
第13章 You’ve got a call! (1)

> Conversation

接 电 话

Unit 16 电影《手机》想必大家都看过吧。主人公看着嗡嗡作响的电话,想着to be or not to be,接还是不接呢,可谓万般纠结。日常生活中,接电话可没有那么复杂,学会下面的句型,再复杂的情况也能从容应对!

1Hello, this is Richard speaking. 喂,我是理查德。

A: Hello, this is Richard speaking. B: Hello, Richard. This is Lucy. A: Oh. How are you?甲:喂,我是理查德。乙:你好,理查德。我是露西。甲:哦。你怎么样?

■ Plus Plus:接起电话可以直接说: Hello, Richard speaking.在电话英语中表示“我是……”时不能用 I ’am...,一定要用This is...。 2 Can I ask who’s calling? 我能问一下您是哪位吗?

A: Is Tom there? B: Can I ask who’s calling?甲:汤姆在吗?乙:我能问一下您是哪位吗?

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Can I have your name, please? Can I say who’s calling? Who’s calling, please? May I ask who’s calling? 3This is he. Who is it? 我就是,您是哪位?

A: This is he. Who is it? B: John Smith. A: Oh, hi John. I am waiting for your call.


■ Plus Plus:当表达“我就是 ”的时候,通常用 This is he/she.来表示,也可以用Speaking。 4Who are you trying to call? 你找谁?

A: Who are you trying to call? B: I’m trying to reach Jack.甲:你找谁?乙:我想跟杰克通话。

>>>You’ve got a call!Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Who do you want to talk to? Who do you want/wish to speak with? Who are you looking for? Who are you trying to reach? 5 Hold on. He’s coming. 稍等,他就来。

A: Jim please. B: Hold on. He’s coming. A: Thank you.甲:我找吉姆。乙:稍等,他就来。甲:谢谢。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Hold the line, please. Don’t hang up, please. Just a minute, please. 6One moment, please. 请稍等。

A: Hi, is Mrs. Robinson in? B: One moment, please.甲:你好,罗宾逊太太在吗?乙:请稍等。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Just a second, please. Hold the line. Would you like to hold? Just a moment. 7He’ll be here in a minute. 他马上就来。 A: Is David coming? B: Yeah, he’ll be here in a minute.甲:大卫过来了吗?乙:是的,他马上就来。 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: It will be just a minute. Give him just a minute. He will be just a minute. 8I’ll get him for you. 我去叫他。 A: Is Andy in? B: I’ll get him for you.甲:安迪在吗?乙:他在,我去叫他。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’ll get him. I’ll put him on. I’ll find him for you. 9He is not here. 他不在。 A: May I speak with Lucas. B: He is not here. A: Oh, I will call back later.甲:我能和卢卡斯通话吗?乙:他不在。甲:哦,那我一会儿再打。■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Just a second, please. Hold the line. Would you like to hold? Just a moment. 7He’ll be here in a minute. 他马上就来。

A: Is David coming? B: Yeah, he’ll be here in a minute.甲:大卫过来了吗?乙:是的,他马上就来。 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: It will be just a minute. Give him just a minute. He will be just a minute. 8I’ll get him for you. 我去叫他。 A: Is Andy in? B: I’ll get him for you.甲:安迪在吗?乙:他在,我去叫他。 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’ll get him. I’ll put him on. I’ll find him for you. 9He is not here. 他不在。 A: May I speak with Lucas. B: He is not here. A: Oh, I will call back later.甲:我能和卢卡斯通话吗?乙:他不在。甲:哦,那我一会儿再打。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He’s out now. I’m sorry, he’s not in right now. ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He’s out now. I’m sorry, he’s not in right now. 10May I have your name, please? 请问您是哪位?

A: I’m calling for Sam. B: May I have your name, please? A: This is Lulu, his classmate.甲:我找山姆。乙:请问您是哪位?甲:我叫露露,是他同学。

Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Hello, who’s speaking, please? May I ask who’s calling? May I ask who’s on the line? May I ask who am I speaking to? 11 I’ll check and see if he’s here. 我看他在不在。

A: Mr. Jones, please. B: I’ll check and see if he’s here.甲:请帮我找一下琼斯先生。乙:我看他在不在。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’ll see if he’s in. I’ll see if he’s here at the moment. 12Tom, there is a call for you. 汤姆,有你的电话。

A: Tom, there is a call for you. B: I am coming. A: Hurry up.甲:汤姆,有你的电话。乙:我就来。甲:快点。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Ben is calling, Tom. Tom, you are wanted on the phone. hang up挂电话hold on不要挂put sb. on接通某人■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Ben is calling, Tom. Tom, you are wanted on the phone. hang up挂电话hold on不要挂put sb. on接通某人

> Conversation

打 电 话 Unit 17>>>You’ve got a call!Chapter 4打电话时,说话也是很有讲究的。千万不要上来就问对方 Who is this? 自报家门之后说明你找谁就可以啦!如果很晚了还有急事需要打电话,那么一定要对自己的打扰向对方表示歉意。

1Is this David? 请问是大卫吗?

A: Hello? B: Hi, is this David?甲:喂?乙:嘿,请问是大卫吗?

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: David? Is this David speaking? 2Hi, Amy? This is Steven. 喂,是艾米吗?我是史蒂文。

A: Hello? B: Hi, Amy? This is Steven.甲:喂?乙:喂,是艾米吗?我是史蒂文。

3 Hello, is this Tom’s home? 喂,是汤姆家吗?

A: Hello, is this Tom’s home? B: No it’s not. You must have the wrong number.甲:喂,是汤姆家吗?乙:不,不是。你一定是拨错号码了。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Does Tom live here? Is this where Tom lives? Is this Tom’s house?

4Is Dr. Johnson in, please? 请问约翰逊博士在吗?

A: Is Dr. Johnson in, please? B: He is out with his son. A: OK. I will call back later.甲:请问约翰逊博士在吗?乙:他和他儿子出去了。甲:好,那我一会儿再打。

■ Plus Plus:in在这里表示“在家,在屋里”。例如:Is (there) anybody in? 有人在家里吗 ? My husband won’t be in until six o’clock. 我丈夫要到六点钟才在家。 5Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green? 喂,可以找格林先生听电话吗?

A: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green? B: He is not in. A: Can I leave a message?甲:喂,可以找格林先生听电话吗?乙:他不在家。甲:我可以留言吗?

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: May I have Mr. Green, please? May I talk to Mr. Green, please? I’d like to speak to Mr. Green. 6 Is this Mary’s mobile phone? 这是玛丽的手机吗?

A: Is this Mary’s mobile phone?B: Yep, this is she.甲:这是玛丽的手机吗?乙:是的,我就是。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Is this Mary’s cell phone? Is this number to Mary’s cell phone? Is this Mary’s cell phone number?

I’ll call again later. 我待会儿再打来。 A: Can I speak with Tina? B: She is out with her friend. A: I’ll call again later.甲:我能和蒂娜通话吗?乙:她和朋友出去了。甲:我待会儿再打来。

When will he be back? 他什么时候能回来?