
第2章 Social Life社会生活(2)

George Washington was a leader long before he became our first president. In 1755, at the age of 23, Washington led the Virginian forces to victory in the French and Indian War. However, Washington and the other colonists soon grew tired of British rule. By 1775, Washington became the commander of the Continental Army. His army defeated the British in 1783. George Washington also helped write our new Constitution, making sure the states had a strong role in the government. By 1789, Washington was the most popular man in the United States. He was also tired after serving our country for many years. Still, he knew a new nation needed strong leadership. When George Washington agreed to run for president, everyone voted for him. Washington served two terms as president of the United States. He died two years after his retirement, at his farm in Virginia.

John Adams began his long career as a lawyer in the colony of Massachusetts. A fiery speaker, Adams strongly opposed the unfair taxes that Britain forced on the colonists. He also tried to convince Britain to give the colonies more freedom. He did not succeed. Instead, Adams asked George Washington to organize the Continental Army to fight the British. In 1776, Adams helped write the Declaration of Independence. In 1783, he helped write the Treaty of Paris. This treaty ended the Revolutionary War and created the United States. When Washington became president of the United States in 1789, Adams became the first vice president. However, Adams was not pleased with the office or the appointment. He called the vice presidency “the most insignificant office” ever created. He was elected president in 1797. During his service to his country, John Adams’s wife Abigail gave birth to a son. John Quincy. Abigail was not only a president’s wife but became the mother of a future president.

Thomas Jefferson led the colonies’ fight for freedom, but he was not a soldier. Jefferson was the main author of the two documents that helped form our nation—the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. Jefferson strongly believed that the states should have a strong role in the new government of the United States. The main political party at that time, the Federalists, disagreed. So Jefferson formed a new political party, the Democratic-Republicans. Before becoming president, Jefferson was the U.S. ambassador to France. As president, he bought the Louisiana Territory for S15 million, doubling the size of the United States. He then sent the explorers, Lewis and Clark, to explore this large unknown area. Jefferson was a politician, an educator, an architect, an inventor, a pioneer in scientific farming, a musician and a writer. Before and after becoming president, Jefferson contributed to the new nation in lasting ways.

Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the greatest president of the United States. As a young man, Lincoln worked in many different jobs, including cutting wood and serving in the military. Even before he became president, Lincoln knew that the country must stay united to become a powerful nation. However, Lincoln’s ideas were not shared and he was not a popular candidate. The South viewed Lincoln as an enemy who did not care about their issues. Despite these problems, Lincoln was elected president. Shortly after his inauguration in 1861, the Civil War began. Lincoln guided the country through the Civil War. His Gettysburg Address inspired the weary North to continue fighting for freedom. He also declared freedom for the slaves in the Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln lived to see the end of the Civil War with General Robert E. Lee’s surrender in 1865. However, Lincoln was assassinated 5 days later at a performance of Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C.

Vocabulary 词汇

retirement [ri"tai?m?nt] n. 退休、退职、退役

convince [k?n"vins] vt. 使相信、使明白

insignificant ["?nsiɡ"nifik?nt] adj. 无价值的、无意义的、无用的

ambassador [?m"b?s?d?] n. 大使、使节

architect ["ɑ:kitekt] n. 建筑师、设计师

military ["milit?ri] adj. 军事的、军用的、军人的;

n. 军人、武装力量

candidate ["k?ndidit] n. 申请求职者、候选人、报考者

inauguration [i"n?:ɡju"rei??n] n. 就职典礼、开幕式

surrender [s?"rend?] vt. & vi. 投降;

vt. 放弃、抛弃;

n. 投降、放弃

assassinate [?"s?sineit] vt. 暗杀、行刺


Answer each of the following questions.

1.Adams was George Washington’s       president.

2.Adams helped write the Treaty of       which ended the Revolutionary War.

3.Adams’s wife was named      .

4.They had a       who was also elected president.

5.Jefferson was the ambassador to      .

6.Jefferson sent       and       to explore the unknown territory.

7.Jefferson helped write the Bill of      .

8.      is the famous statement of Lincoln’s.

9.      surrendered and ended the Civil War?








1.亚当斯是乔治·华盛顿的     总统。

2.亚当斯是     条约的起草人之一,这部条约结束了美国的革命战争。

3.亚当斯的妻子名叫     。

4.他们有一个当总统的     。

5.杰斐逊是驻     的大使。

6.杰斐逊派     和     去开发新领土。

7.杰斐逊是     法案起草人之一。

8.林肯最有名的观点是     。

9.     的投降结束了南北战争。

1.vice 2.Paris 3.Abigail 4.son 5.France

6.Lewis,Clark  7.Rights