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“Right here! The crying sound is coming from here.” Zhi said in a swift voice.

“Does that mean Ann is in there?”

Yoyo nervously thought.

Yoyo and the others followed Yong through the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, there was a huge flash of light.

Inside the chamber, it looked as if someone had put some sort of light source. It had all sorts of colours, rainbow colour, violet colour etc. it was so beautiful!!

“This place has a lot of cans. When I opened one, there was a big blind flash of colour.” Yong said in an excited voice,“Does that mean all the butterfly of heaven powder is kept in here?”

“There are gold and jewelleries in here!” Ren shouted in a surprised voice while he was opening a box with lots of jewels.

“Quick! Open the sacks.” Zhi said in a hurry while he opening a sack.

Yoyo looked at the room which was half full because of the sacks and started to panic.

Yoyo thought to himself,“If someone was caught in a sack.”

Yoyo opened a sack and noticed that there was no one in the sack but a few butterflies.

However, the butterflies were unusual because their wings were gone. The butterflies’ rainbow colour was gone as well. Their bodies were white as transparent like glass.

A number of the butterflies were panicking and started trying to bounce of the sack. They also started waving their tiny tails at the small demons as if they were calling for help.

Zhi shook his purple tongue and said in a secretive voice,“mm mm”. Yoyo saw that the butterflies were using their antennas to somehow talk to Zhi. Zhi responded the tapping. It looked as if the Zhi and the butterflies were having a chat!

“They said that their wings have been pulled off. The bodies would be taken to Air Temple for the Golden Phoenixes to feed. They want us to help them find their wings back and leave this disgusting place.” Zhi translated while gathering more information. Suddenly, Zhi said in a worried voice,“A girl was caught and is in a yellow sack right here.”

Yoyo heard a voice! He turned around and noticed that there was a yellow sack beside a box and was even moving!

The small demons started raging and tearing through the sack. After they’d finished, Yoyo noticed that there was a small girl with a green dress. Her eyes were roofed with a mask, her hands were tied together and her mouth was covered with a dirty cloth.


It was Ann in the sack.

After she left the small demons to get the butterflies of heaven, she bumped into Amanda. She told Amanda that she would appreciate it if she and the other demons could go with Alan to Air Temple and feed the golden phoenixes. After Amanda heard what Ann wanted, she asked if Ann could come to their house. When Ann stepped into the room, she got grabbed by who know what.

“It doesn’t matter if we know that Alan and Amanda’s plans now. It is now no use! We are stuck here. If we go out and escape, they would catch us. If we wait here, they are guaranteed to find us…” Yong said sadly with a big sigh.

Yoyo held the walking stick, took a deep breath and said,“We have a lot of people! If we can get one person to run out without being caught, that person could tell everybody in Cloud Valley that Alan and Amanda are evil. That way, people would be on our side and save us!”

“Even if someone does succeed, it would be no use since they wouldn’t believe us.” Zhi said shaking his head,“The people in Cloud Valley only trust people by their clouds’. If they see us with no clouds, they are guaranteed to be ignoring us.”

“If this can’t work and that can’t work, are we going to wait here until we die?” Yoyo asked in a very furious tone.

Just as the small demons got to super upset mode, there was a familiar sound a distance away.

“Yoyo, Zhi, Ren, Yong. Is that you?”