
第3章 名词(2)

(4)(由束缚身体之意转为)牵累,陷入,献身(devote oneself wholly to),如Do not commit yourself.(勿自陷累,不要束缚自己),commit oneself to a promise(受诺言的拘束),He would not commit himself in any way(他不愿受任何方面的约束。)He has committed himself to the cause of education.(献身于教育事业。)




A Singaporean is a person who feels committed to up holding society as it is——multi-racial,tolerant,accom-modating,forward-looking——and who is prepard to stake his life for the community.(一个新加坡人就是一个对现存的多元种族,容忍互助,而又能高瞻远瞩的社会,以献身的精神来支持它,并准备为它付出生命的人。)


I believe that both candidates should make it absolutely clear that they share a basic commitment to the success of the negotiations now taking place in Paris.——Democratic presidential nominee Hubert Humphrey.


Mr.Roy Wilkins said“I definitely think we're on our way to a national commitment”to full social justice for Negro Americans.


The second imperative of our policy for peace is that we must meet our commitments and keep our promises to use our strength to oppose aggression.——President Johnson.(我们的和平政策的第二条诫命,就是我们必须尽我们的义务,守我们的诺言,竭尽所能,反抗侵略。)

Vietnam may be a bitter hoax or it may be a major commitment in the defense of freedom,but it will not go away because we yell‘foul';it will not fade because we blow retreat。——Republican vice presidential nominee Agnew.


The report said that new commitments of US$50.7 million during fiscal year 1968 raised total investments of the International Finance Corporation(I.F.C's)in Private enterprises in its member countries to US$271.8 million in 39 countries.

(一九六八会计年度新的投资计有五千零七十万美元,使得国际金融公司在其会员国的私人企业中的总投资额,三十九个国家共达二万七千一百零八十万美元。)又IFC's commitment consists of a 12-year loan of U.S.$2.45 million and a share subion of U.S.$l.01 million.(国际金融公司的投资包括为期二年的二百〇四十五万美元的借款,及加入一百〇一万美元的股金。)交付的资金,故译为“投资”。

The Japanese have faithfully observed their surrender commitments.


其他如an all-out commitment,(全面的约束),to give a precipitate commitment(给以轻率的言约),the commitment of a petition for consideration and report(请原书交给委员会去审查并作出报告。)

4.rain,a rain,the rain

说到下雨,英文有时说rain,有时说the rain,甚至还可以用不定冠词的“a”,来放在rain的前面,这些说法到底有什么分别?

【解答】一般是把“雨”当做物质名词(Material Noun)看待,所以前面不加冠词,单说rain就行了。如Maugham的一个短篇小说的题名就是Rain.英文的water,air,smoke等都是物质名词,rain算作物质名词,自然也很合理。不过物质名词常可变成普通名词,变性之后就可以加用不定冠词或说成复数,如hair,hairs;cake,cakes;poison,poisons;food,foods;gas,gases;brick,bricks等,但gold,platinum,oxygen,hydrogen等字,则从来不会变成普通名词的。

为什么有时又加用定冠词的“the”呢?我想这大概是受了the sun,the sky用法的影响,但大都又决不是限定的意思,所以“微雨”译作:

Rain is falling lightly.或

The rain is falling lightly.


It is raining lightly.

在rain前如果用有形容词的时候,就一定要加用不定冠词的“a”了。“大雨”或“豪雨”说a heavy rain,实为a heavy fall of rain的节约说法。例如:

I put off my departure on accouot of a heavy rain.(我因大雨而延期出发。)

在rain前可用的形容词,容在下面举例说明。至于中国话的“甘霖”,可译作a welcome rain,“红雨”可译作a rain of falling blossoms,“弹雨”译作a rain of bullets.“泪如雨下”,固然可译作a rain of tears,同时英文也可以说“雨如泪下”,即A soft rain fell like tears.这当然有冷雨孤衾,静悄悄暗中流泪的感觉。

英文的rain一字虽是从古英文regn而来的,但它却有一个希腊中的形容词hyetal,许多学术名词都用得着它,如hyetology(雨学),hyetometer(雨量表)等。在rain or shine一个片语中的rain=rainy weather(雨天。)用成复数时的rains=shower(骤雨。)the rains则指热带的雨季(the rainy season).We have the rains in early winter.(雨季在初冬。)

下雪(snow)的用法和rain一样,但storm(暴风雨)前可以直接接“a”,如A storm was raging all along the coast(沿海岸一带正刮着暴风雨。)如用“the”便有限定的意思,如Many trees in the park were blown down by the storm(of)the other day。(日昨发生的暴风雨,把公园里的许多树木都吹倒了。)现就rain的无冠词及有冠词的三种用法分别举例如下:


It looks like rat.(好像要下雨的样子。)

Rain has set in.(下起雨来了。)

Rain was scarce.(雨量缺少。)

We shall have rain.(要下雨了。)

The farmers want rain.(农人要雨。)

Rain came down in torrents.(倾盆大雨。)

We will start before daybreak,rain or shine.(不问天晴下雨,我们都要在天亮前动身。)

We've had too much rain this summer.(今年夏天的雨水太多了。)

We have been without rain for a long time.(好久没有下雨了。)

The coat is proof against rain.(这衣是防雨的。)

Take an umbrella with you in case of rain.(带把伞去,怕下雨。)

Don't get wet with rain.(不要被雨淋湿。)

We must take shelter from rain.(我们必须避雨。)


Here comes the rain!(雨来了。)

I was caught in the rain.(我遇到雨了。)

The rain cleared off.(雨停了。)

The rain has left off.(雨停了。)

The rain stopped suddenly.(雨突然停了。)

The rain pelted against the windows of my car.(雨打在我汽车的窗子上。)

The rain poured(down)all das.(终日倾盆大雨。)

The rain has subsided.(雨小了。)

The rain shut us up in the cabin.(因雨只好关在小屋里。)

The hut is barely able to keep out the rain.(小屋仅能御雨。)

The rain has abated.(雨停止了。)


A sharp rain was beating against the window-panes and the quilt was not warm enough.(冷雨敲窗被未温。)

A rain now came on,which continued for two or three hours,and made the road slippery and toilsome.(现在下了一场雨,一连下了两三个钟头,使得路上拧滑难行。)

A cold rain was drizzling down.(冷雨蒙蒙而降。)

A heavy rain visited the city.(城里下了大雨。)

A gentle rain is falling on the grass.(和雨降在芳草上面)。

When the sun shines through a light rain,it makes a rainbow.(太阳照过细雨,便要现出彩虹来。)


The river rises after heavy rains.(几场豪雨之后河水高涨。)

It was visited by abundant rains.(遭受大雨袭击。)





美国的物理学者George Gamow著有“一、二、三以至无限”(One Two Three......Infinity)一书,在第一章中第一节How High Can You Count?(你能计算到多大的数目?)上说,非洲合登脱族(Hottentot tribes)对于数目只能数到三为止,以上就数不出来了。在英文中却有不少表现巨大数目的字,不过英美的算法不同吧了。在million(百万)以上的数字,两国的算法都有差异,如billion在美国为十亿(1,000,000,000)在英国为万亿(l,000,000,000,000)现将英文的表巨大数目的字,就英美的不同,分别举出如下:

billion美国一字后加九个圈(l followed by 9 nonghis)英国一字后加十二个圈。




