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Small giraffe demon Zhi nodded and slowly said,“These people are kind. That is why people try to do goods to avoid having a black cloud. However, there are people that have a black cloud. The people that have a black cloud are extremely rare. People with a black cloud usually paint their cloud with other colours. However, the paint will only last two to three hours. Then the paint will dissolve by the wind.

“Look! See the person wearing a white top who is currently buying bags. That person smells stinky by my senses. I am pretty sure that the stinky smell was caused by sulfur. I guarantee that person is bad.” Yi said in a secretive voice with a mischief cackle.“When he wasn’t looking, I took a sample of the cloud.” Yi then pulled out some yellow paint for proof.

Everyone then immediately turned around to look at the person with the white top riding a yellow cloud. Yoyo noticed that the person was carrying a big bag and hurrying away. He also found out that the bottom part of his yellow cloud was already black.

“Isn’t sulfur used to make bombs? It looks like that person is not a nice person. I think we should go!” Yong said in a quiet voice.

Everyone nodded and turned around. They saw that Ann was already making her way around the shops. Everyone followed Ann. They walked for hours what seemed liked days until they finally arrived at a small valley. Ann then said,“Behind the valley is where Alan lives. Be careful because at the top of this small valley, is where the air temple is located which is also where the Golden Phoenixes live. I advise to tread with extreme caution because the Golden Phoenixes are strong.”

Everyone then looked at where the Ann was pointing. Everyone noticed that air temple was surrounded by clouds. Below that was a broken rusty poor shed. There was a crooked path that went all around the air temple and to the top.

“Is this where Alan lives? Why is it so close to air temple?” Yong asked in a surprised voice,“And is it so broken!”

“Alan is Cloud Valley’s smartest and bravest person.” Ann said,“Alan and his wife Amanda don’t really care about food and living conditions. They collect herbs that are made into medicine. They then sell the medicine for money. The money they earned is given to poor people. This path is the only way to Air Temple. Alan and Amanda is trying to protect everyone and that is why they live here.”

“Your president is so awesome!” Everyone small demon said in a busting voice.

Small tiger demon Yong, couldn’t resist constantly turning around secretly peeping at the crowd. Everybody in the crowd was carrying a big bag. The bag had a shiny rainbow glow coming from inside. Yong asked in a curious voice,“What are these people carrying?”

“They are carrying Butterflies of heaven” Ann said,“ Tomorrow is the day that Alan goes to Air temple to feed the golden phoenixes. The people who did not bring in the Butterflies of Heaven before have to bring in it now.” Suddenly, Ann got a deadly shock and cried,“OH NO, I have been too busy with you today and I forgot to bring my butterflies of heavens. You guys stay here and I will return in a second.” She then rushed of.

After a while, more and more people started to show up. Yi looked at the sky and noticed that the sun was already setting! She looked around and found that there were still many people lining in front of her. Suddenly, Yi saw a patch of beautiful flowers and got a naughty idea. Yi asked to go to the loo for an excuse and quickly hopped away to the flower patch.

Just as Yi hopped away, Zhi said in a worried voice,“I think I heard a sound of crying, it seems like the voice of the crying is increasing and getting louder. Can you hear it?”

Yoyo and the others used all of their might to try and hear the sound. However, they heard nothing.

“It is definitely a crying sound!” Zhi said in a broad voice while listening to the crying,“It is in front of us and it is begging for help!” Zhi started to run further into Cloud Valley.

Yoyo quickly picked up Ren and held Yong’s paw then started following Zhi, even though they all heard nothing. Yoyo thought that with Ann retrieving butterflies of heaven and Yi at the toilet, they couldn’t lose another person.

As Yoyo and the others ran through the big crowd of people, they ended up in a forest with thin trees and damp humid rocks. Zhi slowly stopped and,“This is where all of the crying is, it should be in here.”