

The dancing began within a few minutes after they were seated;and James,who had been engaged quite as long as his sister,was very importunate with Isabella to stand up;but John was gone into the card room to speak to a friend,and nothing,she declared,should induce her to join the set before her dear Catherine could join it too:‘I assure you,’said she,‘I would not stand up without your dear sister for all the world;for if I did we should certainly be separated the whole evening.’Catherine accepted this kindness with gratitude,and they continued as they were for three minutes longer,when Isabella,who had been talking to James on the other side of her,turned again to his sister and whispered,‘My dear creature,I am afraid I must leave you,your brother is so amazingly impatient to begin;I know you will not mind my going away,and I dare say John will be back in a moment,and then you may easily find me out.’Catherine,though a little disappointed,had too much good nature to make any opposition,and the others rising up,Isabella had only time to press her friend's hand and say,‘Good bye,my dear love,’before they hurried off.The younger Miss Thorpes being also dancing,Catherine was left to the mercy of Mrs Thorpe and Mrs Allen,between whom she now remained.She could not help being vexed at the non appearance of Mr Thorpe,for she not only longed to be dancing,but was likewise aware that,as the real dignity of her situation could not be known,she was sharing with the scores of other young ladies still sitting down all the discredit of wanting a partner.To be disgraced in the eye of the world,to wear the appearance of infamy while her heart is all purity,her actions all innocence,and the misconduct of another the true source of her debasement,is one of those circumstances which peculiarly belong to the heroine's life,and her fortitude under it what particularly dignifies her character.Catherine had fortitude too;she suffered,but no murmur passed her lips.

From this state of humiliation,she was roused,at the end of ten minutes,to a pleasanter feeling,by seeing,not Mr Thorpe,but Mr Tilney,within three yards of the place where they sat;he seemed to be moving that way,but he did not see her,and therefore the smile and the blush,which his sudden reappearance raised in Catherine,passed away without sullying her heroic importance.He looked as handsome and as lively as ever,and was talking with interest to a fashionable and pleasing looking young woman,who leant on his arm,and whom Catherine immediately guessed to be his sister;thus unthinkingly throwing away a fair opportunity of considering him lost to her for ever,by being married already.But guided only by what was simple and probable,it had never entered her head that Mr Tilney could be married;he had not behaved,he had not talked,like the married men to whom she had been used;he had never mentioned a wife,and he had acknowledged a sister.From these circumstances sprang the instant conclusion of his sister's now being by his side;and therefore,instead of turning of a death like paleness,and falling in a fit on Mrs Allen's bosom,Catherine sat erect,in the perfect use of her senses,and with cheeks only a little redder than usual.

Mr Tilney and his companion,who continued,though slowly,to approach,were immediately preceded by a lady,an acquaintance of Mrs Thorpe;and this lady stopping to speak to her,they,as belonging to her,stopped likewise,and Catherine,catching Mr Tilney's eye,instantly received from him the smiling tribute of recognition.She returned it with pleasure,and then advancing still nearer,he spoke both to her and Mrs Allen,by whom he was very civilly acknowledged.‘I am very happy to see you again,sir,indeed;I was afraid you had left Bath.’He thanked her for her fears,and said that he had quitted it for a week,on the very morning after his having had the pleasure of seeing her.

‘Well,sir,and I dare say you are not sorry to be back again,for it is just the place for young people and indeed for everybody else too.I tell Mr Allen,when he talks of being sick of it,that I am sure he should not complain,for it is so very agreeable a place,that it is much better to be here than at home at this dull time of year.I tell him he is quite in luck to be sent here for his health.’

‘And I hope,madam,that Mr Allen will be obliged to like the place,from finding it of service to him.’

‘Thank you,sir.I have no doubt that he will. A neighbour of ours,Dr Skinner,was here for his health last winter,and came away quite stout.’

‘That circumstance must give great encouragement.’

‘Yes,sir and Dr Skinner and his family were here three months;so I tell Mr Allen he must not be in a hurry to get away.’