书城外语Identity 身份

第12章 The Song of the Yi People

For a thousand times I have

Kept watch over the sky

For I have been waiting for

The advent of the brave eagle;

For a thousand times I have

Kept watch over the mountains

For I know perfectly well

That I am the descendant of the eagles;

Oh, from the Liangshan Mountains large and small

To the shoals of the Jinsha River

From the Wumeng Mountains

To the banks of the Honghe River

Our mother has fed me with breast milk

As sweet as honey;

The sight of the smoke rising from the kitchen chimneys

In my hometown would bring tears of nostalgia to my eyes

For a thousand times I have

Kept watch over the sky

For I have been waiting for

The advent of a great future for my race;

For a thousand times I have

Kept watch over the mountains

For I still hold in my heart the love

That remains indelible

Oh, from the Liang Mountains large and small

To the shoals of the Jinsha River

From the Wumeng Mountains

To the banks of the Honghe River

Our mother has fed me with breast milk

As sweet as honey;

The sight of the smoke rising from the kitchen chimneys

In my hometown would bring tears of nostalgia to my eyes