
第15章 You’ve got a call! (3)

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Will you speak a little slower? Could you slow down a little? Can you not speak quite so fast? 8Did you say No.5 on Chang An Street? 你是说长安街5号吗?

A: Did you say No. 5 on Chang An Street? B: Yes, that’s right.甲:你是说长安街 5号吗?乙:是的,没错。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Was that No. 5 on Chang An Street? So that’s No. 5 on Chang An Street?

9What was your name again, please? 请再说一次您的姓名,好吗?

A: What was your name again, please?

B: I’m Tabitha.甲:请再说一次您的姓名,好吗?乙:我叫塔比瑟。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Can you say your name again? Can I have your name again, please? Will you tell me your name again? What did you say your name was? 10 I’ll give him the message. 我会转告他的。

A: Can you have him call Joe when he gets in? B: Yep, I’ll give him the message.甲:等他回来你能让他给乔打电话吗?乙:好的,我会转告他的。

Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’ll give the message to him.

I’ll let him know you called. 我会让他知道你打过电话给他的。

A: This is Quincy, is Asher there? B: No, but I’ll let him know you called.甲:我是昆西,亚瑟在吗?乙:不在,但我会让他知道你打过电话给他的。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’ll tell him that you called.

I’ll make sure she gets the message. 我会保证她收到口信的。

A: Brie isn’t there? Can you tell her Leo called? B: I’ll make sure she gets the message.甲:布里不在吗?你能告诉她利奥给她打过电话吗?乙:我会保证她收到口信的。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’ll see that she gets the message.

This is Gary Mills calling. Please call me as soon as possible. 我是加里·米尔斯,请尽快跟我联络。

A: This is a recording. B: This is Gary Mills calling. Please call me as soon as possible.甲:这是电话录音。乙:我是加里·米尔斯,请尽快跟我联络。

get hold of抓住 spell [spel] v. 拼写 call sb. back回电话 record [ri'k3:d] v. 录音

> Conversation

打 错 电 话 Unit 19打错电话是常有的事。如果是拨了空号,电话那边会传来 Sorry, the number you dialed does not exist. Please check the number and dial again. 但如果是被人接听到了,带来的尴尬不大不小,就看你会不会用机智的语言和幽默的态度来化解了。

1We have no Mike here. 我们这里没有迈克。

A: Mike please. B: We have no Mike here. A: Is it 6101?甲:我找迈克。乙:我们这里没有迈克。甲:这是 6101吗?

Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: There is no Mike. There’s no one/ nobody here by that name. 2What number are you calling? 您拨的电话号码是多少 ?

A: What number are you calling? B: 12346101. A: It is 21346101 speaking.甲:您拨的电话号码是多少 ?乙:12346101。甲:这里是21346101。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: What number are you trying to reach?

I’m afraid you have the wrong number. 您好像打错电话了。

A: I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

B: Is it 52357633? A: No. It is 52357634. 甲:您好像打错电话了。乙:这里是 52357633吗?甲:不,这是52357634。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Sorry, wrong number. Sorry, you’ve got a wrong number. 4I must have dialed a wrong number. 我一定是打错了。

A: Can I speak with Peter? B: There is no Peter. A: I must have dialed a wrong number.甲:我能和彼特通话吗?乙:这里没人叫彼特。甲:我一定是打错了。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I'm sorry. I must have misdialed. 5I beg you pardon? Miss who? 对不起,你说谁?

A: Miss Zhao, please. B: I beg you pardon? Miss who? A: Miss Zhao.甲:我找赵小姐。乙:对不起,你说谁?甲:赵小姐。

■ Plus Plus:I beg you pardon?是请求别人重复的固定句型。可以用语很多场合,如没听清或者没明白对方的意思。 6Are you sure you have the right name? 你肯定没弄错姓名吗?

A: Are you sure you have the right name? B: I’m not so sure. It sounds like John Smith. A: We just have Tom Smith.甲:你肯定没弄错姓名吗?


Plus Plus:Are you sure about sth.表示“对某事确定”。 = Are you sure that... I suggest you check the phone book. 我建议您查一下电话簿。

A: Mark, please. B: There is no one by that name. I suggest you check the phone book. A: Thank you.甲:我找马克。乙:这里没有叫这个名字的人。我建议您查一下电话簿。甲:谢谢。

■ Plus Plus:check意为“检查”,也可作check over。例如: The teacher checked the students’ papers over. 老师仔细查看了学生们的试卷。 Sorry to have bothered you. 对不起打搅了。

A: May I speak to Mary? B: I think you misdailed. A: Sorry to have bothered you.甲:我想找玛丽接电话。乙:我想你打错电话了。甲:对不起打搅了。

■ Plus Plus:bother表示“打扰,烦扰”。例如:Will it bother you if I turn the television on? 我开电视会不会吵着你 ?I'm busy, don't bother me. 我正忙着,不要打扰我。 dial ['dai4l] v. 拨打 afraid [4'freid] v. 害怕 bother ['b304(r)] v. 打搅 wrong [r36] n. 错的 beg [beg] v. 请求 suggest [s4'd9est] v. 建议 pardon ['p2:d4n] n. 原谅 check [t5ek] v. 检查

> Conversation

电 话 故 障

Unit 20 在你电话粥煲得正起兴时,在你谈论重要问题时,电话故障、信号不佳最讨厌了,面对这样的境况,除了发囧,还能怎么办呢?当然是让电话那头的他(她)知道你的状况啦!

1We have a bad connection. 电话线好像有毛病。

A: I can’t hear you. B: We have a bad connection. A: Can you hear me?甲:我听不到你。乙:电话线好像有毛病。甲:你能听到我说话吗?

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: This is a really bad line. This connection isn’t clear. The connection is bad. 2Sorry, we got disconnected just now. 抱歉,刚才线路断了。

A: Walter? What happened? B: Sorry, we got disconnected just now.甲:沃尔特?怎么回事儿?乙:抱歉,刚才线路断了。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Sorry, the phone was disconnected. Sorry, we were just disconnected. 3There is an echo on the line. 电话有回音。

A: There is an echo on the line. B: I know. It’s really annoying. Why don’t you try calling back?甲:电话有回音。


■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: There’s an echo. I hear an echo.

There’s a lot of noise in the background. 有很多杂音。

A: Can you hear me clearly? B: No, there’s a lot of noise in the background.甲:你能听清我说话吗?乙:听不清,有很多杂音。

Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: There is a high-pitched noise on the line. There is a lot of background noise here. I hear a lot of static. There’s a crackly noise in the background.

I can’t hear you very well. 我听不太清楚。

A: So do you want to go to the movies? B: I can’t hear you very well. A: Hello?甲:那么你想去看电影吗?乙:我听不太清楚。甲:喂?