
第6章 日常电话用语(2)

something important, I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.

5. 他在洗澡,8点你再打吧。 He’s in the shower, call him at 8 again.


他出去了,需要转告吗? He has gone out, can I take a message?


如果有人给我打电话,就说我在开会。 If anyone calls, say I’m in a



您好,我现在不方便接电话,请留言。 Hello, it’s not convenient to take any calls right now, so please leave a message.

9. 下午我要开会,有事请给我的秘书打电话。 I’m in a meeting this after-

noon, so please contact my secretary.


Going Shopping


1 Buying Clothes 购买衣服


我想买一件T恤,可以去哪买? I need to buy a T-shirt, can I go and buy one?


明天周末,去逛街吧? It’s the weekend tomorrow, can we go shopping?

3. 明天有时间吗?我想去买衣服。 Are you free tomorrow? I’d like to go clothes shopping.

4. 上次你买的那件衣服很漂亮,我也想去买一件。 That clothes you bought

last time are beautiful, I also want one.

5. 我们去哪逛街? Where are we going shopp-ing?


那家店几点开门? What time does that shop open?


下班后我打算去逛街。 After work, I plan to go shop-



我想买一件衣服送给我的姐姐。 I want to buy an item of clo-

thes for my sister.

9. 我家附近新开了一个商场,一起去看看吧。 A new mall has been opened near my home, let’s take a look together.

10. 明天9点商场门口见。 I’ll meet you at the door of the mall at 9 o’clock.

11. 你经常去买衣服吗? Do you often go clothes sho-


12. 以前的衣服都瘦了,我要去买新衣服。 All my clothes are too small for me, I need to go and buy

new ones.

13 最近的商场在哪? Where is the nearest Mall?

14. 下个月我要结婚了,你知道哪有好看的婚纱吗? I’m getting married next

month, do you know where

has nice wedding dresses?

15. 现在那个商场在打折,想去看看吗? Right now that shop has a sale, would you like to have a look?

16. 给我介绍一些逛街的好地方吧。 Show me the good places to go shopping!

17. 好久没逛街了。 I haven’t gone shopping in ages.

18. Linda约我明天去逛街。 Linda organised to go shop-ping tomorrow.

19. 我该买衣服了。 I need to buy some clothes.


哪些是新款? Which is the new style?


有男士衬衣吗? Do you have men’s shirts?

3. 有粉色的吗? Do you have a pink one?

4. 给我拿一个黑色的看看。 Can I have a look at the bla-ck one?

5. 有没有袖子长一点儿的? Do you have one with longer sleeves?


我不喜欢这种风格的。 I don’t like this style.


今年最流行的是哪一款? What is fashionable this



这个牌子是哪个国家的? Where is this brand/label from?

9. 我想看看裙子。 I’d like to look at some skir-ts.

10. 这是什么面料? What is this fabric?

11. 摸起来不太舒服。 Doesn’t feel very


12. 这是棉的吗? Is this cotton?

13 这是真丝的吗? Is this real silk?

14. 这件有点脏了。 This is dirty.

15. 哦,这儿有个洞。 Ah, this has a hole.

16. 这是什么皮的? What kind of leather is this?

17. 这是羊皮的。 This is sheepskin.

18. 有平底鞋吗? Do you have flat shoes?

19. 摸起来不像真皮的。 Doesn’t feel like real lea-ther?

20. 我想看看那两双鞋。 Can I have a look at those two pairs of shoes?


我可以试一下吗? Can I try on?


试衣间在哪?我想试一试。 Where is the changing room?

I would like to try on.

3. 有M号吗,我试一下。 Do you have a Medium? I would like to try.

4. 我想试一个粉色的。 I would like to try a pink


5. 你可以试一试,我觉得这件衣服很适合你。 You can try on. I think that (item of clothing) really suits / fits you.


您可以到试衣间去试一试。 You can try on in the chang-

ing room/fitting room.


当然可以试,我给你拿一件L号的。 Of course you can try, I’ll

go and get a large for you

to try.


没有黑色的了,您试一件白色的,好吗? There are no black ones,

how about trying a white one?

9. 这件太小了,有大一点儿的吗? This is too small for me, do you have a little larger?

10. 这个袖子太长了。 These sleeves are too long.

11. 这个颜色不太好看,我再试一件红色的吧。 This colour doesn’t look

good, let me try the red


12. 先生,我觉得你适合穿白色的。 Sir, I think the white will

suit/fit you.

13 这件看起来有点儿瘦。 This looks a little tight.

14. 这件蓝色的比那件黄色的好看。 I think the blue looks better than the yellow.

15. 你不适合穿短裙。 Shorts do not suit you.

16. 这是今年的新款,您可以试一试。 This is today’s new style,

you can try on.

17. 这件上衣和你的裤子不太搭配。 Your jacket and your trous-

ers don’t quite match.

18. 你还是买这件吧。 You should still get this.

19. 我看,这件颜色太深了。 Look, this items colour is too dark.

20. 这件衣服现在打五折,很便宜,买一件吧! This is 50%/half off , very

cheap, buy one!

21. 这双鞋穿起来不舒服。 Those shoes look


22. 太大了,有小一号的吗? Too big, do you have a

smaller size?

23. 我穿不进去。 I can’t get/fit into it.

24. 你不觉得鞋跟太高了吗? Don’t you think these shoes are too high?

25. 你走一走,感觉怎么样? Walk a little, how do you



那件衬衣多少钱? How much is that shirt?


可以便宜点吗? Can I have a cheaper price?

3. 太贵了。 It’s too expensive.

4. 打折吗? Any discount?

5. 我要两件,多少钱? How much for 2?


这是去年的款了,打八折吧。 This is last years merchandise, there is 20% discount.


这个袖子有一点脏,能不能便宜一点儿? The sleeves are a little dirty, can I have a cheaper price?


现在有优惠吗? Is there a sale?

9. 对不起,我们现在不打折。 Sorry, we have no discounts.

10. 这是新款,不能便宜。 This is new merchandise, so we can’t reduce the price.

11. 我得和老板商量一下。 I should talk to the manager.

12. 一件衬衣和一条裤子,一共是502,您给500吧。 One shirt and one pair of trousers, in total is 502, you can give me 500.

13 我们的折扣已经很低了,不能再便宜了。 We’ve already discounted to a low price, can’t make any cheaper.

14. 如果不能便宜,我就不要了。 If it’s not made cheaper,

I don’t want it.

15. 这件我们不能打折,如果你要那件黑色的,我可以给你打折。 I can’t discount this, but I can discount the black one.


在哪付钱? Where can I pay?


多少钱? How much is it?

3. 我要发票。 I would like a receipt.

4. 可以刷卡吗? Can I pay by card?

5. 我没带现金。 I didn’t bring cash.


您要刷卡还是付现金? Do you want to pay by card, or cash?


收您200,找您20。 That’s 200, here is 20 change.


您有零钱吗? Do you have change?

9. 对不起,不能刷卡。 I’m sorry, you can’t pay by


10. 给您发票。 Here is your receipt.


如果发现质量问题,您可以来退货。 If you find a problem with the quality, you can exch-ange.


如果号码不合适,我可以来换吗? If it doesn’t fit, can I exch-ange it?

3. 如果不喜欢颜色,可以来换吗? If I don’t like the colour, can I exchange it?

4. 这个袖子有问题,我要换一个。 There is a problem with

these sleeves, I would like to exchange.

5. 退货的时候需要发票吗? Do I need a receipt when

returning goods?


对不起,您能换别的样式的吗? I’m sorry, you can change for another style?


不能退,只能给您换一件。 You can’t get a refund, but you can exchange.


我想换一个L号的。 I would like to exchange/

swap for a large size.

9. 你有收据吗? Do you have a receipt?

10. 这是特价商品,我们不退也不换。 These are bargain goods, you can’t refund or exchange.

11. 您没有发票我们不能退。 You don’t have a receipt,

so you can’t exchange.

12. 这款衣服已经卖完了,你只能换别的款式了。 We’ve sold out of this stock, you can exchange for another style.

13. 您已经买了2个月了,我们不能给你退了。 You bought this 2 months

ago, so I can’t give you a


14. 对不起,这不是我们的商品。 I’m sorry, these are not our goods.

15. 我想换一件蓝色的。 I’d like to change for a blue one.


附近有水果市场吗? Is there a fruit market near-



现在有新鲜的芒果,我们去买吧。 I’m going to buy some fresh Mangoes now.

3. 昨天买的桃好吃,再去买点。 Those peaches I bought yes-terday were delicious, I’m going to buy some more.

4. 太热了,我去买点西瓜吧。 It’s too hot, I’m off to buy

a watermelon.

5. 有苹果吗? Do you have apples?


我很想吃梨。 I really want to eat a pear.


你想吃苹果吗? Would you like an apple?

8. 我还想买点儿香蕉。 I still want to buy some


9. 冰箱里没有水果了,我去买点儿。 There is no fruit in the fridge, I’m going to buy some.

10. 这个季节的草莓很好吃。 In this season, Strawberries are delicious.


水果新鲜吗? Is the fruit fresh?


葡萄多少钱一斤? Grapes are how much for half a kilo?

3. 苹果怎么卖? How much are apples?