书城外语Le Mort d'Arthur

第260章 BOOK XVII(7)

Then let they run each to other,and the three fellows beat the ten knights,and then set their hands to their swords and beat them down and slew them.Then there came out of the castle a three score knights armed.Fair lords,said the three fellows,have mercy on yourself and have not ado with us.Nay,fair lords,said the knights of the castle,we counsel you to withdraw you,for ye be the best knights of the world,and therefore do no more,for ye have done enough.We will let you go with this harm,but we must needs have the custom.Certes,said Galahad,for nought speak ye.Well,said they,will ye die?

We be not yet come thereto,said Galahad.Then began they to meddle together,and Galahad,with the strange girdles,drew his sword,and smote on the right hand and on the left hand,and slew what that ever abode him,and did such marvels that there was none that saw him but weened he had been none earthly man,but a monster.

And his two fellows halp him passing well,and so they held the journey everych in like hard till it was night:

then must they needs depart.

So came in a good knight,and said to the three fellows:If ye will come in to-night and take such harbour as here is ye shall be right welcome,and we shall ensure you by the faith of our bodies,and as we be true knights,to leave you in such estate to-morrow as we find you,without any falsehood.And as soon as ye know of the custom we dare say ye will accord therefore.For God's love,said the gentlewoman,go thither and spare not for me.Go we,said Galahad;and so they entered into the chapel.And when they were alighted they made great joy of them.So within a while the three knights asked the custom of the castle and wherefore it was.What it is,said they,we will say you sooth.


How Sir Percivale's sister bled a dish full of blood for to heal a lady,wherefore she died;and how that the body was put in a ship.

THERE is in this castle a gentlewoman which we and this castle is hers,and many other.So it befell many years agone there fell upon her a malady;and when she had lain a great while she fell unto a measle,and of no leech she could have no remedy.But at the last an old man said an she might have a dish full of blood of a maid and a clean virgin in will and in work,and a king's daughter,that blood should be her health,and for to anoint her withal;and for this thing was this custom made.Now,said Percivale's sister,fair knights,I see well that this gentlewoman is but dead.Certes,said Galahad,an ye bleed so much ye may die.Truly,said she,an I die for to heal her I shall get me great worship and soul's health,and worship to my lineage,and better is one harm than twain.And therefore there shall be no more battle,but to-morn I shall yield you your custom of this castle.And then there was great joy more than there was to-fore,for else had there been mortal war upon the morn;notwithstanding she would none other,whether they wold or nold.

That night were the three fellows eased with the best;and on the morn they heard mass,and Sir Percivale's sister bade bring forth the sick lady.So she was,the which was evil at ease.Then said she:Who shall let me blood?So one came forth and let her blood,and she bled so much that the dish was full.Then she lift up her hand and blessed her;and then she said to the lady:

Madam,I am come to the death for to make you whole,for God's love pray for me.With that she fell in a swoon.Then Galahad and his two fellows start up to her,and lift her up and staunched her,but she had bled so much that she might not live.Then she said when she was awaked:Fair brother Percivale,I die for the healing of this lady,so I require you that ye bury me not in this country,but as soon as I am dead put me in a boat at the next haven,and let me go as adventure will lead me;and as soon as ye three come to the City of Sarras,there to enchieve the Holy Grail,ye shall find me under a tower arrived,and there bury me in the spiritual place;for I say you so much,there Galahad shall be buried,and ye also,in the same place.

Then Percivale understood these words,and granted it her,weeping.And then said a voice:Lords and fellows,to-morrow at the hour of prime ye three shall depart everych from other,till the adventure bring you to the Maimed King.Then asked she her Saviour;and as soon as she had received it the soul departed from the body.So the same day was the lady healed,when she was anointed withal.Then Sir Percivale made a letter of all that she had holpen them as in strange adventures,and put it in her right hand,and so laid her in a barge,and covered it with black silk;and so the wind arose,and drove the barge from the land,and all knights beheld it till it was out of their sight.Then they drew all to the castle,and so forthwith there fell a sudden tempest and a thunder,lightning,and rain,as all the earth would have broken.So half the castle turned up-so-down.So it passed evensong or the tempest was ceased.

Then they saw afore them a knight armed and wounded hard in the body and in the head,that said:OGod,succour me for now it is need.After this knight came another knight and a dwarf,which cried to them afar:Stand,ye may not escape.Then the wounded knight held up his hands to God that he should not die in such tribulation.Truly,said Galahad,I shall succour him for His sake that he calleth upon.Sir,said Bors,I shall do it,for it is not for you,for he is but one knight.Sir,said he,I grant.So Sir Bors took his horse,and commended him to God,and rode after,to rescue the wounded knight.

Now turn we to the two fellows.


How Galahad and Percivale found in a castle many tombs of maidens that had bled to death.

NOW saith the story that all night Galahad and Percivale were in a chapel in their prayers,for to save Sir Bors.So on the morrow they dressed them in their harness toward the castle,to wit what was fallen of them therein.And when they came there they found neither man nor woman that he ne was dead by the vengeance of Our Lord.