
第9章 代名词(2)

在关系代名词前加用介词一类的字是很普通的,如加用不定词,就要使文章生硬,例如:Moreover,there are books which are no books,and to read which is mere waste of time.(而且,有些无聊的书,去读它简直是浪费时间。)这个关系代名词,成为Infinitive的Object了。把这个不定词的to read,移到关系代名词的which的后面去,说成which to read is mere waste of time,也并不是不可以,不过最natural而又colloquial的说法,便是which it is mere waste of time to read的形式,这才是所谓good English.

如果在关系代名词的子句中,用上两个不定词,而同为关系代名词的宾语,其中一个置于宾语之前时,就要使其意义含糊不明了。英诗人Tennyson有句云:Such a one do I remember,whom to look at is to love.(我记得这样一个人,令人一见倾心)。如果说成to look at whom is to love的话,其中的whom就不晓得是不是to love的宾语,如果说成whom it is to love to look at,也同样地意义不明,可见两个不定词用在一块儿,容易惹起观念上的混乱,是一种很拙劣的表现法。





Hanchow is famous for her scenic beauty.(杭州以湖光山色之美著名。)不如说

Hanchow is famous for its scenic beauty.更合乎现代人的说法。但用she和her的例子还是不少。请看下举的例:

For two centuries Japan remained outside the main current of history.She lived on in a state of picturesque feudalism.(有两百年日本都呆在历史主流之外,生存在一种如绘的封建制度的状态中。)

Ancient Rome subjected most of Europe to her rule.(古罗马使大部分的欧洲都归她统治了。)

England may well be proud of her poets.(英国要夸耀她的诗人也是有道理的。)

Great Britain has a fairly good climate.Its summers are not very hot,and its winters are not too cold.(大英帝国的气候很好。夏天不太热,冬天也不太冷。)

In 1948,two months after the treaty with Jordan was signed,Palestine became too hot a potato for Britain to hold any longer.She relinquished her mandate.(在1948年与约旦签定条约两个月之后,巴勒斯坦对英国变成了一个十分棘手的问题。英国便放弃了她的委托统治权。)

The government of the Republic of Vietnam has announced in Saigon that its forces currently are conducting operations in the Parrot's Beak area along the Cambodian border.(南越政府在西贡宣布它的军队现正沿着柬埔寨边境鹦鹉嘴一带进行军事行动。)



【解答】和oneself有关的常见的片语,计有for oneself,by oneself,of oneself,beside oneself,to oneself,in oneself六种,兹分别将其含义加以解释,并举例说明其用法如下:

(1)for oneself独力;自立。ISD上说without help from others and in order to benefit oneself,意即没有别人的帮助,为著自己的利益。例如:

You have opened for yourself the way to success.(你独力开辟了成功的道路。)

There are some things one can't do for oneself.(有些事是自己不能独力做的。)

He is old enough to do for himself.(他年龄已大,足以自立了。)

He has built a house for himself.(i.e.for his ownuse).(他为自己建造了一幢屋子;他独力建成。)

If you had an eye in your head,you might see what she is for yourself.(如果你有眼睛的话,你就看得明白她到底是一个怎样的女人。)


This one I shall keep for myself.(这个我自己留下。)

又for itself=for its own sake(为其本身),例如:

He loves labour for itself.(他为着劳动而爱劳动〔不是为钱,也不是为体力运动〕。)

(2)by oneself独自,无伴,分开,退隐。alone:unaccompAnied;apart;sequestered.例如:

She likes to take a walk by herself.(她喜欢独自散步。)

He did not like to leave his daughter by herself.(他不喜欢让他的女儿独自一人。)

It is a virtue by itself.(那本身就是一种美德。)

(3)of oneself自然地出于自动,自愿。spontaneously,in its own nature,separately considered,without the instigation or aid of another.例如:

He woke up of himself.(他自己醒来了。)

The door opened of itself.(房门自开。)

The candle went out of itself.(腊烛自熄。)

Cholera,small-pox,etc.cannot originate of themselves.——Avebury(霍乱,天花等不能自己发生。)

Books,she thought,grew of themselves.——V.Woolf(她认为书籍是会自然增多的。)

London seems like a world of itself.(伦敦本身好像是一个世界。)

The league can do nothing of itself;it is nothing of itself.(联盟单独什么也不能做;它本身什么也不是。)

(4)beside oneself发狂,精神错乱。wildly excited,mad,out of one's senses,crazy.例如:

His wife was almost beside herself with joy.(他的妻子欢喜若狂。)

He is beside himself with anger.——Kirkpatrick(他盛怒忘形。)