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“Nobody would have thought that Ren could be so big and carry so much water!” Yoyo said in much astonished.

“I never thought that I was so strong either. At that time, I just wished to be big and it happened.” Ren said in a questioned tone,“At that time Alan was trying to run away so I really wanted to stop him. I thought about squishing him and the miracle happened.”

“Ren, does that mean that you have found your powers?” Asked Yong amazed.

“This can’t be the only power. There must be more for you to discover.” Zhi said,“In ancient stories, if you can carry so much water, you’d probably can do more. If you can turn big when you want to, you’d probably be able to fit all of us in including our luggages inside too.”

“Really? Let me try!” Ren could not resist not trying it out immediately.

Ren thought really hard on trying to be bigger.“BIG BIG BIG!!”

Slowly, Ren became bigger. Way way way wayyyyyy bigger than before! The small demons started cheering. Ren concentrated even harder and murmured,“bigger, Bigger , BIGGER!!!”

Ren’s shell became bigger and Bigger, higher and Higher until it was as big as a small mountain.

“What in the universe!! Ren, you are so big when we mean big we mean Very Big.” The small demons gasped.

“Ren, can your shell hold stuff?” Yi asked in a curious voice.

“Of course it can. Come and have a break.” Ren said in a happy voice while inviting everybody in.

Everybody all went inside Ren’s shell and found out that the shell was basically just a empty house. By night time everything was well and truly wrapped up and was ready to use this space as a home.

“We can put a bed here, and a table here. We will be all set for the rest of our journey.” Yoyo said in a gleefully manner.

“We will never have to worry about sleeping again and about dangers!” Yong said really gleefully,“We will also forget about rain and thunder.”

“If we put food inside the shell, when Ren shrank, will our food shrink along with it?” Zhi asked in a worried manner.

“This is a really good idea, if we put all our things inside of here, we wouldn’t have to worry about carrying one thousand pounds!” Ren said in a happy manner.

Everyone followed Zhi’s idea and sure enough, it had worked. Everything was inside Ren’s body. Ren shrunk and he felt the exact same weight as before!!!

“This is so cool! Ren’s power is to grow big in capacity. We will never have to worry about shelter again” Yoyo said in a really happy manner. He asked Zhi “What is your super power? You were the only person who could understand the butterflies of heaven, the golden phoenixes and the book of who knows what.”

“I don’t know what effects make me do this amazing ability.” Zhi said with a flick of his purple tongue,“Whenever I flick my purple tongue, I seem to understand their language.”

“If Zhi’s special power is to speak different languages, we would never ever have to look dope in front of anyone ever again.” Yoyo said happily whilst looking at Yi,“Yi I remember that you dug really quickly to find us at Alan’s house is digging your skill.”

After Yoyo finished, everybody smiled, Yi finally said,“This is not my best skill, it is a natural ability. I use the ability a lot when I get bored in classes. Me and my friends would just tunnel out and play.”

Red faced, Yong said “Why has my special ability not been found? We don’t know if we are ever going to find my special ability.”

“Don’t worry Yong, we might be close.” Yoyo said comforting Yong while holding two things in his hand. He had a sack of the grass with floating powers and the potion of all languages. Yoyo said in a happy voice,“Now we would be able to speak all languages. If we get sleepy, we can just snooze in midair. This is big perk.”

“We have a long journey ahead. There are a lot of adventures planned for us. Maybe, if we have dangers, our powers will come.” Zhi said suddenly.“There is a world called Water Valley. Maybe we might be lucky enough to go there and hope our powers will come true.”