
第3章 Social Life社会生活(3)

8.“the country must stay united to become a powerful nation.”

9.Robert E.Lee

04 Pollution 我们身边的环境污染

Today was Saturday. Lynn and Ron had looked forward to today. Mother will take them going somewhere to look out over the city. Mother and the children crossed the busy street. As they started to enter the bank, mother looked up. “See the elevator. It is going up on the outside of the bank, that is a glass elevator,” said mother. “We will go up over twenty floors.”

“Look this way,” said Mother. “If the air is clear, you might be able to see the electric plant near our house.”

The elevator began to move off the ground.

“Look,” said Ron. “What is all that dirty smoke in the air?”

“That’s smog,” said Mother. “Sometimes we call it pollution. It is called smog because it is smoke and fog together.”

“Where does the smog come from?” asked Ron. “I don’t see anything burning.”

“Smog in the air comes from many things,” said Mother. “See all those cars and trucks? All of them burn fuel that puts gases in the air. Sometimes there is no wind to blow the gases away. If there is a layer of warm air over cool air, it makes smog. It is not good to breathe air with smog. Sometimes it makes people sick.”

“I have heard the word pollution,” said Lynn. “But I thought it was trash.”

“Pollution can be caused by many things,” said mother. “On the way home we can talk about kinds of pollution.”

The family kept talking about pollution as they went home. They talked about how a clean environment would help living things stay healthy. Then they started talking about ways they could help to keep the environment clean.

“You are right, Lynn. Trash is pollution. Think about all the garbage our family throws away. Each city throes away some trash that could be used again,” said mother.

“Our church is collecting newspapers and old cans,” said Ron. “They take it someplace where they make it into new cans and paper.”

“Making old things into new things is called recycling,” said mother. “Many old things can be used again.”

As the family got near their home, they heard a loud noise.

“I hear something,” said Ron.

“I think it is a fire engine,” said Lynn.

“I’ll turn down the radio. I can’t hear,” said mother.

“I see a flashing light,” said Ron.

As the fire engine passed, Mother said, “We have noise pollution, too. Remember yesterday when Dad was using the saw, the dog was barking, and you had on the radio? All of those things together made a lot of noise. When people work in noisy places for a few years, it hurts their hearing.”

One man made some animals listen to loud music. One ear of each animal was covered. The other ear was not. Then he tested the hearing in both ears. He found the animals had lost some hearing in the ear that was not covered. Some young people who play loud music have the hearing of old people.

Loud noises do other things. Sometimes people who work in noisy places have poor hearing and more accidents.

A law was passed that says people should get rid of noise wherever they can. Some machines don’t have to be so noisy. Sometimes people think that a noisy machine has more power. That statement is not true.

Mother explained again how important it is to use earth in a wise and careful way. When we pollute, we are just being selfish. We may be making others sick and causing them extra work. As children of God we should think of God and others.

Vocabulary 词汇

elevator ["eliveit?] n. 电梯、升降机

electric [i"lektrik] adj. 电动的、电的、使人震惊的

smog [sm?ɡ] n. 烟雾

fog [f?ɡ] n. 雾;

vt. 雾气笼罩、使迷惑;

vt. & vi. 模糊不清

fuel [fju?l] n. 燃料、燃烧剂;

vt. 给……加燃料、激起;

vi. 补充燃料

gas [ɡ?s] n. 气体、煤气、汽油、毒气、空谈、有趣的事;

vt. 使……吸入毒气;

vi. 吹牛

layer ["lei?] n. 层、层次

trash [tr??] n. 拙劣的材料(作品)、垃圾、废物、没出息的人;

vt. 捣坏、弄脏

garbage ["ɡɑ:bid?] n. 〈美〉垃圾、废物;〈口〉废话

recycling [ri: "saikli?] n. 再循环

flashing ["fl??i?] n. 闪光、防水板、遮雨板

get rid of 除掉、去掉

selfish ["selfi?] adj. 自私的、利己的


1.When water, air, or ground is not clean, we call it      .

2.Lynn and Ron were looking at the city from a glass      .

3.The dirty air Ron saw was called      .

4.Smog is smoke and      .

5.When people work in very noisy places for a few years, it hurts their      .

6.Some young people who like loud music have the       of old people.

7.A law was passed that say you should get rid of as much       as possible.

8.Some people think a noisy machine has more      .


























1.当水、空气或者地面不干净时,我们叫它     。

2.琳和罗恩从一个玻璃     中观察这个城市。

3.罗恩看到的脏空气叫做     。

4.烟雾是烟和     。

5.当人们在非常嘈杂的环境中工作几年之后,会伤害他们的     。

6.一些喜欢听大声音乐的年轻人有着老年人的     。

7.我们已经通过了一项让人们摆脱尽可能多     的法律。

8.一些人认为噪声大的机器     更强。

1.pollution 污染     2.elevator 电梯

3.smog 烟雾      4.fog 雾

5.hearing 听力     6.hearing 听力

7.noise 噪音      8.power 功率

05 Communication in Modern Times 近代通讯方式

Men have thought of new ways to communicate with each other at all times. They have learned to talk over long distances. Writing is no longer done only by hand. Pictures and sounds can be sent over air waves and even to and from space.
