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“This weapon is very dangerous. I want all of your guards out of the water to perform this task. This weapon is so deadly it was kill. Understand. Be ready.”

Buzz nodded and told all of the guards to get out of the water.

As soon as Yoyo saw that the guards were out of the water, he shook the toy and “RRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG.” As soon as Yoyo heard this, he quickly threw the toy into the water and ran towards Ren’s shell and ducked.

Buzz was at full worrisome until he figured out that apart from the ringing, there was nothing really.

Buzz was just about to say “What” until ‘CRASH’ a giant wave thundered the land and the ocean currents shook the whole crystal palace. The wave crashed down and everyone was soaking wet.

It turned out that Yoyo and the mermaids had a plan. First, Yoyo would persuade buzz that it was powerful. Next, they would go to the sea shore. Then, Buzz tells his guards to get out of the water. That way, the guards won’t be able to see the mermaids. Finally, the mermaids would shoot the water bomb and that would make Buzz fell like that it was the most advanced and powerful weapon.

Buzz was blindsided, he had never seen a weapon as strong as this, as light as this and as easy to activate as this.

“I will take it.” Buzz said in glee,“Name your price and I will pay. But I want all of the weapons.”

“This will be very expensive.” Yoyo pretended to be very hesitant.

“I can give you lots of gold, lots of mermaids.” The more Yoyo didn’t want to sell it, the more Buzz wanted it.

“We don’t want gold, we want the most rare fish species.” Yi said loudly.“We showed our advanced weapons, it will only be fair if you are going to show your fish species”

“Of course you can.” Buzz said in no fear.“Come come, I will show you them.”

Yoyo and the demons followed Buzz through the corridors. They walked more and more further, more and deeper. More and more corridors and more and more dim.

Yong was very worried so he asked,“What if they are tricking us and are going to rob us.”

Yoyo thought for a moment and said,“Buzz won’t dare. We are right next to him. Besides even if he was going to, we can just explode it.”

The group went left and right for hours until, they came into a damp room full of yucky fish odors. Yoyo couldn’t breathe. Suddenly, Yoyo heard what sounded like crying babies. They seem to be getting closer.

Soon enough, they came to a huge a titanium door that was glowing the door doesn’t have a lock but a dent.

Buzz then pulled out key kind of in the shape of the stinky fish. Each side of the key had obvious similarities. Buzz pushed the key into the dent and twisted. He said,“Take your pick.”