozed off but awoke suddenly.林达打着盹儿,但忽然又醒了。

Sometimes I doze off while watching TV.有时我看着电视打瞌睡。

I always doze off today.I didn't sleep a wink last night.昨晚我一宿没睡,今天老打瞌睡。

draw near(不及物)即将来到

The Spring Festival is drawing near.春节快到了。

Night drew near.黑夜临近。

As the new school term is drawing near,I'll preparer my lessons.新学期即将来临,我要备课了。

Children's Day is drawing near.What presents shall we give the children?儿童节快到了,我们将送给孩子们什么礼物呢?

draw off(及物,可分)把(液体)放掉

My wound in the leg is festering.The doctor drew off the pus for me.我腿上的伤口化脓了,医生给我排了脓。

The river was in flood.The nearby villagers tried in every possible way to draw the water off.河水在泛滥,附近的村民千方百计排水。

draw on(及物,可分)穿上,戴上

It is quite cold outside.He has forgotten to draw his hat on.外面很冷,他忘了戴帽子。

She drew on her glasses to read the newspaper.她戴上眼镜看报。

Why not draw on your fur coat instead?为什么不换上皮大衣呢?

Malko hastily drew his shoes on and rushed out of the room.马尔科急急忙忙穿上鞋,冲出室外。


The policeman drew the suspect on to tell his story.警察诱导嫌疑犯把实情说出来。

Somebody tried to draw him on to disclose the trade secret.有人企图诱使他透露这项商业机密。

He was drawn on to leave the company by the offer of higher pay elsewhere.他受别处较高工资的诱惑离开这家公司。

draw out1(不及物)(白天)变长

Spring is here and the days are drawing out.春天到了,白天渐渐长了。

After winter solstice the days begin to draw out.冬至以后,白天开始变长。

draw out2(及物,不可分)拉长,延长

The chairman drew out the meeting by making pointless remarks.主席发一些不得要领的议论把会议拉长了。

Can't you drew out your visit for a few days longer?你不能把访问时间延长几天吗?

The writer always draws out a novel untill it becomes boring.这位作家总是把一部小说拉长得令人厌烦。

draw up1(及物,可分)拟订

Before writing,a writer usually draws up an outline.(or:Before writing,a writer usually draws an outline up.)写作以前,作家一般都拟订提纲。

The experts drew up a draft plan.专家们拟订了一份计划草案。

The president instructed a statement to be drawn up.总统指示起草一项声明。

draw up2(不及物)停住

A trolley bus drew up at the hospital.一辆无轨电车在那家医院门前停了下来。

The car drew up in front of the school.小轿车开到学校前面停了下来。

The school bus drew up by the side of the street and three schoolchildren got off.校车在街边停下来,三个小学生下了车。

dream away(及物,可分)虚度(光阴)

He dreamed away his life.他糊里糊涂地度过了一生。

It means no more than dreaming time away.那无非是浪费时间。

We must not let our youth dreamed away.我们不能让青春虚度。