
第14章 You’ve got a call! (2)

A: Mr. Allen is on vacation? When will he be back? B: He’ll be back next Monday.甲:艾伦先生在度假?他什么时候回来?乙:他下周一回来。

Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: When is he coming back? What time do you think he’ll be back? Do you know when he’ll be back? 9Am I interrupting anything? 我打扰你了吗?

A: Am I interrupting anything? B: Oh no, we’re just finishing up with dinner.甲:我打扰你了吗?乙:噢,没有,我们刚刚吃完晚饭。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m not interrupting, am I? I hope I’m not interrupting. 10 I hope I didn’t wake you up. 但愿没吵醒您。

A: Hi, Monica, what’s up? B: I hope I didn’t wake you up. A: No, not at all.甲:嘿,莫妮卡,什么事?乙:但愿没吵醒您。甲:不,一点也没有。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I didn’t wake you up, did I? I hope I’m not waking you up. 11I hope I’m not disturbing you. 我希望我没有打扰你。 A: I hope I’m not disturbing you. B: No actually, I wasn’t doing anything.甲:我希望我没有打扰你。乙:实际上没有,我也没在做什么。 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I don’t want to disturb you. I don’t want to cause a disturbance. 12I’m sorry for calling you this late. 真对不起,这么晚了还给你打电话。

A: Hello? B: James? I’m sorry for calling you this late. A: It’s no problem. I was up anyway. 甲:喂?乙:是詹姆斯吗?真对不起,这么晚了还给你打电话。甲:没关系。我还没睡呢。 ■ Plus Plus:若在早晨打扰别人的话,就把 late换成early。

与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m sorry for calling you this late. I apologize for calling so late. I apologize for calling at this hour. 13Do you know his new number? 您知道他的新号码吗? A: Do you know his new number? B: Yeah, it’s 5552 6787.甲:您知道他的新号码吗?乙:是的,是5552 6787。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I didn’t wake you up, did I? I hope I’m not waking you up. 11I hope I’m not disturbing you. 我希望我没有打扰你。 A: I hope I’m not disturbing you. B: No actually, I wasn’t doing anything.甲:我希望我没有打扰你。乙:实际上没有,我也没在做什么。 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I don’t want to disturb you. I don’t want to cause a disturbance. 12I’m sorry for calling you this late. 真对不起,这么晚了还给你打电话。

A: Hello? B: James? I’m sorry for calling you this late. A: It’s no problem. I was up anyway. 甲:喂?乙:是詹姆斯吗?真对不起,这么晚了还给你打电话。甲:没关系。我还没睡呢。 ■ Plus Plus:若在早晨打扰别人的话,就把 late换成early。与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m sorry for calling you this late. I apologize for calling so late. I apologize for calling at this hour. 13Do you know his new number? 您知道他的新号码吗? A: Do you know his new number? B: Yeah, it’s 5552 6787.甲:您知道他的新号码吗?乙:是的,是5552 6787。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Do you have his new number? I don’t have his new number, do you? He has a new number, do you know it? ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Do you have his new number? I don’t have his new number, do you? He has a new number, do you know it? 14It is urgent and I need to talk to Mr. Barr now. 我有急事要找巴尔先生。

A: It is urgent and I need to talk to Mr. Barr now. B: Hold on. A: Thank you very much.甲:我有急事要找巴尔先生。乙:等一会儿。甲:多谢。

Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I need to get in contact with Mr. Barr right away. I need to talk to Mr. Barr immediately. 15I tried to call you, but the line was busy. 我试着给你打电话,但老占线。

A: I tried to call you, but the line was busy. B: I know. My mother kept talking. A: It’s alright.甲:我试着给你打电话,但老占线。乙:我知道。我妈一直讲电话。甲:没关系。

mobile phone手机 apologize [4'p3l4d9aiz] v. 抱歉 interrupt [`int4'r8pt ] v. 打扰 urgent ['4:d94nt] adj. 紧急 wake up醒来 immediately [i'mi:di4tli] adv. 马上disturbing [di'st4:bi6] adj. 烦扰的

> Conversation

电 话 留 言

Unit 18 打电话时碰巧要找的人不在,这种情况时有发生吧!学会电话留言,就不必为需要一遍遍打电话而发愁啦!留言的方式分为两种,人工留言和电话答录机留言。一起来看一看吧!

1Would you like to leave a message? 你要留言吗?

A: Hi, is Gabe there? B: No, he’s not. Would you like to leave a message? A: Sure, just tell him that Dennis called.甲:你好,加布在吗?乙:不,他不在。你要留言吗?甲:是的,只要告诉他丹尼斯打过电话就行了。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: May I take a message for him? Is there any message? Would you like me to give him a message? 2Could you please repeat that? 你能再重复一下吗?

A: His number is 4357892. B: Could you please repeat that?甲:他的电话号码是4357892。乙:你能再重复一下吗?

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Can you say that again? Will you repeat that? What was that? 3How can he get a hold of you? 他怎么跟您联系呢 ?

A: How can he get a hold of you? B: He can call 123 to connect with me.

A: I will tell him about it.甲:他怎么跟您联系呢 ?乙:他打 123就可以找到我。甲:我会告诉他的。

■ Plus Plus:get hold of表示“拥有,找到”。例如:Where can I get hold of a copy? 哪里可以找到复印件?I tried to get hold of you but the line was busy. 我想和你通电话,但总占线。与这句意思相近的句子还有: How can he get in touch/ contact with you?

4Please tell him to call me back. 请转告他给我回电话。

A: Please tell him to call me back. B: OK. I will send him the message. A: Thank you.甲:请转告他给我回电话。乙:好,我会转告他的。甲:谢谢。

■ Plus Plus:call sb. back表示“给某人回电”。与这句意思相近的句子还有: Would you tell him that Mike called? Please tell him to call me. Please have him call me back. 5Would you like to leave your name? 你要留下你的名字吗?

A: Would you like to leave your name? B: Sure. Mary. A: Could you spell it?甲:你要留下你的名字吗?乙:好的,我叫玛丽。甲:可以拼一下吗?

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Would you like to leave your number? Does he have your telephone number?

6Would you mind spelling that for me? 你能为我拼一下吗?

A: My last name is Wagner. B: Would you mind spelling that for me? A: W-a-g-n-e-r.甲:我姓瓦格纳。乙:您能为我拼一下吗?甲:W-a-g-n-e-r。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Will you spell that for me? How do you spell that? Could you spell that for me? 7Can you speak more slowly please? 你能说得慢一点吗?

A: I live at 57 North Evergreen Street in a blue house with white trim. B: Can you speak more slowly please?甲:我住在常绿北街 57号那栋带白装饰边的蓝色房子里。乙:你能说得慢一点吗?